Golden recipes Ayurveda 100 diseases
In ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda most drugs are made from herbs, and substances of vegetable and animal origin
Recipes Ayurvedic Clove oil
Boil for five whole cloves into a tablespoon of sesame oil and leave the cloves in the oil. By drinking the oil must be warm.
Heat of 450-500 g unsalted butter over medium heat. When the butter has melted, heat for another 12 minutes. When boiling on the surface will gather the foam. Do not remove this foam, it has healing properties. Reduce heat to simmer. The oil is yellow-Golden color and will smell like roasted corn. Ghee is ready when one or two drops of water, put into oil, causing crackling. Allow the oil to cool. Pour the oil through the filter into a clean container. Ghee can be stored without refrigeration.
Ghee from the root of calamus
First, prepare a decoction of calamus root, using 1 part of powder of sweet flag root and 8 parts water. Boil this mixture until there are 7 volumes of water. To take one part of this infusion and add to it the same quantity of ghee (see ghee recipe). To this mixture add an equal amount of water and boil until water is gone. What will remain, and will be ghee from the root of calamus.
Mix the following ingredients: two teaspoons of freshly grated ginger, four whole cardamom seed, eight carnations, one whole stick of cinnamon and eight cups of water. Boil until half of the volume of water. Add 30 g of cow's milk, mix, cool and drink.
Licorice ghee
First, prepare a decoction of licorice 1 part licorice powder and 8 parts water. Boil until 1/4 of the liquid volume. To take one part of this infusion and add to it an equal part of ghee (see ghee recipe). Then add as much water and boil until water is gone. What's left will be licorice ghee.
Almond beverage
Overnight soak ten almonds. In the morning to clear them from the skin grind and stir in a Cup of warm milk. In the beverage add a pinch of cardamom powder and black pepper (freshly ground from peppercorns).
Asthma. It is recommended to drink licorice and ginger tea (1 Cup boiling water — 1/2 teaspoon herb mixture). Onion juice (1/4 Cup) mixed with honey (1 teaspoon) and black pepper (1/8 teaspoon). Prepared drink relieves cough and eliminates shortness of breath.
Back pain. To make ginger paste and eucalyptus oil to the sore spot.
Pain (external). Applying a ginger compress. Preparation of a ginger compress: mix 2 teaspoons of ginger powder with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, diluted with water to a paste. Heat the pasta and evenly spread on a piece of gauze or cotton. Then put the cloth on the affected area and tie a bandage. Leave the compress on overnight.
Blisters. Apply cooked onion as a poultice or ginger-kurkumoy paste (1/2 teaspoon ginger and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric with water) directly on the blister.
Inflammation of the throat. Gargle with warm water mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of salt.
Gases (in the abdomen). Mix a pinch of baking soda with the juice of 1/2 lemon dissolve in 1 Cup of water and drink.
Eyes (burning). Applying castor oil to the soles of the feet, or enter three drops of pure rose water into the affected eye. For instillation into the eye may also apply fresh aloe Vera juice.
Gums. Drinking: juice of 1/2 lemon to 1 Cup of water. With bleeding massaging the gums with coconut oil.
Hemorrhoids. Drink 1/2 Cup of freshly prepared aloe Vera juice three times a day up until the hemorrhoids disappear.
Headache. To relieve headache apply to forehead warm paste of 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder and water. May occur burning sensation, but it is not harmful.
Another method of treatment consists in regulating the breath. Notice which nostril with greater force exhales. Close it and breathe through the other nostril until the headache subsides.
The following methods may be useful in the treatment of special types of headache:
Sinus headache is associated with Kapha can be reduced by applying ginger paste to the forehead and the frontal sinuses (the sinuses).
Temporary headache indicates excess Pitta in the stomach. In this case, drink tea made from caraway seeds or coriander (1/2 teaspoon of each type of bean in a glass of hot water). At the same time can be applied to the temples sandalwood paste.
Pain in the neck indicate the presence of toxins in the shell intestine. In this case, before bed take 1 teaspoon of Flaxseed with a glass of warm milk. Simultaneously applying a ginger paste to mastoidal the processes behind the ears.
Headaches may occur due to changes in energy or the suppression of excitation in thin connective tissue.
