Rafting on catamarans
For 10 years as a fond of rafting on catamarans. This photo report is made up of the most interesting moments in the last few years, May Day alloys. I will try to give the most complete information about the event. So I hope it will be interesting for both experienced rafters, tourists and people far from this wonderful pastime. Immediately, I note that this alloy has no sports and extreme focus, and is a common tourist destination for recreation.
There will be 31 pictures, and text commentary
Itinerary: (possible on the map is not very clear, but you can google)
Siberia, Kemerovo region, Tashtagol District, Big River Unzas - Mras-Su.
The length of the alloy - about 150 km.
Duration - 3-4 days, depending on the water level.
Difficulty category - II, ie simple, but in the shallows can be wet ass.
Team - optimally 12-14 people that would sit comfortably on 3 catamarans.
Big Unzas River is the right tributary of the river Mras-Su which usually come out on the 4th day of the route. The width of the river at the site of the start of about 20-30 meters, depending on the water level. The route passes through pretty scenic uninhabited taiga places. The first residential settlements in the shore appear only on day 4 already directly before exiting. Beginning of the route is selected depending on the water level, about 15-20 km of ski resort Sheregesh, launching more often near the road bridge over the river. Exit route usually produce before reaching the toe near the village of Chuvash, as there the road goes parallel to the coast. Zabroska PAZ bus passes, access to cargo Gazelle and a couple of cars. Ie input and output are very simple and physically easy, allowing you to take with a lot of things. Nature - Shor typical taiga, hill overgrown with pine and mixed forest, close to the Su-Mras thickets of aspen and birch. Find a parking space is quite simple, wood and dry brushwood always in abundance. River the first two days is quite calm and it does not require any special effort. If you plan a 4-day rafting, by and large do not even have a specific need in rowing, you just edit the fairway, gutter waterlogged islands and backwaters. On the third day begins thresholds at which at low water it is possible to sit on the boulders, and the risk of high water that drains have overflowed in waves that can reach up to 1 meter. On the last day of the river is quite wide, and quiet, and then completely empties into the affluent Mras Su ...
For those who do not know to tell what the catamaran:
Tourist catamaran is two cylinders fastened frame. The length of each bladder is about 5 m, a diameter of 60-80 cm, depending on the manufacturer, the width of the assembled kata about 2, 1-2, 3 m. Each cylinder consists of 2 parts: the main inner rubber bladder and an outer cover of a special fabric that It protects the cylinder core from being damaged in the process of the alloy. As a professional and sports frames used dural tube, or as in our case (pictured) ordinary carved in wood poles, 3-4 major cross-thin arm and 3 pieces of longitudinal deck under a little less in diameter. Sometimes the outside of the cylinder is tied for another pole for better assiduity on the cylinder and in the event of "flip-flop" for a board that you could just grab for something ...
The last few years of use as a frame brought with wooden boards 6x10 cm as the main conventional 2, 5 cm of the board as the deck. Given that the bus we dovozit almost to the shore, then drag these boards to the water quite easily. There's the most we get a more reliable and convenient design of the frame and deck, faster catamarans are collected, it is not necessary to climb on the forest and less chance to gather up a few ticks, well, that is not unimportant - no need to cut down trees. As practice shows, as dressings deck boards it is very convenient to use cut strips in a spiral chamber of the wheels of the car, since due to its plasticity tires better undergoes oscillations of cylinders on the waves and not like an ordinary rope frays. Then the finished deck spread out a large piece of polyethylene to which all things are stacked, the same piece of stuff wrapped top and linked. Thus, our things are not afraid of no waves and spray from the river, or a sudden rain. Very convenient for everyone to tie back anything of the things that are not afraid to get wet (germomeshok roll "foams" korematov) that would be during the rafting was a stop for the back and you could sit ...
On the shore is vanity, all in business: someone shakes catamarans who their links, and who already collects zakuson on the table. For sure before launching need to "wipe" vodka for favorable weather and good water. And directly in front of himself already otchalivaniem when all catamarans are assembled and the whole team is ready to be launched, we will open a bottle of champagne is traditionally ...)))
Finally comes the long-awaited moment when the jumps on the balloon repel the paddle from the shore and rushed into the rapids of the river that you have picked up over. In front of you waiting for contact with clean nature and funny friends, four days of which you dreamed all winter ...
If we look back, we can see Mount Muztagh 1570 meters high, one of the main peaks ski resort Mountain Shoria ...
Considering that in the street early spring, the weather is quite unpredictable. You can always expect a complete surprise from any weather, from snow to rain and frost at night, before the hot sun day and night. Therefore, special attention should be paid to such alloys outfit.
From my own experience, I recommend everyone to have a minimum of things with:
- A good rain gear (I have a cloak of chemical protection),
- Waders directly for rafting and sneakers bustle of the camp,
- Waterproof pants / overalls worn over boots in case engulf wave (you can also trousers boots from UGC),
- At least 1 set of dry clothes (from socks and underwear to pants and jackets) in the case of a "flip-flop" in the water,
- A couple of spare wool socks,
- Hats, gloves and other trifles.
All the dry things desirable to pack in plastic bags (garbage in large or multi-layer construction waste) and the bags themselves more tightly wrap with tape. Similarly packed sleeping bags and blankets (I always take a couple of sleeping bags and a couple of "pioneer" of blankets on a bed). If some sort of accident happens and your backpack with you fall into the water, then you will always be sure that your belongings in any case do not get wet, and by sealing the bag will last longer afloat ...
We are always easily recognizable on the river. On the flagpole proudly flies the Jolly Roger, and our blows fresh as the fumes from the habit of pirates ...)))
Catch up with friendly catamaran, and they have the upper deck is a concert and all the fun even though going fine snow ...)))
The first couple of days there is usually no need to strain such as rowing, only need to glance over the waterway that would not fly in the bushes, do not perch on a log or boulder. Or that the worst thing for a catamaran - descend on the "comb". "Comb" - is fallen into the river from the shore podmyta tree that branches in the water, and the roots still cling to the shore. It turns out that the tree is in the water almost perpendicular to the flow, and if it's fir tree from the discharge, the flow of water and debris he breaks off all twigs and remains almost bare trunk with protruding sharp fragments strong branches. For catamaran flown at a speed to such an ambush everything it can end in a very bad, up to total loss of the catamaran and things, as a period of high water is very strong and that the catch out of the water after the accident will be very difficult.
The daily rate of transition depends on the flow rate, but usually on the water has to be about 6-8 hours, taking into account the berths to "warm-up priests' and toilet. If strongly podmerzli, you can quick and ignite a small fire to keep warm. After 6 pm already starting to look a place in the camp, but if the water is low and weak current, then sometimes you have to paddle to 9pm. Catamarans on the river going closer to each other that we could respond quickly and unanimously to approach to the right place ...
