15 online library with free books
today to find a specific book is very simple: you can buy in the store, order online or simply download. If you want a long time for something to read, but do not know where to get the necessary literature, our list will ease your choice.
We are in the Website have already downloaded a couple of books themselves.
Aldebaran h3>
The library offers a huge variety of literature, which can not only read online, but also to download in any format to any device. Before downloading the book site user can find a brief content of the book or read an excerpt.
Archive «TarraNova» h3>
The site has collected a large number of original texts and translations. Then little-known books, but everyone will find a lot of useful and interesting. Leaders asked to call the site is not an electronic library and archive name as TarraNova main difference is that all the texts posted here officially, and with the consent of the authors.
LitRes h3>
This e-book store, but it also has a free section, which presents a large number of works by classical and contemporary authors. Books available for download on the website after login.
Library Maxim Moshkova h3>
One of the first electronic library, which was established in 1994. Authors and readers daily fill up it on a voluntary basis. The site has a very simple interface, so when will go there, do not worry: your gadget's all right, it's just such a site. Service does not take money, you can read everything, but only online. Download the book can not.
Bookland h3>
Despite the fact that this e-book store and access fee, you can find a collection of free literature on this Bookland classics.
Library Old Sorcerer h3>
The library contains works of the adventure genre, and the genre of science fiction and historical novels. To download the book, you need to register on the site.
artifact h3>
The website contains more than 8000 texts not only Russian, but also in the other languages of the world. All files are available for download only in the format of doc.
fishing rod h3>
The site offers a variety of books in any format. Here you can also upload copyrighted material and make money on it. A good opportunity for young writers. And, you can create virtual libraries.
Russian Fiction h3>
All lovers of Russian fiction dedicated. The library contains more than 10,000 texts by 180 authors. On the site you can also read interviews and news about your favorite writers.
All Tolstoy in a single click h3>
Volunteers from 49 countries have created an electronic version of the complete works of Leo Tolstoy. All books can be downloaded in any format on smartphones or tablets and, most importantly, free. More than 700 works by Russian classics!
Fyodor Dostoyevsky h3>
All the works of the great writer and the information about it. Here you can find the latest news about the film adaptations, and television plays, studies, as well as a list of museums and photo archive of the writer.
Coffee Hall h3>
This is a great collection of modern Russian literary magazines. Here you can explore the latest issue of the most famous national magazines. Database updated quickly and regularly.
The "Gutenberg» h3>
A useful site for those who like to read in foreign languages. The library has collected more than 46,000 books in English, French, Italian and other languages. Books available for download in any format.
Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library h3>
Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library digitizes rare books from the Russian public libraries and collects them in thematic collections. History buffs will find a lot of useful information.
Library «ImWerden» h3>
ImWerden offers a collection of audio and video files, which provide the opportunity to hear (and see) how the texts read by the authors themselves: Yesenin, Blok, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Akhmatova and other poets.
Preview: Kevin Carden
via 500px.com/photo/68793539/woman-reading-inside-a-huge-book-by-kevin-carden
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