Travel to Italy
I want to offer users Yapa small photo of Italy, where I visited. Photos will be many.
Getting to Italy began with the resort town of Rimini. The city has a beautiful 32 km coastline with a lot of great, the best in Italy (according to Europeans) of sandy beaches.
Hotels in Rimminen about 2,000, mostly small, 2-3 star, unpretentious rooms are compensated price and the proximity to the sea. 4 * about twenty, and only 1 5 * - Grand Hotel.
Since we do not rest on the sea was planned go towards Rome, especially as we know all roads lead there.
Toll roads in Italy, about 5 euros per 100 kilometers, but there are free, with a speed limit of 60 km / h instead of 110 on the freeway, and very winding, exciting city all the way. Motorways are quite good, from three lanes in one direction, including the extreme right to the security services, which mere mortals to call in any case can not be (although it is standing in a traffic jam on her famously swept UAZ Hunter with 73 rooms in the region), all the information the situation on the road is displayed on the digital display.
In Italy, the most run-down village in our understanding, has the status of the city.
Stop on the road is impossible, only in case of emergency, in designated areas, for the rest of the cases there avtogril usually complex includes ASDs, coffee shop and free toilet. (Sorry no photos avtogrilya)
The Italians successfully use the sun's energy, all road signs and traffic lights autonomous, have a small solar battery.
Spoleto - one of the oldest cities in central Italy.
The ruins of an amphitheater (II c. BC. E.)
Church of Santa Ansan (XVIII century)
Poor they do not have snow in the winter, according to this street, but on a sled ...
Inspection of Rome began with the Coliseum, the arena for 50 000 seats. Only during the reign of Trajan in the arena, killing about 40,000 gladiators, on account of other victims apparently were not kept.
Numerous holes - traces of bars, which are mounted on marble, the Colosseum destroyed the Romans themselves in the construction of many churches in the city did not have enough building material.
Why Rome Egyptian mummy is not clear
Roman Forum - in our market
Pine - "pins" a symbol of Italy, in honor of them and named the peninsula.
Guest workers earn their bread.
Monument to the famous she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus.
Place du Capitole and Marcus Aurelius on horseback.
It's hot, about 35, the course is even the water from the fountain, well, or 0, 5 spring water for 2 euros on request.
Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of a unified Italy
Italian wedding. In general, Italians marry after forty, they have officially legalized living with their parents up to 35 years, ie, want to work, want to walk, until the young.
The townspeople in the narrow streets a little, some tourists scurry can siesta? By the way they have lunch from 13-00 to 16-00, dinner for a long time and thoroughly.
Forum Largo Argentina, or "Cat House". It is home to at public expense myriad cats and dogs, and every day they bring food, and once a week here with a tour of duty comes to the vet. (The shot or got none, perhaps a siesta)
Shop for tourists first time regretted stroll English class, but still the fifth grade level of knowledge enough to communicate.
The Italian airs legs
Pantheon - a temple in the name of all the gods, erected by Hadrian.
Busker, they are very much on the tourist trail sveh when dined on the veranda of the restaurant came two musicians played a song of the past with a hat - to collect revenue and to the next terrace.
On the Piazza Navona traders Gucci, or the Prado is not clear, known for Russian -kupikupi and inexpensive. Counterfeit purchases can take away at customs and fine in addition.
In general, you need to see Rome stay here at least a week, one day at all. Then moved to Naples, guide many scratching about the friendliness of the Neapolitans, the most delicious pizza and bread, but there were so few that did not see anything.
Italian Khrushchev.
It is home to the Romanian Roma, the main supply vessels in drugs, by the way Italy can be worn for one's own consumption kosyachek and gram Geres.
Ficus, our room to him away. winter temperatures around 10 all the snow that year was the first time in several. decades, and then dropped a couple of hours. If the temperature drops to 0, canceled all classes in schools, and we can safely score a job.
Pompeii. The excavation of Pompeii began in 1748, and buried it in 62 BC
Each house amulet against the evil eye.
The most valuable thing in Pompeii is water, heat and hot stones are felt.
One of the central streets of the city. During the eruption of the volcano killed about 2,000 people, most of the population was saved.
