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Siberian Stonehenge: in the Kuzbass taiga found the ancient city

Expedition 2013 in the forest in the South of Kuzbas have made a sensational discovery. On top of the mountain, at a height of 1015-1200 m, scientists have found ruins of the ancient city, built of huge stone rectangular blocks. On Earth technology, like the construction and lifting of such loads to the top now there.

Scientists, after receiving a report of the expedition, photos and video that showed the sizes of granite "bricks", consider two versions: a strong natural weathering of rocks in Mountain Shoria and man-made origin of the walls. For the second version of the argument more research and found the ruins of the city, which instantly dubbed "the ancestral home of the Rus" and "the first Russian Stonehenge", will be continued.

In addition to Stonehenge, the discovery of the ruins in Mountain Shoria even compare it with other famous ancient monuments of the world — Baalbek terrace in Lebanon and the pyramids of Egypt.



At the base of the Baalbek terraces are stone "bricks" weighing 800-1000 tons. In the pyramid of Cheops is the most powerful of the granite blocks weigh 50 to 80 tonnes. About those and others often say that they were built by aliens, because any even modern supermechanism so heavy "bricks" to raise.

"And the granite blocks in the wall, found by the expedition to Mountain Shoria, each weigh over 1,000 tons. This is a very heavy blocks. Andthe construction of them was made about 100 thousand years ago. And if this is not the work of human hands, that civilization, which was early. Our scientists, seeing a shooting expedition, came to the conclusion that the construction is not natural, but anthropogenic. It was implemented technically, as it seemed incredible." — said Eugene Wurtman, Deputy Chairman of the Tomsk branch of the Russian geographical society.

The exact coordinates of the ruins returned from the taiga the expedition has been kept secret. It is only known that the ancient city is located in the impassable taiga in Mezhdurechensk. There is no foot nor hunter (locals — Shor — I think those places for centuries forbidden), nor the tourist.

"Yes, even the foot of the geologist set foot there. In 1991 I was working in a geological party from the helicopter noticed a strange building in the forest. Couldn't believe my eyes. Inquired the old geologists. Then tested on different maps and geological surveys. No one noticed the wall in the forest the emphasis is not seen. So, mistaken for ordinary rocks, But the mystery of taiga didn't let go. Two years ago, I went in search of the ancient city in that direction specifically. It was hard, but found. And this fall sent his shot to the permanent expedition of the Tomsk branch of the RGS. And she came to make sure that this is no ordinary rock, "painted" the frosts and winds". — said Vyacheslav Pochekin, a geologist-Explorer.

The expedition, passing through the impassable taiga, climbing to the top of the desired mountain on all fours (angle reached 45 degrees), admiring the courage of the conductor Vyacheslav (he was ahead, and 52-year-old geologist instead of a leg prosthesis), I forgot about all the difficulties, seeing the top of the first ruins.

"When we climbed to the top of over 1000 meters and saw giant megalithic wall, I didn't know what to think. Before us stood a clearly man-made structure. Part of it was destroyed. And in different places, apparently, monstrous force of the explosions. Upstairs giant blocks kept place reflow and clear of burnout... All of our people, it was clear that before us some of the ancient engineering structure that was destroyed ruthlessly, but where it is still preserved. Researching the artifact, we found two types of masonry: the lower walls were clearly megalithic, some blocks reached длины20 metres and a height of 6. According to conservative estimates the weight of these giants were above a thousand tons.Baalbek megaliths compared to what we saw is child's play. Stunned, we wandered among these ruins, not realizing their purpose. Some granite blocks at the bottom were made of red granite, crowned their blocks of granite grey, and above lay the polygonal masonry of various blocks of red granite and gray. Places of polygonal walls seemed melted." – according to George Jones, a member of the expedition.


Photo: archive of Georgy Sidorov

Guides friends-geologists Vyacheslav Pochekin and Alexander Bespalov has divided the expedition into two groups. One left to cover the wall with a broken "brick" walls, the second went to another ruined building, with vertical masonry blocks.

"These two buildings, as we assume, still are not buildings. There was not an ancient city and fortress. Most likely, it was the technical installations. Version Sidorov, were the ancient some energosberegenie, "the energy centre" standing on the energy rift. Why are they needed? In addition to practical for some purposes, perhaps, these generators are put on the Ground and in order to, as it fantastically sounds, to stabilize the earth's axis. In General, the solution found ruins still ahead." – said Eugene Wurtman, Deputy Chairman of the Tomsk branch of the RGS.

The party stayed on the mountain for three days and two nights. Tents pitched not in ruins, and away. Although the measured radiation showed that everything is normal. But, according to the expedition, it was hard psychologically. Amazed it is not so much incomprehensible mechanism as the ancient cut granite rectangular bricks (the weight of which, according to estimates by Georgy Sidorov, reached 2 thousand tons), as raised on a steep mountain slope and joined — resigned from their walls, without any cement, just drove very tightly so that the connection even the knife would not pass. Members of the expedition more weighed down that wall melted, destroyed at an unprecedented explosion.

