From Clinton to Diesel. Nine strong men who do not eat meat
This man eats meat. This stereotype has come to us from the days when society was divided into hunters and gatherers, but he's already obsolete, according to the publication Business Insider.
"The meat is associated with power and authority, which is usually associated with men" - the authors write study conducted by the magazine Consumer Research. But times are changing. More and more influential and powerful men refuse meat consumption. Last American trend of gamburegov and sausage to tofu and salads refuse even American longshoremen.
Business Insider has compiled a list of nine famous men who do not eat meat.
1. Former US President Bill Clinton refused to meat and dairy diet in 2004. He had to change his diet after he spent four months in hospital after serious heart problems (Clinton underwent bypass surgery) and arteries. Now well-known politician - a vegan. And in all the interviews he said that the new diet has completely changed his life.
2. One of the founders of Twitter, Biz Stone legendary businessman. The owner of capital of $ 200 million included in the 1% richest Americans and do not eat meat for 10 years. 38-year-old businessman, even invested in one of the companies engaged in the production of plant foods.
3. The founder of Def Jam Records, tycoon in the world of hip-hop, Russell Simmons to give up meat for their own zdorovyai and environmental conservation. The owner of a fortune of $ 340 million is actively engaged in the protection of animals and do not eat meat products 10 years.
4. Former New York City Mayor Cory Booker does not eat meat for 20 years - ever since taken a great interest in sports. "It was my personal decision. Without meat, I just began to feel better, "- he says. Booker was about to become a vegan at all, that is to give up all animal products, but could not resist the passion for ice cream.
5. Former Walt Disney CEO Michael Eisner went on a low-fat vegetarian diet in 1994, right after heart surgery. He himself said that he was not easy to "give up the usual American food." However, this did not prevent him to turn his company into the largest entertainment industry in the world.
6. The 71-year-old tycoon Steve Wynn gambling to give up meat, too, on the recommendation of doctors. He became a vegan in 2010. During this time, he says, he was able to become a "30 kg lighter and 15 years younger».
7. Venture capitalist Joey Ito moved to a healthy vegetarian diet in December 2006. This was his own decision. "I've never been happier and healthier than in those years," - he said.
8. The former Viacom CEO Tom Freston became a vegetarian after the meat has refused his wife Cathy. After a businessman has even written a book in which he promised that a diet of plant foods will make everyone happy, who would agree to go on it.
9. Actor Vin Diesel became a vegetarian many years ago. The only thing it affords - shrimp.
He calls them "sea lettuce", although he admits that it's still unfortunate exception to the principles of the formation of his diet. Like many men, the actor explains his vegetarianism does not care about animals, and health benefits.
"The meat is associated with power and authority, which is usually associated with men" - the authors write study conducted by the magazine Consumer Research. But times are changing. More and more influential and powerful men refuse meat consumption. Last American trend of gamburegov and sausage to tofu and salads refuse even American longshoremen.
Business Insider has compiled a list of nine famous men who do not eat meat.
1. Former US President Bill Clinton refused to meat and dairy diet in 2004. He had to change his diet after he spent four months in hospital after serious heart problems (Clinton underwent bypass surgery) and arteries. Now well-known politician - a vegan. And in all the interviews he said that the new diet has completely changed his life.
2. One of the founders of Twitter, Biz Stone legendary businessman. The owner of capital of $ 200 million included in the 1% richest Americans and do not eat meat for 10 years. 38-year-old businessman, even invested in one of the companies engaged in the production of plant foods.
3. The founder of Def Jam Records, tycoon in the world of hip-hop, Russell Simmons to give up meat for their own zdorovyai and environmental conservation. The owner of a fortune of $ 340 million is actively engaged in the protection of animals and do not eat meat products 10 years.
4. Former New York City Mayor Cory Booker does not eat meat for 20 years - ever since taken a great interest in sports. "It was my personal decision. Without meat, I just began to feel better, "- he says. Booker was about to become a vegan at all, that is to give up all animal products, but could not resist the passion for ice cream.
5. Former Walt Disney CEO Michael Eisner went on a low-fat vegetarian diet in 1994, right after heart surgery. He himself said that he was not easy to "give up the usual American food." However, this did not prevent him to turn his company into the largest entertainment industry in the world.
6. The 71-year-old tycoon Steve Wynn gambling to give up meat, too, on the recommendation of doctors. He became a vegan in 2010. During this time, he says, he was able to become a "30 kg lighter and 15 years younger».
7. Venture capitalist Joey Ito moved to a healthy vegetarian diet in December 2006. This was his own decision. "I've never been happier and healthier than in those years," - he said.
8. The former Viacom CEO Tom Freston became a vegetarian after the meat has refused his wife Cathy. After a businessman has even written a book in which he promised that a diet of plant foods will make everyone happy, who would agree to go on it.
9. Actor Vin Diesel became a vegetarian many years ago. The only thing it affords - shrimp.
He calls them "sea lettuce", although he admits that it's still unfortunate exception to the principles of the formation of his diet. Like many men, the actor explains his vegetarianism does not care about animals, and health benefits.