Many tourists travel with children (even infants across), which absolutely do not care for these ruins
One of the rooms of the brothel - "Lupanar." Pompeii famous baths - "terms" and prostitutes.
Not all the pieces of the puzzle put together in
This is the Naples - the birthplace of pizza. The most popular and demand is the famous pizza "Margarita", created for the first time in Naples in 1889 and received its name in honor of the queen, the wife of Italian King Umberto I.
And it was so. The royal couple, while in the summer residence of Naples, wanted to try this local dish. To the court he was called pizza maker Raffaele Esposito and his wife. They prepared three kinds of pizza, one of which contained tomatoes, basil and motstsarellu - the colors of the Italian flag. It is this version like a queen. Then the pizza maker named favorite pizza queen by her name - Margarita. This pizza can serve as a base for all kinds of future options when superimposed on top, all that God has sent. (This is one of the versions).
The same Vesuvius.
City view
The fortress of Castel dell'Ovo (Castle of the Egg), it began with the city's history. The name of the castle derives from the magical eggs, hidden away under lock Virgil. According to medieval legend, the Latin poet Virgil, who in ancient times was regarded as a great magician, in one of the rooms of the castle hung a jug with egg. It was believed that when the pitcher falls and breaks, the castle and the entire city into ruins.
On the waterfront is very lively
No beach, but they do not swim.
The garbage crisis successfully ended in September 2010, the entire city was littered waste throughout accused the mafia.
Very nice town, with one side of the mountain, on the other the sea and the volcano still smokes.
Sorry notorious Neapolitan pizza usepi not partake.
In the first place the food - the spiritual
Autumn a lot of flowers and trees grow in the tubs.
Naples «GUM»
At the center of the room are made of mosaic zodiac, you can insert into your sign to make a wish.
They believe it only tourists as our guide said: "I have ten years of guessing here desire. but it has not done »
Another castle - Castel Nuovo - this is the 13th century. It was built by Charles of Anjou, the French representative of the dynasty, which has long been involved in the anti-popes of the Sicilian kingdom and that once there is some reason decided to move the capital of their possessions from Palermo to Naples.
Italian police Italians saves.
Piaggio and Vespa?
Throughout Italy very little outdoor advertising, and if it is, discreet.
And basically all the cities advertising intimisimi, probably a good pullback.
On weekdays, the track is quite lively, and the weekend is very little machinery, waggons generally prohibited in the holiday travel on the road, there is nothing to interfere with travelers.
If you have a house and gardening, then you are allowed to put no more than ten bushes kultyury one can need and more but has reistratsiya and taxation will be applied, the gardens are periodically checked by special services and curious neighbors.
Traffic cops with radar is not hidden if there is a sign, it means in front of the radar, all obediently drops to 110 mph. In front you can see the area stop with the phone booth for emergencies. By the way drivers consider Debt squeal when you're standing in the wrong place, or toss the trash out of the car, and then you just send a receipt, you do not want to pay - contend thou. And what a temptation to stop - to collect a couple of kilos of grapes along the road ...
Roman Mack clearly falls short of painted before our Italians in general want to ban it, but something stopped them, perhaps the Americans.
Vatican. The model of the universe (the quality is not much kick, not fotoprofessional)
Auntie guide, an umbrella over his head, so no one lost.
The courtyard of the Vatican, (sculpture, I think it is not necessary to spread)
unless one of daddies
Basilica di San Pietro; St. Peter's Basilica, until recently considered the largest Christian church in the world.
Shvertsayskie guards are on duty.
Japanese St. Peter's Square. (A lot of Japanese in Rome), and the Chinese who can disassemble them.
Florence - open-air museum
Florentine artist obviously embellished. Price Portrait 100 euros negotiable truth. (The price may be wrong). Before you join the ranks of street artists (painters), a person must submit an application to the police department. At the same time a prerequisite for obtaining a permit is no other place of work, the presence of Italian citizenship and residence.
River Arno. By the way the Russian poet Joseph Brodsky was elected an honorary citizen of Florence, because the word.
Many canoeists train skills
Pinacoteca Ufitsy, among the most famous and richest treasury of world art
Golden Bridge, thinking he made of gold, but it was gold here banal sell expensive.