Blockage of the sinuses (the frontal sinuses). Applying ginger paste on the affected area or bagging of one pinch of powder of sweet flag root.
Toothache. Applying clove oil to the aching tooth.
Constipation. Drinking tea out of Senna (1 teaspoon of leaf per Cup of water) or take before bed a teaspoon of ghee in a glass of hot milk. Another option: at night you can drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoon of Flaxseed.
Hiccup. Make a mixture of two parts honey and one part castor oil.
Exhaustion. Drink a glass of coconut water or grape juice, or decoction of dates (3 dates in a glass of water).
Cough. Rinse: is prepared with a pinch of salt and two pinches of turmeric powder to a glass of warm water. Suck a whole clove with a piece of candy. If the cough produces mucus, drinking tea: 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder, a pinch clove and a pinch of cinnamon powder in a glass of hot water.
Bleeding (external). To apply ice, or sandalwood, or ashes of burned cotton ball.
Bleeding (internal). Drink warm milk with half teaspoon of turmeric powder and saffron.
Menstrual cramps. To drink a teaspoon of aloe Vera juice with two pinches of black pepper three times a day until cramps disappear.
Muscle tension (on the body). Make an enema of one Cup arowolo oil. Keep 30 minutes. In normal muscle strain apply warm ginger paste with turmeric (teaspoon of ginger with half a teaspoon of turmeric) to the sore spot twice a day.
Indigestion. To eat one head of minced garlic with a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda or drink 1/4 Cup of onion juice with half teaspoon honey and half teaspoon of black pepper.
Burns. Apply a paste of fresh aloe Vera juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. You can apply ghee or coconut oil.
Cold. Boil a teaspoon of ginger powder in 1 liter of water and inhale these vapors. You can also boil eucalyptus leaves is an excellent remedy to treat colds. Eucalyptus oil is applied to both sides of the nose will alleviate the blockage. Powder of calamus root can be used as snuff means to inhale a pinch of powder in each nostril.
Of the tumor. Drinking barley water. To prepare barley water 4 parts water boiled with 1 part of barley. The same beneficial effect coriander tea. For external tumors to the affected places to make a mixture of 2 parts of turmeric powder and 1 part salt. Drink a tea made from Gotu Kola: one tablespoon in a glass of water.
Overeating. Overeating nervous habit. It is recommended to eat easily digestible foods: millet, tapioca or rye. These products do not increase the weight even if you consume them in excess.A good remedy for overeating — fry a teaspoon of fennel seeds and coriander seeds with a pinch of salt and eat. You can also drink a glass of warm water with juice of half a lemon and a pinch of baking soda.
Diarrhea. Mix together equal parts of yogurt and water, add a little freshly grated ginger (about 1/8 teaspoon) or to drink black coffee with the addition of fresh lemon juice. Another remedy is to prepare a paste of 1-2 teaspoons poppy seeds and a glass of water. Boil the mixture, add a pinch of nutmeg, stir and eat.
Sleep (sleep disorders). To drink a tea made from 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg powder in a glass of water. Carefully massage the soles of the feet and cheekbones with sesame oil or drip 10 drops of warm oil in each ear. Before bedtime drink a glass of warm cow milk with candy or honey. Chamomile tea is also an excellent tool the normalization of sleep (tablespoon of chamomile in a glass of water).
Drowsiness. Drinking coffee, tea made from Gotu Kola or aerovega root before bed. Don't overeat before bedtime.
Rash. Apply the pulp of cilantro leaf to the affected area or drink coriander tea (a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water).
Acne. To make kurkumoy and sandalwood paste topically (on half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and sandalwood with just enough water to make a paste). You can also drink 1/2 Cup of aloe Vera juice twice a day until the acne disappears.
Ears (ringing). Drip three drops of clove oil in the ear.
The ear pain. Drip three drops of garlic oil in the ear or make a mixture of one teaspoon of onion juice and half teaspoon of honey and drip it (5-10 drops) in the ear.
Shock (syncope). Breathe vapours or exactly as freshly pulped onion powder calamus root.
Poison (normal poisoning). Take half a teaspoon of ghee or half a teaspoon of licorice powder.
