Mistakes in cooking steak
In order to prepare an incredibly tasty dish, it is not necessary to stand at the stove for hours, observe the strictest dosage of numerous ingredients and look at the cookbook every minute.
Meat lovers will agree with me: there is nothing like steak! To prepare the king of meat dishes, you only need to put the right piece of beef in the pan and roast to the desired condition.
But in practice, juicy, tender and fleshy steak very often incomprehensibly turns into a dry and fresh "sole". How to avoid this culinary disaster? "Site" 7 Mistakes His Majesty Will Never Forgive You With Steak
How to make a delicious steak
Pour the meat with vodka, and even better - cognac. Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you about a simple way to make dried beef. In just 3 days you get a very tasty snack, very similar to Italian bresaola.
Many people believe that meat is purely male food. But fragile women without meat are nowhere to go! "Site" It will tell you why it is necessary to regularly consume animal products and what meat according to nutritionists is most useful for a sensitive female body.
A friend came from Canada and cooked meat. Canadian silk – I haven’t eaten so much!
Meat lovers will agree with me: there is nothing like steak! To prepare the king of meat dishes, you only need to put the right piece of beef in the pan and roast to the desired condition.

But in practice, juicy, tender and fleshy steak very often incomprehensibly turns into a dry and fresh "sole". How to avoid this culinary disaster? "Site" 7 Mistakes His Majesty Will Never Forgive You With Steak
How to make a delicious steak
- You bought the wrong meat.
The main mistake of those who want to get an appetizing steak at home is excessive savings on meat. A regular beef fillet is not suitable for making the perfect steak to the fullest, with it the steak will almost certainly turn out too tough.
What kind of meat is good for steaks? It is important to determine the desired result in advance. There are dozens of varieties of this dish, but all of them can be divided into three groups, depending on the meat used.
Marble steak They are prepared from meat, inside the muscle fibers of which, thanks to the special nutrition of animals, fat layers are formed, which make it look like marble.
When such a steak is fried, the fat from the layers is melted, giving the meat a special tenderness and juiciness. This type of steak includes the popular rib (Rib) and striploin (Strip Loin).
Lean steak They cook from the cutout. It is also characterized by tenderness, but at the same time due to less fat, slightly less calories. This variety includes, for example, one of the most expensive steaks - fillet mignon, aka tenderloin (Tender Loin).
Alternative steaks are prepared from other parts of the beef carcass: shoulder blades, flanks and so on. These steaks are less fat and soft, rarely have the correct shape and may contain tendons. Steaks from alternative parts of the carcass are often marinated in advance to soften and then roasted, otherwise the steak can become stiff.
And also about meat: to get a tasty steak, sliced across muscle fibers, the meat of angus and Hereford gobies is best suited not older than one and a half years from those parts of the carcass whose muscles minimally participated in motor activity. This explains the rather high cost of the finished dish. - I salted the steak in advance.
It is better to salt and pepper classic steaks after cooking, since salt draws liquid and all juices from the meat. This, of course, does not apply to alternative steaks and meat for those who like harder. - Didn't get the meat wet dry.
Meat must be prepared before cooking. Freeze, if frozen, and bring to room temperature, which will ensure uniformity of roasting. And then wipe dry with a napkin to remove all excess moisture from the surface. If you do not do this, the steak in the pan will rather be boiled than fried. - Picked the wrong pan and butter
Steak needs a heavy pan with a thick bottom, ideally cast iron, which will keep a stable temperature. A pan with a thin bottom will quickly cool, which means that the meat will not roast well. Another important point is the smoke point of the oil. If it smokes, then the taste of the steak will be spoiled, so it is recommended to choose an oil with a boiling point significantly above 150 degrees, for example, ghee or refined vegetable oil.
For the preparation of marble steaks (ribai, striploin), you need to use a minimum amount of oil, preferring olive. - I didn't warm up the pan enough.
It is important to properly “seal” the meat before the crust appears, so that the precious juice remains inside and does not leak out. To do this, the surface for frying should stand on a strong heat for at least 8-10 minutes. And the chef of the popular restaurant Alinea in Chicago generally recommends warming up the pan for half an hour! - I got it wrong.
Meat for steak does not need to be roasted completely. Weak roasting retains moisture in the meat and ensures juiciness. Ideally, you need to achieve a situation where the fibers have already become soft, but still retain maximum moisture.
There are 6 classic degrees of roasting, which will be much easier to achieve using a thermometer for meat. At the same time, fatter steaks are made to cook longer, and lean steaks, on the contrary, are recommended to be undercooked.
Blue is almost raw meat, with a light crust formed in just 1-2 minutes of roasting. The temperature inside the steak should be about 46 degrees.
Rare (raw, or with blood) - in the section red, but the edge has already formed a roasted crust of a darker color. The temperature inside the meat is 52-55 degrees.
Medium Rare (semi-raw) - meat of weak roast pink color. The temperature inside the meat when served is 55-60 degrees (4-5 minutes at 190-200 degrees).
Medium (medium-roasted steak) is the most popular degree of meat roasting. It has a light pink juice inside and a temperature of 60-65 degrees. Prepare 6-7 minutes at 180 degrees. Medium well - almost fried meat with warming up to 65-69 degrees (cooked 8-9 minutes at 180 degrees).
Well Done is full-roasted meat, or "sole." Inside, the temperature is over 71 degrees. It is not about softness here, so this degree of roasting for steaks is not recommended.
253468 - Wrongly filed.
If you cut the steak immediately from the pan, then all fragrant juices immediately flow from the meat to the plate. Let the steak stand for 5-10 minutes, this is enough that all the layers of meat are evenly saturated with juice. And most importantly, after the steak is rested, it must be cut in half so that the meat stops cooking itself!
Rosemary, garlic, thyme, cilantro are ideal for steak. To convey the aroma of these spices to the dish, it is enough to put a sprig of rosemary or a slice of garlic on the already prepared steak, the meat itself will take their rich aroma.

Pour the meat with vodka, and even better - cognac. Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you about a simple way to make dried beef. In just 3 days you get a very tasty snack, very similar to Italian bresaola.
Many people believe that meat is purely male food. But fragile women without meat are nowhere to go! "Site" It will tell you why it is necessary to regularly consume animal products and what meat according to nutritionists is most useful for a sensitive female body.
A friend came from Canada and cooked meat. Canadian silk – I haven’t eaten so much!