Narrow streets, perevdigatsya can either a bike or a scooter.
Fiat liked. It is not clear how he was unfolding. In general, Italians prefer subcompact, the matter is that expensive gasoline, high tax, and small streets. If we had guys in jackets we went to the "Smart" they would at least have looked askance. And a lot of mopeds, scooters and bicycles, maybe even more than cars.
In some places, even bleak day
This is Siena, a medieval town. Siena was divided into three parts thirds. In turn, subdivided into 17 thirds Conrad, districts, each assigned its own flag and coat of arms with the image of the animal patron.
Residents of different Contrada anciently compete with each other, and dedication to their Contrade sometimes reaches fanaticism. The main event, in which areas of competition reaches its peak - is taking place in Siena on July 2 and August 16 the annual horse races, the Palio.
Still quite comfortable
For each race are selected representatives from ten Contrada, competitions are held in the Piazza Campo specially for the occasion strewn sand. Palio each time gathers huge crowds of people, both locals and tourists alike, it is a kind of calling card of the city. Residents of the houses around the square you will be happy to sell the place on the balcony or the window to view the races, for the modest sum of 100 euros, well, or occupy the place at night in the square itself.
His euros he earned. The town is very quiet, but the bag of the girl group the store taken away.
Surprised, the Italian question as auto pronounced "OK".
In each city, a lot of churches to the end of the trip in my head was one big mess.
The temple is automatic for photographers - you throw the euro and included lighting.
In every town his excavations
View of the neighborhood
Souvenirs made of alabaster.
The small resort town - Montecatini, and has its own shop Ferrari. Just had a season pensioners, painted old ladies walked the streets for removal of old people, very funny granny. The city remembered this and plenty of shops, from the brand to the Chinese.
"Kupikupiinedorogoo." Some of the Arabs in the tent listening Alsou - probably Russian lured
Sturm regular tourists, Russian and soon learn, some are turning to the girls - "babuzhzhki", one of the Arabs (Bangladeshi) said of Russia: "Yu keV and big men - Yuri Gagarin," I felt uncomfortable, I do not know theirs great exchange . Generally a very sociable man, when it ended the euro, offered one to sell for rubles, he said the course, I thought, agreed, but did not have small bills.
Pisa, the field of fools. It is here Pinocchio buried money.
Idle for a long time
just like it.
The streets of Pisa
Dogs in Italy beckon "Winnie Winnie 'and cats' michchi-michchi", but they do not particularly react proud. Pets are subject to registration in the local municipality.
Swim to Venice. All structures and buildings in Venice are built on wooden piles driven into the soft ground island at a depth of 3 to 10 m. The piles are dense palisade, they are stacked on top of the platform of interconnected oak and larch logs, and already on them - stone foundations. For example, at the base of the church of Santa Maria della Salute scored more than a million oak, alder, larch piles (this work took more than 2 years), larch Perm way.
All shipping to the island on the water, to the goods and tourists back to the trash.
Murano glassblowers. If you are traveling with a group you are here first of all, very, very expensive Murano glass when going to buy, it is better to go a bit further, around the corner, the same thing cheaper by 50%. But our guide was happy with us, apparently well kickbacks. In general, as I understand, it is better not to buy anything there which advises the guide, in a nearby store for anyone to be cheaper.
Well, hack and ready, 10 euros and it's yours.
Symbol of Venice, (after the channel). The cost of a gondola up to thirty thousand euros, and the manufacture of up to three years. Ride four 100 euro negotiable.
Tourists simply - the sea
A lot of pigeons and albatrosses
Doves in every possible way to survive, feed-smoking, pecking and cocoa of memorial to (so do not forget to bring bread buhanochku).
Quay often podtavplivaetsya water
Tortured tourists pursue guide
In Vengetsii at all angles traded masks and Murano glass, a lot of kanalchikov, bridges and narrow lanes.
This probably time to stop, for the quality of the photo and description please do not judge strictly, much forgotten. The whole country is very pleased of course, I would like to visit again, but still so many places where there was ...
Thank you all for your attention.
Getting to Italy began with the resort town of Rimini. The city has a beautiful 32 km coastline with a lot of great, the best in Italy (according to Europeans) of sandy beaches.