"Stone walls in some places reaches a height of 40 m, the length of the block most often comes to 7 m. the Length of the wall — примерно200 M. Is a powerful structure. But the blocks melted! And although it's a huge number of years, judging by the surrounding powerful taiga, in fritted blocks still even the moss is not too increasing. There is a moss only a five-centimeter". – said Vyacheslav Pochekin, conductor.


Photo: archive of Georgy Sidorov

The force of the explosion, razmetelevo once these buildings in Mountain Shoria, the experts can only guess.

"A simple volcanic eruption would not be able to deal with the granite blocks. On speciality I am a nuclear physicist. I can imagine that such injuries could occur when locally the temperature impact would reach millions of degrees. What happened actually, we can only guess. But it can be compared to a thermonuclear weapon. Only it is possible to explain the fact that the granite blocks is heated and flowed like clay, but so late and froze". – according to Eugene Wurtman, Deputy Chairman of the Tomsk branch of the RGS.

Until the discovery of ruins in the Mountain Shoria has generated many questions and hypotheses. Version free that here lived the ancestors of the Russians, or that this place is the ancestral home of humanity, to version about the landing site of the aliens in the adventures of heroes of antiquity and their work for the development of life on Earth, to help future people. A year to the ruins, come the next expedition, with the GPR, with the objective to find the entrance down and explore the underground corridors of the building. And perhaps some answer to many questions will have already been obtained.


In December 2013, the Belarusian Aife there is such an article:

The city of aliens. Geologists found in the forest the traces of extraterrestrial civilization

It is unclear how it was possible to build such structures from multi-ton boulders.

Geological expedition in the Kemerovo region ended unexpectedly — the participants claim to have found the settlement of the first human ancestors.

Geological expedition discovered in the South of the Kemerovo region on top of the mountain the granite wall of piled up on one another giant rectangular blocks. The construction height 40 m, length about 200 m. One stone "brick" in this wall weighs thousands of tons.

Technologies like the construction and lifting of such loads to the top no. Where did this build in the mountains at an altitude of 1100 meters?

The participants of the expedition believe that these megaliths work of human hands, created about 100 thousand years ago. "We understood, and without exception, that we have before us the buildings that were erected by our ancestors", — wrote in his report the expedition George Jones. Supporters of the "man-made" versions are already comparing the discovery with the Egyptian pyramids and it is called "Russian Stonehenge."


Photo: George Jones

Local geologists and historians insist on the version about the natural origin of the wall and not in a hurry to inflate a sensation.

"Not once met in the mountains of Kuznetsk Alatau are square, the length of which reached one kilometer. It is a natural phenomenon, characteristic for this area, spheroidal granites, which form huge geometric wall. If there is a wish, may, of course, study, but the version that is a human creation, I am wary," says Sergey TIVIAKOV, academician of the International Academy of tourism and local history.

While scientists get to the truth, the local government is already betting on the megaliths as a tourist attraction. "What is it — a civilization, a unique phenomenon of nature or the handiwork of aliens? Tourists are sure to attract!" — said the Governor of the Kemerovo region. A few years ago, Aman TULEYEV supported the initiative of the researchers of Bigfoot, and now the region is positioning itself as the place of residence of the Yeti in order to organize their searches every fall celebrates the Bigfoot. It seems that the regional government has launched a new public relations campaign to attract tourists "Kuzbass Stonehenge".

Channel "Interesting Video" 2 years ago (Published: 2 years ago) posted a slide show at the end of this expedition, with the following description: SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves,
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The pyramids in Siberia, Traces of Ancient Civilization in Siberia

Grand megaliths have been found in the Kemerovo region in the South of Western Siberia, at the junction of the Altai and Sayan mountains, where the territory, known as Shoria Mountain. At an altitude of over 1000 metres, are the remains of a huge wall, made of the amazing megalithic blocks.

In some places, even the ancient builders cut the rock for the Foundation and the blocks have dimensions far exceeding the famous blocks of Baalbek terrace.

This discovery requires a closer examination of scientists of different directions

There are some facts for consideration:

Wall breached in three places, powerful explosions, which blocks scattered around for hundreds of meters.

The granite in some places have melted from exposure to enormous temperatures and drip under the weight of the upper rows.

The wall is composed of polygonal walls out of colorful blocks.

The rows of vertical blocks have horizontal overlapping and riddled with thick veins of quartz. Perhaps this building use the energy output of the Earth. The fact that in this place there is access to a force, prove the amazing trees that grow directly on bare rock without soil and water.

Standing next to the tree-lined, pyramid-shaped structure, with a height of 800 metres.

Through binoculars one can see the ruins of other structures now found the remains of similar constructions in other places of the Altai, which form these ruins of a huge geometric shape.


After the rain on the blocks you can see the runic letters... published


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Source: cont.ws/post/211256?_utl_t=fb