Some more important about water in human life
"In nature there is no such thing that would cure all diseases, but if it were, it would be water in proper use," said well-known Dr. Dingler. How he's incredibly right!
It so happened that around the theme of drinking water there are several widespread myths.
The first myth. Every time I tell another friend that you need to drink daily at least 1.5-2 liters of water, his eyes rounded in surprise. And as a counterargument I hear the answer that it is a very big number, and it's really bad for your kidneys, they say, they get tired and it's hard on them. It is fundamentally wrong assumption. Doctors say that the kidneys healthy person can skip through to 20 litres of water per day. I think even the most zealous "teetotaler" does not handle this figure. Water consumption can depend only on serious diseases of the kidneys or heart. If you know that you have such ailments, then, of course, about water intake you need to consult with your doctor.
A second myth. You can often hear the opinion that if you drink a lot of water, it will not only wash out toxins from the body, but along with them will take away nutrients. In part it is. But! Water begins to wash beneficial organisms only under the condition that the day will vybivatsya least 6 liters of water. Again, seriously doubt that anyone voluntarily "pull" a figure, even on the hottest day.
The third myth. Fixated on diets girls I often said that water causes the feeling of hunger, and diets is, of course, is not at hand. Of course, some truth in this, but again there are adjustments. Hunger causes only drink cold water. If you consume water at room temperature, on the contrary, it will serve as a kind of "filler" for the stomach, which, as we all know, no calories. Even nutritionists recommend: if you're hungry – drink water. Often the feeling of hunger confused with thirst, and trying to jam, although it was only for a drink of water. So girls, take the information on Board!
The formula for success for those who decided to drink water regularly.
Drink water – not harmful, and even useful, it is clear to all. But how much water should you drink? Yes, there are common markers is 1.5-2 liters of water a day. If they seem too generalized, then use a simple formula to calculate the required amount of water – 30 ml per 1 kg of your weight. For example, my weight is 47 kg. Respectively 47х30=1410 ml of water per day I should consume. But this is the minimum amount. Don't forget that there are factors that contribute to a significant increase in this figure. For example, if you have increased body mass or during active physical activity. Also with age people are more subject to dehydration due to the deterioration of the kidneys, which weakens the signal of thirst. Do not forget that frequently used medicines also reduce the amount of water in the body.
Actually a lot of factors which need to increase the amount of fluid intake, such as the heat on the street, low humidity heating season, while in the plane, in the bath/sauna, while breastfeeding. Do not forget such of our habits, like the love of coffee, Smoking and alcohol – the main "allies" of dehydration.
And now the big question – what kind of water to drink?
Boiling kills many trace elements and some harmful salts, so leave her for tea or coffee. The pH of unboiled water closely matches the pH of the blood. We all know that drinking tap water was not an option. But to put filters for water purification – a very good decision. Or you can use bottled water from the store. Spring water is also good, but who knows which way did the water before they get to you. So, don't risk it. The doctors are also advised not to get involved mineral water, especially with high content of mineral salts, because this can lead to an imbalance of these minerals in the body. And soda in General should be excluded from the diet, as there is a bit of good – water balance does not make up for it, besides also dehydrates the body.
Drink water, of course, you can, as you want, it's your own business. But doctors have a few tips that will help make your techniques water is much more useful and more productive. If you want to get the maximum benefit from water, I recommend to stick to these simple rules:
— no need to drink water quickly or greedily – is best in small SIPS;
— start your day with a glass of water morning on an empty stomach and intake of water, and "turn on" the stomach;
— if you do sports or at least exercise, intake of water needs to increase;
— no need to "wash down" the food, the doctors categorically do not recommend drinking water during meals, it is better to drink half an hour before and half an hour after a meal;
— I advise you to drink a glass of water after going to the toilet;
— no need to drink too cold or too hot water – that's not very helpful.
If you've read up to this point, and imbued with the topic of this article, and decided to make a habit of drinking water regularly, but in the confusion forget about it during the day – in any case do not need to "make up losses" and catch up. Use it does not bring, and swelling in the morning you will be provided with both external and internal. Just release the previous day and promise yourself that the next day you will definitely start to drink water regularly.