A Place in the camp setting is quite a large selection on any shore and usually within an hour, select the one that most satisfies our desires: smooth, dry and rocky, not far from the water, a large number sushnin (wood) for the fire. A variety of locations ranging from overgrown with pine and spruce coasts, where it is convenient to make a place for a bonfire and have something to tie the tent ...
Until fairly spacious shores overgrown with aspen, where it is necessary sometimes to look normal wood and cut down the pins to set the tent ...
On alloy probably the most boring thing is at the end of the day, tired and Moist put a full camp, so often when the high water and nimble for we allow ourselves to relax and if you caught a good place, then stay on it for two nights camping. Considering that in the past few years, we take with us a chainsaw, the firewood we had no problems. We always have churochek for the organization of the table, for chairs and campfire all night ...)))
In parallel with the organization of camps and tents, organized by the fire place and stretched the tent. Team necessary changes into dry clothes and shoes, and all wet hung near the fire to dry. Over the fire hung two buckets of water, one for food, the second under the tea. Water is taken ideally from either the nearest stream taiga, or directly from the river, but in the latter case, the water is recommended longer pokipyatit.
For hanging buckets used specially prepared snaryagu. We either purchase a special cable, which is stretched between the trees through which slides karabinchik, which in turn is suspended from a chain with a hook. Or alternatively homemade Pribluda: 3 pieces of chain 2 m long and 2 pieces of 1 meter. Along the edges of the big chains tied a rope to the case when the distance between the trees over 2 m. On small pieces of string around the edges made 2 hooks, one of which she clings to the main chain over the fire, and the second you can adjust the height of the suspended over the fire bucket. The result is a very comfortable design that does not burn out from the flames of a fire and which is convenient to hang buckets and control their height above the flames ...
While all finish to put up tents, it comes in our camp cook. Now our main task is just that the time would drag up the wood, to open canned food, peel the potatoes and cook, pour a glass of the team as "wipe" during cooking is holy work ...)))
Of course in the forest after a paddle and waved podmok, any food seems a culinary masterpiece. But for general guidance give a list of dishes that we usually prepare:
- In the first days usually prepare any meat dishes from domestic preparations (that would spoil the meat did not have time). This can be a home soup, pilaf taiga, shurpa, barbecues or any kupaty.
- On the morning of the second day is usually eats what is left in the evening, or do some easy supets, like, a couple of chicken legs. In the evening of the second day to eat up all meat stocks, for example, the same chicken legs with stewed potatoes.
- All the days that followed the preparation of canned talking: in the morning often something zhidenkoe, like, fish or other supets ear, and in the evening a dense and satisfying, like, potatoes and stewed meat or buckwheat porridge with stewed meat. In the latest cooking can be done "zalipuhu" - noodles with stewed meat. We call it "zalipuhoy" because after the bucket and then horseradish otmoesh dishes in cold water and that's why it is prepared in the least ...)))
In terms of what to drink, there is nothing better than a good tasty tea with condensed milk, someone likes kofeek or lately we like to do - a bucket of hot cocoa ...
After all the dry, they will warm and satisfied, begins the most pleasant in the campaign - rasslabuha. Something for which the long run, and came into the forest. Completely forgetting about all bytovuhu in the city, forgetting about all the problems at work, we simply rest your body and soul in a beautiful friendly company. Sitting in the warm nights by the fire late into the night, we really have fun with all the heart, singing songs with a guitar, Grass any funny stories and anecdotes. Someone would get some snacks from the "bonus program" type, a jar of pineapple or peaches, Shmat smoked salsa with black bread, a bottle of wine each home or a good viskarya. Why after such evenings as that vaguely remember how to sleep in the tent fit ...)))
And I like the way you wake up early in the morning in the tent, pokes his head out of the warm sleeping bag, and there is fresh and damp outside. And to get up, put on a cold and damp night things, and absolutely do not want. Listen, there is something going on in the camp and hear the campfire someone tinkling crockery. Gathers power of will in a fist and jump out of the warm sleeping bag, quickly pulls the thing and protrude out of the tent. And the river spreads mist nicherta have not seen for a hundred meters. Campfire fumbling your responsibility to one, he had lit a small campfire and throws more wood. Approach to his backpack, dipped in his hand and pulled out from the bottom of a couple of ice cans of beer from the "bonus program". And so sitting around the campfire together sipping beer, listening to the crackle of burning wood and talking in hushed tones, that would not have to wake up earlier than the time the rest of the camp. Slowly things are starting to warm up on you from the heat of the fire and became so good at heart ...
Soon after waking up the whole camp. Getting clean up after a night of partying, wash dishes, beginning to prepare the morning soup. Given that it was decided to stay at this place for another one night, then we have to come completely free day. It's time to show off a bit, for this we have to plan the preparation of boreal land. All rules: special rice, smoked fish, cucumber, wasabi, ginger, soy sauce, and even sticks ...)))
Someone went on back to bed, someone communicates with the others sitting around the fire, someone went to collect the flask (damn tasty and flavorful, and if even she vodka snack, the general beauty) who simply walks and photographers come to the photoshoot for the scenery ...
more ...
more ...
and more ...
Speaking of rain and snow. Do not think that all May Day alloys are so warm and sunny, is sure that obgorite in the sun, but, for example, in the 2013 we had "Rainy alloy", all 4 days was a cold drizzling rain and rare sunshine we were happy as the children. In principle, given snaryagu we all did not mind, but simply to create some discomfort. But in 2006 it was my most "snow rafting". That year the winter dragged on, the river thawed ice a week before our rafting, the weather was not at all in the spring and throughout the forest was still snow. Well, we had Aft winter tent with a small stove inside a bourgeois. In that year, we had a small accident, the first catamaran stuck to "comb" and when you try to pull off a man fell into the water until we caught him the second catamaran "tumbled" two others, including myself. Completely soaked, and outside temperature is only a few degrees above zero, and the water so all on the verge of freezing. Saved only by the fact that they were well-prepared, immediately put a small tent with a burner inside, stripped naked, wiped and dressed entirely in spare dry things, do not forget to drink half a cup sugreva vodka. As a result, given the situation it was pleasing to the decision to set camp for the night right there on the beach. Paddles like shovels shoveled snow that would make room for tents. In some places the snow was knee-deep. Then snowing all night, I had all night to heat the stove in a tent, that would not freeze to death, but nothing survived, and all were healthy ...
Catamarans were parked on the shore on the ice and snow-covered night ...
And this is especially for those who do not know how much snow falls in the Siberian taiga. Such snow and ice hummocks height of more than 3 meters and a length greater than 200 meters on the shore waiting for us in the second year at the bend of the river. Keep in mind that on the street at this time on May 1 and the city in general has all the snow had melted by this time, and then just some sort of anomaly ...)))
There will be 31 pictures, and text commentary

