Eagle and Tails - 3. 1 Issue (Beijing)

"Heads and Tails" - Travel a favorite show for travelers of all ages people.
One city and two presenters. But someone at all the fun - one hundred dollars, and someone - a gold credit card. All coin decides. Heads or tails - and you're a millionaire or a pauper. You live in luxury apartments and spend the night in a normal hostel. I dined in a luxury restaurant or capture a modest fast food.
But gold card - does not mean an unforgettable vacation. Sometimes a hundred dollars enough to travel there in the memory forever.
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For those who are scratching their heads over the question, what would this bring back from a trip we made the program Heads and Tails. Shopping.
For those who want an exotic journey to the most unusual corners of our world - heads and tails. At World's End.
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Eagle and Tails
Eagle and Tails "Shopping»

Beijing - the capital of China. The town is located near the top of the famous Northern Great Plain, which occupies the south-eastern part. Mountain systems appear in the northwest of Beijing, they protect the main agricultural breadbasket of the city from the attack of the Mongolian steppes and deserts.
Sights and attractions PekinaS three sides, the capital of China is surrounded by Hebei Province, as well as in the south-east by the Tianjin. It is worth noting that Beijing is one of the largest aircraft, vehicle and railway junctions throughout the country and is a major cultural and educational center of China.
The main sights and attractions are concentrated in Beijing, China: this is the incredible temples, ornate parks, ultramodern skyscrapers and unusual. Most of the attractions are located in the Beijing metropolitan area. For example, located near the capital Shisanlin (Valley of tombs), the Great Wall and the Imperial Palace terrific imagination. Sightseeing in Beijing on the photo look simply stunning, that is why, to make a beautiful picture, it is necessary to defend the huge queue.
Sights and attractions PekinaOsobenno it concerns the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, the Museum of Applied Arts, and other notable places.
Let's take a detailed look at the main attractions of this wonderful historic city. Tiananmen Square - is one of the first places to visit in Beijing, it is there are many sites that are related to the culture and history of the Chinese people. All the buildings on the square surprise their monumentality and grandeur grandiosity.

Forbidden City "Forbidden City" - is considered the most popular and largest palace complex in the world. It was the seat for twenty-four powerful emperors and rulers of two powerful dynasties - Ming and Qing.

Sights and attractions PekinaV ancient Chinese empire piously believed that the emperor was a messenger of the heavens. That is why, between him and the sky was a special bond. To prayers were answered, it was built "Temple of Heaven", the most perfect architectural creation of all Chinese temples. It is located in the south-west of Beijing. In this temple to pray even emperors of the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. The northern part of the wall of the temple - a round shape, and the southern - the square that kind allegorically represents the square and round earth Heaven.
Not far from the Beijing railway station, in the old guard tower is the ancient observatory. She straightened among the oldest observatories in the world. In it you can see the ancient star charts, the equipment of the Chinese sailors, as well as a variety of astronomical instruments.

Eagle and Tails - 3. Issue 2 (Hong Kong)
Valentine Dushutina: "I want Kiev associated with order and decency"