12 interesting facts about the mysteries of Stonehenge
The history of Stonehenge is so mysterious that this building is occupied place of honor in the pantheon of the most mysterious structure of the world. The site offers little to lift the veil of this mystical, learn more facts about Stonehenge. 1. It was a project duration of 1,500 years h2> While scientists do not know 100% who, when and why built Stonehenge, but what is certain about it, it's the age of the building. It turned out that it appeared in one day and even for 100 years. For example, the most ancient items date back to the year 3000 BC. e., massive rocks somewhere 2500 years, and the most "young" design elements appeared in 1500 BC. e.
2. Some elements of Stonehenge took over 250 kilometers h2> The ancient "builders" of this facility is not used local materials - in any case, not at all. For example, some of the small stones of the monument were brought from the territories from him for 250 kilometers. An impressive achievement when you consider that their weight is about four tons. In fact, scientists have not reliably know how they were able to move so far away, and because many believe that the stones are still used purely local.
3. Stonehenge was originally a cemetery h2> Its exact purpose is unknown, but from the very beginning, even before the large stones, Stonehenge was a cemetery, on which rests a few dozen people of the Neolithic. More precisely, their remains after cremation - about it eloquently and finds the corresponding holes in the ground next.
4. And not all of it buried were cremated h2> However, although most of the human remains found at the site of Stonehenge - it's ashes, there are exceptions. For example, in 1923 there were found burial of the man without a head, dated VII century. BC. e. The scientists decided that it was a criminal who was executed, but, according to the burial place - or very noble, or a priest or a combination of both together.
5. Rumors about the purpose of Stonehenge - the most different h2> Since no one knows exactly who and why Stonehenge erected around his destiny soar variety of rumors. The most innocuous theory says that a former Druidic temple or place of coronation. Others - that it is an ancient observatory, and even the structure built by aliens, who flew to the Earth thousands of years ago.
6. The first written mention of Stonehenge appeared in the XII century h2> Despite the fact that Stonehenge in a '' century there was already 3, 5 thousand. Years ago, the first time in written sources it is mentioned only in the XII century. Surprisingly, even the unknown chronicler admired and size of structures and lamented the fact that no one knows its purpose. In this respect, science is not advanced over 800 years on a step.
7. In the Middle Ages people believed that Merlin created Stonehenge h2> However, at least for the past 800 years, people have abandoned the idea and the belief that the Merlin created Stonehenge
8. The "new" Druids started using Stonehenge at the beginning of the XX century h2> Druids and now regularly gather at Stonehenge for ceremonies, and for the first time this happened in 1905, when a group of 700 people, united in the Ancient Order of Druids held a bright and colorful ceremony using ancient robes, false beards and large quantities of alcohol. The British press did not spare colors to describe this spectacle.
9. Charles Darwin studied worms Stonehenge h2> In the second half of his life, Charles Darwin a lot of attention is paid to earthworms, trying to prove their huge role in nature. And he chose his observations worms Stonehenge, conducted excavations in the vicinity of these "buildings". Along the way, he made some archaeological discoveries, which makes Darwin's first "field" Archaeologists studying Stonehenge.
10. Previously, on the rocks of Stonehenge could climb h2> Before 1977 there was no ban on the "conquest" Stonehenge visitors. Until the beginning of XX century - there was no ban on it to withdraw himself on the stones in the memory. If not for these restrictions, in 2015 from the ancient monument would just nothing left.
11. Stonehenge formed a complete circle h2> Scientists themselves hoarse arguing about whether Stonehenge full circle or not, until everything in its place without parting drought in 2014. It is "highlighted" strange circles on the ground, which are ideal for places where previously there were other stones of Stonehenge. Massive boulders at the time forever changed the nature of the soil and in the course of an unprecedented drought, it was clearly seen.
12. This year - 100 years as Stonehenge stands on public land h2> Before 1915 Stonehenge standing on private land and became a state only by courtesy of Cecil Chubb, who bought land in the auction, which sold off assets last member of the family Antrobasov, owned lands Stonehenge. More precisely, he bought the land in 1910, and gave - in 1915, and was a prerequisite for the gift of free access for everyone to the monument. Later on, including for this act, the British Crown granted him a knighthood.