Itinerary: (possible on the map is not very clear, but you can google)
Siberia, Kemerovo region, Tashtagol District, Big River Unzas - Mras-Su.
The length of the alloy - about 150 km.
Duration - 3-4 days, depending on the water level.
Difficulty category - II, ie simple, but in the shallows can be wet ass.
Team - optimally 12-14 people that would sit comfortably on 3 catamarans.
Big Unzas River is the right tributary of the river Mras-Su which usually come out on the 4th day of the route. The width of the river at the site of the start of about 20-30 meters, depending on the water level. The route passes through pretty scenic uninhabited taiga places. The first residential settlements in the shore appear only on day 4 already directly before exiting. Beginning of the route is selected depending on the water level, about 15-20 km of ski resort Sheregesh, launching more often near the road bridge over the river. Exit route usually produce before reaching the toe near the village of Chuvash, as there the road goes parallel to the coast. Zabroska PAZ bus passes, access to cargo Gazelle and a couple of cars. Ie input and output are very simple and physically easy, allowing you to take with a lot of things. Nature - Shor typical taiga, hill overgrown with pine and mixed forest, close to the Su-Mras thickets of aspen and birch. Find a parking space is quite simple, wood and dry brushwood always in abundance. River the first two days is quite calm and it does not require any special effort. If you plan a 4-day rafting, by and large do not even have a specific need in rowing, you just edit the fairway, gutter waterlogged islands and backwaters. On the third day begins thresholds at which at low water it is possible to sit on the boulders, and the risk of high water that drains have overflowed in waves that can reach up to 1 meter. On the last day of the river is quite wide, and quiet, and then completely empties into the affluent Mras Su ...