Author: Alena Bykova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: http:// Alena Bykova
It so happened that around the theme of drinking water there are several widespread myths.

The first myth. Every time I tell another friend that you need to drink daily at least 1.5-2 liters of water, his eyes rounded in surprise. And as a counterargument I hear the answer that it is a very big number, and it's really bad for your kidneys, they say, they get tired and it's hard on them. It is fundamentally wrong assumption. Doctors say that the kidneys healthy person can skip through to 20 litres of water per day. I think even the most zealous "teetotaler" does not handle this figure. Water consumption can depend only on serious diseases of the kidneys or heart. If you know that you have such ailments, then, of course, about water intake you need to consult with your doctor.
A second myth. You can often hear the opinion that if you drink a lot of water, it will not only wash out toxins from the body, but along with them will take away nutrients. In part it is. But! Water begins to wash beneficial organisms only under the condition that the day will vybivatsya least 6 liters of water. Again, seriously doubt that anyone voluntarily "pull" a figure, even on the hottest day.
The third myth. Fixated on diets girls I often said that water causes the feeling of hunger, and diets is, of course, is not at hand. Of course, some truth in this, but again there are adjustments. Hunger causes only drink cold water. If you consume water at room temperature, on the contrary, it will serve as a kind of "filler" for the stomach, which, as we all know, no calories. Even nutritionists recommend: if you're hungry – drink water. Often the feeling of hunger confused with thirst, and trying to jam, although it was only for a drink of water. So girls, take the information on Board!
The formula for success for those who decided to drink water regularly.
Drink water – not harmful, and even useful, it is clear to all. But how much water should you drink? Yes, there are common markers is 1.5-2 liters of water a day. If they seem too generalized, then use a simple formula to calculate the required amount of water – 30 ml per 1 kg of your weight. For example, my weight is 47 kg. Respectively 47х30=1410 ml of water per day I should consume. But this is the minimum amount. Don't forget that there are factors that contribute to a significant increase in this figure. For example, if you have increased body mass or during active physical activity. Also with age people are more subject to dehydration due to the deterioration of the kidneys, which weakens the signal of thirst. Do not forget that frequently used medicines also reduce the amount of water in the body.
Actually a lot of factors which need to increase the amount of fluid intake, such as the heat on the street, low humidity heating season, while in the plane, in the bath/sauna, while breastfeeding. Do not forget such of our habits, like the love of coffee, Smoking and alcohol – the main "allies" of dehydration.
And now the big question – what kind of water to drink?
Boiling kills many trace elements and some harmful salts, so leave her for tea or coffee. The pH of unboiled water closely matches the pH of the blood. We all know that drinking tap water was not an option. But to put filters for water purification – a very good decision. Or you can use bottled water from the store. Spring water is also good, but who knows which way did the water before they get to you. So, don't risk it. The doctors are also advised not to get involved mineral water, especially with high content of mineral salts, because this can lead to an imbalance of these minerals in the body. And soda in General should be excluded from the diet, as there is a bit of good – water balance does not make up for it, besides also dehydrates the body.
Drink water, of course, you can, as you want, it's your own business. But doctors have a few tips that will help make your techniques water is much more useful and more productive. If you want to get the maximum benefit from water, I recommend to stick to these simple rules:
— no need to drink water quickly or greedily – is best in small SIPS;
— start your day with a glass of water morning on an empty stomach and intake of water, and "turn on" the stomach;
— if you do sports or at least exercise, intake of water needs to increase;
— no need to "wash down" the food, the doctors categorically do not recommend drinking water during meals, it is better to drink half an hour before and half an hour after a meal;
— I advise you to drink a glass of water after going to the toilet;
— no need to drink too cold or too hot water – that's not very helpful.
If you've read up to this point, and imbued with the topic of this article, and decided to make a habit of drinking water regularly, but in the confusion forget about it during the day – in any case do not need to "make up losses" and catch up. Use it does not bring, and swelling in the morning you will be provided with both external and internal. Just release the previous day and promise yourself that the next day you will definitely start to drink water regularly.
Author: Alena Bykova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: http:// Alena Bykova
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