1. It was a project duration of 1,500 years h2> While scientists do not know 100% who, when and why built Stonehenge, but what is certain about it, it's the age of the building. It turned out that it appeared in one day and even for 100 years. For example, the most ancient items date back to the year 3000 BC. e., massive rocks somewhere 2500 years, and the most "young" design elements appeared in 1500 BC. e.
2. Some elements of Stonehenge took over 250 kilometers h2> The ancient "builders" of this facility is not used local materials - in any case, not at all. For example, some of the small stones of the monument were brought from the territories from him for 250 kilometers. An impressive achievement when you consider that their weight is about four tons. In fact, scientists have not reliably know how they were able to move so far away, and because many believe that the stones are still used purely local.
3. Stonehenge was originally a cemetery h2> Its exact purpose is unknown, but from the very beginning, even before the large stones, Stonehenge was a cemetery, on which rests a few dozen people of the Neolithic. More precisely, their remains after cremation - about it eloquently and finds the corresponding holes in the ground next.
4. And not all of it buried were cremated h2> However, although most of the human remains found at the site of Stonehenge - it's ashes, there are exceptions. For example, in 1923 there were found burial of the man without a head, dated VII century. BC. e. The scientists decided that it was a criminal who was executed, but, according to the burial place - or very noble, or a priest or a combination of both together.
5. Rumors about the purpose of Stonehenge - the most different h2> Since no one knows exactly who and why Stonehenge erected around his destiny soar variety of rumors. The most innocuous theory says that a former Druidic temple or place of coronation. Others - that it is an ancient observatory, and even the structure built by aliens, who flew to the Earth thousands of years ago.
The most common and "conventional" theory is that this prehistoric temple built in accordance with certain movements of the sun.
6. The first written mention of Stonehenge appeared in the XII century h2> Despite the fact that Stonehenge in a '' century there was already 3, 5 thousand. Years ago, the first time in written sources it is mentioned only in the XII century. Surprisingly, even the unknown chronicler admired and size of structures and lamented the fact that no one knows its purpose. In this respect, science is not advanced over 800 years on a step.
7. In the Middle Ages people believed that Merlin created Stonehenge h2> However, at least for the past 800 years, people have abandoned the idea and the belief that the Merlin created Stonehenge
8. The "new" Druids started using Stonehenge at the beginning of the XX century h2> Druids and now regularly gather at Stonehenge for ceremonies, and for the first time this happened in 1905, when a group of 700 people, united in the Ancient Order of Druids held a bright and colorful ceremony using ancient robes, false beards and large quantities of alcohol. The British press did not spare colors to describe this spectacle.
9. Charles Darwin studied worms Stonehenge h2> In the second half of his life, Charles Darwin a lot of attention is paid to earthworms, trying to prove their huge role in nature. And he chose his observations worms Stonehenge, conducted excavations in the vicinity of these "buildings". Along the way, he made some archaeological discoveries, which makes Darwin's first "field" Archaeologists studying Stonehenge.
10. Previously, on the rocks of Stonehenge could climb h2> Before 1977 there was no ban on the "conquest" Stonehenge visitors. Until the beginning of XX century - there was no ban on it to withdraw himself on the stones in the memory. If not for these restrictions, in 2015 from the ancient monument would just nothing left.
11. Stonehenge formed a complete circle h2> Scientists themselves hoarse arguing about whether Stonehenge full circle or not, until everything in its place without parting drought in 2014. It is "highlighted" strange circles on the ground, which are ideal for places where previously there were other stones of Stonehenge. Massive boulders at the time forever changed the nature of the soil and in the course of an unprecedented drought, it was clearly seen.
12. This year - 100 years as Stonehenge stands on public land h2> Before 1915 Stonehenge standing on private land and became a state only by courtesy of Cecil Chubb, who bought land in the auction, which sold off assets last member of the family Antrobasov, owned lands Stonehenge. More precisely, he bought the land in 1910, and gave - in 1915, and was a prerequisite for the gift of free access for everyone to the monument. Later on, including for this act, the British Crown granted him a knighthood.
via www.delfi.lv/zhurnal/turgid/turnews/12-monumentalnyh-faktov-pro-stounhendzh-kotorye-vy-navernyaka-ne-znali.d?id=46559343
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