Home Library

Books have long become one of the mandatory attributes of a modern home: in a rare house, when you come to visit, you will not see a closet, rack or at least a shelf with books placed on it.

How to organize the library so as to make its use as convenient as possible?

Of course, the most important thing here is to know where everything lies. Spending half an hour searching for the right book is not an option, especially since in the process you will have to take out the books and then put them back. Therefore, when placing books, adhere to a system that is convenient for you. The easiest option is to sort books by alphabet (based either on the author’s name or on the title of the work). If you choose this method of systematization, do not forget to return the book exactly to the place from which you took it, otherwise very soon everything will get mixed up again.

For my library, I found another system more successful - the placement of books by genre. On one shelf there were detectives, on the other - non-fiction (or documentary), on the third - modern prose, on the fourth - English-language publications. A separate cabinet I allocated for children's literature - I collect gift illustrated editions of favorite stories.

Such an organization is also good for choosing a book by the “pumpkin method”. Let’s say you want to read something from science fiction in the evening, but you don’t know what it is – and here is a section dedicated to this section of literature.

If there are a lot of books, and the space is not too much, then the books have to be put in two rows, which is not very convenient: in this case, it is especially important to remember where it is, because just walk through the roots and find a familiar name is not enough, you have to get the entire first row to find the desired.

Books that you constantly need in your work or that you often re-read, it is better to put in the closet at about eye level, in the first row. Conversely, if there are books in the library that you haven’t opened in years, put them on the top shelf.

As for the organization of books by color, I think this option is suitable only if there are very few books and there is no danger of getting lost in the wilds of paper pages. Systematization by color, unfortunately, will only complicate the search.

A good solution is to catalog all available books. Paper or electronic – as you like – the catalog is very convenient to use and will allow you to find the necessary volume in a matter of seconds.

You can also use differentiators made of cardboard or plastic – so you do not need to make a whole catalog. But the delimiters in practice do not look too aesthetic, so I would not recommend such an option.

If you have the opportunity to give a separate room for the library, then leave a little space so that you can install new racks: books are purchased quite often and sooner or later will cease to fit in the cabinets allocated for them.

If you or someone close to you likes board games, then they can also be stored with books, devoting a whole shelf to them. Games, like books, belong to leisure, so that together they will look quite harmonious.

You don’t have to keep all the books in one place: if you’re collecting books with recipes and cooking tips, it’s more convenient to keep them in the kitchen to get them quickly. Perhaps you have a separate notebook in which you personally write down unusual tips and ideas for cooking – all this can be stored in a separate locker.

Just make sure that the chosen cabinet is high enough and far enough from the stove, otherwise there is a high probability that the books will suffer from splashes or something like that.

Prepared by Anna Prilipko

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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Source: kvartblog.ru/blog/organizatsija-domashnej-biblioteki


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