For those who do not know to tell what the catamaran:
Tourist catamaran is two cylinders fastened frame. The length of each bladder is about 5 m, a diameter of 60-80 cm, depending on the manufacturer, the width of the assembled kata about 2, 1-2, 3 m. Each cylinder consists of 2 parts: the main inner rubber bladder and an outer cover of a special fabric that It protects the cylinder core from being damaged in the process of the alloy. As a professional and sports frames used dural tube, or as in our case (pictured) ordinary carved in wood poles, 3-4 major cross-thin arm and 3 pieces of longitudinal deck under a little less in diameter. Sometimes the outside of the cylinder is tied for another pole for better assiduity on the cylinder and in the event of "flip-flop" for a board that you could just grab for something ...

The last few years of use as a frame brought with wooden boards 6x10 cm as the main conventional 2, 5 cm of the board as the deck. Given that the bus we dovozit almost to the shore, then drag these boards to the water quite easily. There's the most we get a more reliable and convenient design of the frame and deck, faster catamarans are collected, it is not necessary to climb on the forest and less chance to gather up a few ticks, well, that is not unimportant - no need to cut down trees. As practice shows, as dressings deck boards it is very convenient to use cut strips in a spiral chamber of the wheels of the car, since due to its plasticity tires better undergoes oscillations of cylinders on the waves and not like an ordinary rope frays. Then the finished deck spread out a large piece of polyethylene to which all things are stacked, the same piece of stuff wrapped top and linked. Thus, our things are not afraid of no waves and spray from the river, or a sudden rain. Very convenient for everyone to tie back anything of the things that are not afraid to get wet (germomeshok roll "foams" korematov) that would be during the rafting was a stop for the back and you could sit ...

On the shore is vanity, all in business: someone shakes catamarans who their links, and who already collects zakuson on the table. For sure before launching need to "wipe" vodka for favorable weather and good water. And directly in front of himself already otchalivaniem when all catamarans are assembled and the whole team is ready to be launched, we will open a bottle of champagne is traditionally ...)))

Finally comes the long-awaited moment when the jumps on the balloon repel the paddle from the shore and rushed into the rapids of the river that you have picked up over. In front of you waiting for contact with clean nature and funny friends, four days of which you dreamed all winter ...