Hotels in Rimminen about 2,000, mostly small, 2-3 star, unpretentious rooms are compensated price and the proximity to the sea. 4 * about twenty, and only 1 5 * - Grand Hotel.

Since we do not rest on the sea was planned go towards Rome, especially as we know all roads lead there.

Toll roads in Italy, about 5 euros per 100 kilometers, but there are free, with a speed limit of 60 km / h instead of 110 on the freeway, and very winding, exciting city all the way. Motorways are quite good, from three lanes in one direction, including the extreme right to the security services, which mere mortals to call in any case can not be (although it is standing in a traffic jam on her famously swept UAZ Hunter with 73 rooms in the region), all the information the situation on the road is displayed on the digital display.

In Italy, the most run-down village in our understanding, has the status of the city.

Stop on the road is impossible, only in case of emergency, in designated areas, for the rest of the cases there avtogril usually complex includes ASDs, coffee shop and free toilet. (Sorry no photos avtogrilya)

The Italians successfully use the sun's energy, all road signs and traffic lights autonomous, have a small solar battery.

Spoleto - one of the oldest cities in central Italy.
The ruins of an amphitheater (II c. BC. E.)

Church of Santa Ansan (XVIII century)

Poor they do not have snow in the winter, according to this street, but on a sled ...

Inspection of Rome began with the Coliseum, the arena for 50 000 seats. Only during the reign of Trajan in the arena, killing about 40,000 gladiators, on account of other victims apparently were not kept.

Numerous holes - traces of bars, which are mounted on marble, the Colosseum destroyed the Romans themselves in the construction of many churches in the city did not have enough building material.

Why Rome Egyptian mummy is not clear

Roman Forum - in our market

Pine - "pins" a symbol of Italy, in honor of them and named the peninsula.

Guest workers earn their bread.

Monument to the famous she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus.

Place du Capitole and Marcus Aurelius on horseback.

It's hot, about 35, the course is even the water from the fountain, well, or 0, 5 spring water for 2 euros on request.

Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of a unified Italy

Italian wedding. In general, Italians marry after forty, they have officially legalized living with their parents up to 35 years, ie, want to work, want to walk, until the young.

The townspeople in the narrow streets a little, some tourists scurry can siesta? By the way they have lunch from 13-00 to 16-00, dinner for a long time and thoroughly.


Forum Largo Argentina, or "Cat House". It is home to at public expense myriad cats and dogs, and every day they bring food, and once a week here with a tour of duty comes to the vet. (The shot or got none, perhaps a siesta)

Shop for tourists first time regretted stroll English class, but still the fifth grade level of knowledge enough to communicate.

The Italian airs legs

Pantheon - a temple in the name of all the gods, erected by Hadrian.

Busker, they are very much on the tourist trail sveh when dined on the veranda of the restaurant came two musicians played a song of the past with a hat - to collect revenue and to the next terrace.

On the Piazza Navona traders Gucci, or the Prado is not clear, known for Russian -kupikupi and inexpensive. Counterfeit purchases can take away at customs and fine in addition.

In general, you need to see Rome stay here at least a week, one day at all. Then moved to Naples, guide many scratching about the friendliness of the Neapolitans, the most delicious pizza and bread, but there were so few that did not see anything.
Italian Khrushchev.

It is home to the Romanian Roma, the main supply vessels in drugs, by the way Italy can be worn for one's own consumption kosyachek and gram Geres.

Ficus, our room to him away. winter temperatures around 10 all the snow that year was the first time in several. decades, and then dropped a couple of hours. If the temperature drops to 0, canceled all classes in schools, and we can safely score a job.

Pompeii. The excavation of Pompeii began in 1748, and buried it in 62 BC


Each house amulet against the evil eye.

The most valuable thing in Pompeii is water, heat and hot stones are felt.

One of the central streets of the city. During the eruption of the volcano killed about 2,000 people, most of the population was saved.