Poison (bite or when injured). Drink juice, culintro or apply sandalwood paste on the affected area. published
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Source: //poleznoeznanie.ru/241.htm
Recipes Ayurvedic Clove oil
Boil for five whole cloves into a tablespoon of sesame oil and leave the cloves in the oil. By drinking the oil must be warm.
Heat of 450-500 g unsalted butter over medium heat. When the butter has melted, heat for another 12 minutes. When boiling on the surface will gather the foam. Do not remove this foam, it has healing properties. Reduce heat to simmer. The oil is yellow-Golden color and will smell like roasted corn. Ghee is ready when one or two drops of water, put into oil, causing crackling. Allow the oil to cool. Pour the oil through the filter into a clean container. Ghee can be stored without refrigeration.
Ghee from the root of calamus
First, prepare a decoction of calamus root, using 1 part of powder of sweet flag root and 8 parts water. Boil this mixture until there are 7 volumes of water. To take one part of this infusion and add to it the same quantity of ghee (see ghee recipe). To this mixture add an equal amount of water and boil until water is gone. What will remain, and will be ghee from the root of calamus.
Mix the following ingredients: two teaspoons of freshly grated ginger, four whole cardamom seed, eight carnations, one whole stick of cinnamon and eight cups of water. Boil until half of the volume of water. Add 30 g of cow's milk, mix, cool and drink.
Licorice ghee
First, prepare a decoction of licorice 1 part licorice powder and 8 parts water. Boil until 1/4 of the liquid volume. To take one part of this infusion and add to it an equal part of ghee (see ghee recipe). Then add as much water and boil until water is gone. What's left will be licorice ghee.
Almond beverage
Overnight soak ten almonds. In the morning to clear them from the skin grind and stir in a Cup of warm milk. In the beverage add a pinch of cardamom powder and black pepper (freshly ground from peppercorns).
Asthma. It is recommended to drink licorice and ginger tea (1 Cup boiling water — 1/2 teaspoon herb mixture). Onion juice (1/4 Cup) mixed with honey (1 teaspoon) and black pepper (1/8 teaspoon). Prepared drink relieves cough and eliminates shortness of breath.
Back pain. To make ginger paste and eucalyptus oil to the sore spot.
Pain (external). Applying a ginger compress. Preparation of a ginger compress: mix 2 teaspoons of ginger powder with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, diluted with water to a paste. Heat the pasta and evenly spread on a piece of gauze or cotton. Then put the cloth on the affected area and tie a bandage. Leave the compress on overnight.
Blisters. Apply cooked onion as a poultice or ginger-kurkumoy paste (1/2 teaspoon ginger and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric with water) directly on the blister.
Inflammation of the throat. Gargle with warm water mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of salt.
Gases (in the abdomen). Mix a pinch of baking soda with the juice of 1/2 lemon dissolve in 1 Cup of water and drink.
Eyes (burning). Applying castor oil to the soles of the feet, or enter three drops of pure rose water into the affected eye. For instillation into the eye may also apply fresh aloe Vera juice.
Gums. Drinking: juice of 1/2 lemon to 1 Cup of water. With bleeding massaging the gums with coconut oil.
Hemorrhoids. Drink 1/2 Cup of freshly prepared aloe Vera juice three times a day up until the hemorrhoids disappear.
Headache. To relieve headache apply to forehead warm paste of 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder and water. May occur burning sensation, but it is not harmful.
Another method of treatment consists in regulating the breath. Notice which nostril with greater force exhales. Close it and breathe through the other nostril until the headache subsides.
The following methods may be useful in the treatment of special types of headache:
Sinus headache is associated with Kapha can be reduced by applying ginger paste to the forehead and the frontal sinuses (the sinuses).
Temporary headache indicates excess Pitta in the stomach. In this case, drink tea made from caraway seeds or coriander (1/2 teaspoon of each type of bean in a glass of hot water). At the same time can be applied to the temples sandalwood paste.
Pain in the neck indicate the presence of toxins in the shell intestine. In this case, before bed take 1 teaspoon of Flaxseed with a glass of warm milk. Simultaneously applying a ginger paste to mastoidal the processes behind the ears.
Headaches may occur due to changes in energy or the suppression of excitation in thin connective tissue.
Blockage of the sinuses (the frontal sinuses). Applying ginger paste on the affected area or bagging of one pinch of powder of sweet flag root.
