Conference "E-commerce on the aftermarket," will help improve the profitability of the online stores

Large-scale and Grand event "SIA-AutoTechService'2017" is already on the nose. It is an international exhibition that is held every year in Kiev for all motorists and members of the automotive business.
The red thread of the event will be the subject of the problems of the automotive service and aftermarket. In particular, will rise the following questions:
● the emergence of new prospects in the automotive field,
● secrets of the development and management of online business
● ways to increase sales
● how to build e-Commerce auto parts and accessories etc.
Some of these questions and more will be explored at the conference "E-commerce on the automotive market", which will be held within the exhibition. Organizer and participator of the event will be the company Car.About. Also this year, she is the General partner of "SIA-AutoTechService'2017".
At the conference "E-commerce on the aftermarket," will take place important events
As speakers invited heads of leading organizations from the sphere of Finance and logistics:
● General Director, OOO "Elit Ukraine" Nikolenko Alexander,
● project Manager, OOO "New Post" Eugene Taranushenko,
● head Privatpaket Anatoly rogalski.
They will read reports on the following:
1. "Dumping: "for" and "against". Is it worth it to use?"
2. "The impact of service quality on trading results",
3. "The basic rules of working with wholesale"
4. "The important aspects of the service "fulfillment warehouses"
And intrigue the audience of the conference new projects. Representatives of the New Email and Auto.About present a new joint project and explain its main provisions. The representative of PrivatBank Anatoly rogalski announces "Privatpaket" and detailing its benefits.
Representatives of the company Car.About
— "As one sales Manager can ruin your business" – Baranovskaya Alexander
— "Innovations in the Car.About – what is done and why" (Alexei Vassiliev, Alyanchikov Eugene)
— "Payment system LigPay: disclosure of key terms, the list of tasks"
— "The full cycle of sales in e-commerce – what it is and why you need it" (Alexey Vasiliev, Alyanchikov Eugene)
— "It is the right queries and address"
— About The Forum "Cars.About Innovation"by 2017 (announcement; certification – what it is and what will be done)
Pleasant surprise of the conference will be a tour of the warehouse "New Mail Logistik", which will prepare and conduct the company https://avto.pro. Visitors will be able to personally see all the benefits of this service "fulfillment". Representatives of the "New Mail" will show all the stages that a product passes, from its storage until shipment to the customer.
Thus, within 4 days, just 4 hours a day with short breaks for coffee break and round table discussion each participant will receive a large amount of useful information. During communication with colleagues will be to discuss the speech, to Express their thoughts about heard, to add to the list of new contacts.