Many tourists travel with children (even infants across), which absolutely do not care for these ruins

One of the rooms of the brothel - "Lupanar." Pompeii famous baths - "terms" and prostitutes.



Not all the pieces of the puzzle put together in

This is the Naples - the birthplace of pizza. The most popular and demand is the famous pizza "Margarita", created for the first time in Naples in 1889 and received its name in honor of the queen, the wife of Italian King Umberto I.
And it was so. The royal couple, while in the summer residence of Naples, wanted to try this local dish. To the court he was called pizza maker Raffaele Esposito and his wife. They prepared three kinds of pizza, one of which contained tomatoes, basil and motstsarellu - the colors of the Italian flag. It is this version like a queen. Then the pizza maker named favorite pizza queen by her name - Margarita. This pizza can serve as a base for all kinds of future options when superimposed on top, all that God has sent. (This is one of the versions).

The same Vesuvius.

City view

The fortress of Castel dell'Ovo (Castle of the Egg), it began with the city's history. The name of the castle derives from the magical eggs, hidden away under lock Virgil. According to medieval legend, the Latin poet Virgil, who in ancient times was regarded as a great magician, in one of the rooms of the castle hung a jug with egg. It was believed that when the pitcher falls and breaks, the castle and the entire city into ruins.


On the waterfront is very lively

No beach, but they do not swim.
The garbage crisis successfully ended in September 2010, the entire city was littered waste throughout accused the mafia.

Very nice town, with one side of the mountain, on the other the sea and the volcano still smokes.

Sorry notorious Neapolitan pizza usepi not partake.

In the first place the food - the spiritual

Autumn a lot of flowers and trees grow in the tubs.

Naples «GUM»

At the center of the room are made of mosaic zodiac, you can insert into your sign to make a wish.

They believe it only tourists as our guide said: "I have ten years of guessing here desire. but it has not done »

Another castle - Castel Nuovo - this is the 13th century. It was built by Charles of Anjou, the French representative of the dynasty, which has long been involved in the anti-popes of the Sicilian kingdom and that once there is some reason decided to move the capital of their possessions from Palermo to Naples.

Italian police Italians saves.

Piaggio and Vespa?

Throughout Italy very little outdoor advertising, and if it is, discreet.

And basically all the cities advertising intimisimi, probably a good pullback.
On weekdays, the track is quite lively, and the weekend is very little machinery, waggons generally prohibited in the holiday travel on the road, there is nothing to interfere with travelers.

If you have a house and gardening, then you are allowed to put no more than ten bushes kultyury one can need and more but has reistratsiya and taxation will be applied, the gardens are periodically checked by special services and curious neighbors.

Traffic cops with radar is not hidden if there is a sign, it means in front of the radar, all obediently drops to 110 mph. In front you can see the area stop with the phone booth for emergencies. By the way drivers consider Debt squeal when you're standing in the wrong place, or toss the trash out of the car, and then you just send a receipt, you do not want to pay - contend thou. And what a temptation to stop - to collect a couple of kilos of grapes along the road ...

Roman Mack clearly falls short of painted before our Italians in general want to ban it, but something stopped them, perhaps the Americans.

Vatican. The model of the universe (the quality is not much kick, not fotoprofessional)

Auntie guide, an umbrella over his head, so no one lost.

The courtyard of the Vatican, (sculpture, I think it is not necessary to spread)

unless one of daddies

Basilica di San Pietro; St. Peter's Basilica, until recently considered the largest Christian church in the world.

Shvertsayskie guards are on duty.

Japanese St. Peter's Square. (A lot of Japanese in Rome), and the Chinese who can disassemble them.

Florence - open-air museum

Florentine artist obviously embellished. Price Portrait 100 euros negotiable truth. (The price may be wrong). Before you join the ranks of street artists (painters), a person must submit an application to the police department. At the same time a prerequisite for obtaining a permit is no other place of work, the presence of Italian citizenship and residence.

River Arno. By the way the Russian poet Joseph Brodsky was elected an honorary citizen of Florence, because the word.

Many canoeists train skills

Pinacoteca Ufitsy, among the most famous and richest treasury of world art

Golden Bridge, thinking he made of gold, but it was gold here banal sell expensive.