Toothache. Applying clove oil to the aching tooth.
Constipation. Drinking tea out of Senna (1 teaspoon of leaf per Cup of water) or take before bed a teaspoon of ghee in a glass of hot milk. Another option: at night you can drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoon of Flaxseed.
Hiccup. Make a mixture of two parts honey and one part castor oil.
Exhaustion. Drink a glass of coconut water or grape juice, or decoction of dates (3 dates in a glass of water).
Cough. Rinse: is prepared with a pinch of salt and two pinches of turmeric powder to a glass of warm water. Suck a whole clove with a piece of candy. If the cough produces mucus, drinking tea: 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder, a pinch clove and a pinch of cinnamon powder in a glass of hot water.
Bleeding (external). To apply ice, or sandalwood, or ashes of burned cotton ball.
Bleeding (internal). Drink warm milk with half teaspoon of turmeric powder and saffron.
Menstrual cramps. To drink a teaspoon of aloe Vera juice with two pinches of black pepper three times a day until cramps disappear.
Muscle tension (on the body). Make an enema of one Cup arowolo oil. Keep 30 minutes. In normal muscle strain apply warm ginger paste with turmeric (teaspoon of ginger with half a teaspoon of turmeric) to the sore spot twice a day.
Indigestion. To eat one head of minced garlic with a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda or drink 1/4 Cup of onion juice with half teaspoon honey and half teaspoon of black pepper.
Burns. Apply a paste of fresh aloe Vera juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. You can apply ghee or coconut oil.
Cold. Boil a teaspoon of ginger powder in 1 liter of water and inhale these vapors. You can also boil eucalyptus leaves is an excellent remedy to treat colds. Eucalyptus oil is applied to both sides of the nose will alleviate the blockage. Powder of calamus root can be used as snuff means to inhale a pinch of powder in each nostril.
Of the tumor. Drinking barley water. To prepare barley water 4 parts water boiled with 1 part of barley. The same beneficial effect coriander tea. For external tumors to the affected places to make a mixture of 2 parts of turmeric powder and 1 part salt. Drink a tea made from Gotu Kola: one tablespoon in a glass of water.
Overeating. Overeating nervous habit. It is recommended to eat easily digestible foods: millet, tapioca or rye. These products do not increase the weight even if you consume them in excess.A good remedy for overeating — fry a teaspoon of fennel seeds and coriander seeds with a pinch of salt and eat. You can also drink a glass of warm water with juice of half a lemon and a pinch of baking soda.
Diarrhea. Mix together equal parts of yogurt and water, add a little freshly grated ginger (about 1/8 teaspoon) or to drink black coffee with the addition of fresh lemon juice. Another remedy is to prepare a paste of 1-2 teaspoons poppy seeds and a glass of water. Boil the mixture, add a pinch of nutmeg, stir and eat.
Sleep (sleep disorders). To drink a tea made from 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg powder in a glass of water. Carefully massage the soles of the feet and cheekbones with sesame oil or drip 10 drops of warm oil in each ear. Before bedtime drink a glass of warm cow milk with candy or honey. Chamomile tea is also an excellent tool the normalization of sleep (tablespoon of chamomile in a glass of water).
Drowsiness. Drinking coffee, tea made from Gotu Kola or aerovega root before bed. Don't overeat before bedtime.
Rash. Apply the pulp of cilantro leaf to the affected area or drink coriander tea (a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water).
Acne. To make kurkumoy and sandalwood paste topically (on half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and sandalwood with just enough water to make a paste). You can also drink 1/2 Cup of aloe Vera juice twice a day until the acne disappears.
Ears (ringing). Drip three drops of clove oil in the ear.
The ear pain. Drip three drops of garlic oil in the ear or make a mixture of one teaspoon of onion juice and half teaspoon of honey and drip it (5-10 drops) in the ear.
Shock (syncope). Breathe vapours or exactly as freshly pulped onion powder calamus root.
Poison (normal poisoning). Take half a teaspoon of ghee or half a teaspoon of licorice powder.
Poison (bite or when injured). Drink juice, culintro or apply sandalwood paste on the affected area. published
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Source: //poleznoeznanie.ru/241.htm