Narrow streets, perevdigatsya can either a bike or a scooter.

Fiat liked. It is not clear how he was unfolding. In general, Italians prefer subcompact, the matter is that expensive gasoline, high tax, and small streets. If we had guys in jackets we went to the "Smart" they would at least have looked askance. And a lot of mopeds, scooters and bicycles, maybe even more than cars.

In some places, even bleak day

This is Siena, a medieval town. Siena was divided into three parts thirds. In turn, subdivided into 17 thirds Conrad, districts, each assigned its own flag and coat of arms with the image of the animal patron.

Residents of different Contrada anciently compete with each other, and dedication to their Contrade sometimes reaches fanaticism. The main event, in which areas of competition reaches its peak - is taking place in Siena on July 2 and August 16 the annual horse races, the Palio.

Still quite comfortable

For each race are selected representatives from ten Contrada, competitions are held in the Piazza Campo specially for the occasion strewn sand. Palio each time gathers huge crowds of people, both locals and tourists alike, it is a kind of calling card of the city. Residents of the houses around the square you will be happy to sell the place on the balcony or the window to view the races, for the modest sum of 100 euros, well, or occupy the place at night in the square itself.

His euros he earned. The town is very quiet, but the bag of the girl group the store taken away.

Surprised, the Italian question as auto pronounced "OK".

In each city, a lot of churches to the end of the trip in my head was one big mess.

The temple is automatic for photographers - you throw the euro and included lighting.

In every town his excavations

View of the neighborhood

Souvenirs made of alabaster.

The small resort town - Montecatini, and has its own shop Ferrari. Just had a season pensioners, painted old ladies walked the streets for removal of old people, very funny granny. The city remembered this and plenty of shops, from the brand to the Chinese.

"Kupikupiinedorogoo." Some of the Arabs in the tent listening Alsou - probably Russian lured

Sturm regular tourists, Russian and soon learn, some are turning to the girls - "babuzhzhki", one of the Arabs (Bangladeshi) said of Russia: "Yu keV and big men - Yuri Gagarin," I felt uncomfortable, I do not know theirs great exchange . Generally a very sociable man, when it ended the euro, offered one to sell for rubles, he said the course, I thought, agreed, but did not have small bills.

Pisa, the field of fools. It is here Pinocchio buried money.

Idle for a long time

just like it.

The streets of Pisa

Dogs in Italy beckon "Winnie Winnie 'and cats' michchi-michchi", but they do not particularly react proud. Pets are subject to registration in the local municipality.

Swim to Venice. All structures and buildings in Venice are built on wooden piles driven into the soft ground island at a depth of 3 to 10 m. The piles are dense palisade, they are stacked on top of the platform of interconnected oak and larch logs, and already on them - stone foundations. For example, at the base of the church of Santa Maria della Salute scored more than a million oak, alder, larch piles (this work took more than 2 years), larch Perm way.

All shipping to the island on the water, to the goods and tourists back to the trash.

Murano glassblowers. If you are traveling with a group you are here first of all, very, very expensive Murano glass when going to buy, it is better to go a bit further, around the corner, the same thing cheaper by 50%. But our guide was happy with us, apparently well kickbacks. In general, as I understand, it is better not to buy anything there which advises the guide, in a nearby store for anyone to be cheaper.

Well, hack and ready, 10 euros and it's yours.

Symbol of Venice, (after the channel). The cost of a gondola up to thirty thousand euros, and the manufacture of up to three years. Ride four 100 euro negotiable.

Tourists simply - the sea

A lot of pigeons and albatrosses

Doves in every possible way to survive, feed-smoking, pecking and cocoa of memorial to (so do not forget to bring bread buhanochku).

Quay often podtavplivaetsya water

Tortured tourists pursue guide

In Vengetsii at all angles traded masks and Murano glass, a lot of kanalchikov, bridges and narrow lanes.

This probably time to stop, for the quality of the photo and description please do not judge strictly, much forgotten. The whole country is very pleased of course, I would like to visit again, but still so many places where there was ...
Thank you all for your attention.