If we look back, we can see Mount Muztagh 1570 meters high, one of the main peaks ski resort Mountain Shoria ...
Considering that in the street early spring, the weather is quite unpredictable. You can always expect a complete surprise from any weather, from snow to rain and frost at night, before the hot sun day and night. Therefore, special attention should be paid to such alloys outfit.
From my own experience, I recommend everyone to have a minimum of things with:
- A good rain gear (I have a cloak of chemical protection),
- Waders directly for rafting and sneakers bustle of the camp,
- Waterproof pants / overalls worn over boots in case engulf wave (you can also trousers boots from UGC),
- At least 1 set of dry clothes (from socks and underwear to pants and jackets) in the case of a "flip-flop" in the water,
- A couple of spare wool socks,
- Hats, gloves and other trifles.
All the dry things desirable to pack in plastic bags (garbage in large or multi-layer construction waste) and the bags themselves more tightly wrap with tape. Similarly packed sleeping bags and blankets (I always take a couple of sleeping bags and a couple of "pioneer" of blankets on a bed). If some sort of accident happens and your backpack with you fall into the water, then you will always be sure that your belongings in any case do not get wet, and by sealing the bag will last longer afloat ...

We are always easily recognizable on the river. On the flagpole proudly flies the Jolly Roger, and our blows fresh as the fumes from the habit of pirates ...)))

Catch up with friendly catamaran, and they have the upper deck is a concert and all the fun even though going fine snow ...)))

The first couple of days there is usually no need to strain such as rowing, only need to glance over the waterway that would not fly in the bushes, do not perch on a log or boulder. Or that the worst thing for a catamaran - descend on the "comb". "Comb" - is fallen into the river from the shore podmyta tree that branches in the water, and the roots still cling to the shore. It turns out that the tree is in the water almost perpendicular to the flow, and if it's fir tree from the discharge, the flow of water and debris he breaks off all twigs and remains almost bare trunk with protruding sharp fragments strong branches. For catamaran flown at a speed to such an ambush everything it can end in a very bad, up to total loss of the catamaran and things, as a period of high water is very strong and that the catch out of the water after the accident will be very difficult.

The daily rate of transition depends on the flow rate, but usually on the water has to be about 6-8 hours, taking into account the berths to "warm-up priests' and toilet. If strongly podmerzli, you can quick and ignite a small fire to keep warm. After 6 pm already starting to look a place in the camp, but if the water is low and weak current, then sometimes you have to paddle to 9pm. Catamarans on the river going closer to each other that we could respond quickly and unanimously to approach to the right place ...

A Place in the camp setting is quite a large selection on any shore and usually within an hour, select the one that most satisfies our desires: smooth, dry and rocky, not far from the water, a large number sushnin (wood) for the fire. A variety of locations ranging from overgrown with pine and spruce coasts, where it is convenient to make a place for a bonfire and have something to tie the tent ...

Until fairly spacious shores overgrown with aspen, where it is necessary sometimes to look normal wood and cut down the pins to set the tent ...

On alloy probably the most boring thing is at the end of the day, tired and Moist put a full camp, so often when the high water and nimble for we allow ourselves to relax and if you caught a good place, then stay on it for two nights camping. Considering that in the past few years, we take with us a chainsaw, the firewood we had no problems. We always have churochek for the organization of the table, for chairs and campfire all night ...)))

In parallel with the organization of camps and tents, organized by the fire place and stretched the tent. Team necessary changes into dry clothes and shoes, and all wet hung near the fire to dry. Over the fire hung two buckets of water, one for food, the second under the tea. Water is taken ideally from either the nearest stream taiga, or directly from the river, but in the latter case, the water is recommended longer pokipyatit.
For hanging buckets used specially prepared snaryagu. We either purchase a special cable, which is stretched between the trees through which slides karabinchik, which in turn is suspended from a chain with a hook. Or alternatively homemade Pribluda: 3 pieces of chain 2 m long and 2 pieces of 1 meter. Along the edges of the big chains tied a rope to the case when the distance between the trees over 2 m. On small pieces of string around the edges made 2 hooks, one of which she clings to the main chain over the fire, and the second you can adjust the height of the suspended over the fire bucket. The result is a very comfortable design that does not burn out from the flames of a fire and which is convenient to hang buckets and control their height above the flames ...

While all finish to put up tents, it comes in our camp cook. Now our main task is just that the time would drag up the wood, to open canned food, peel the potatoes and cook, pour a glass of the team as "wipe" during cooking is holy work ...)))
Of course in the forest after a paddle and waved podmok, any food seems a culinary masterpiece. But for general guidance give a list of dishes that we usually prepare:
- In the first days usually prepare any meat dishes from domestic preparations (that would spoil the meat did not have time). This can be a home soup, pilaf taiga, shurpa, barbecues or any kupaty.
- On the morning of the second day is usually eats what is left in the evening, or do some easy supets, like, a couple of chicken legs. In the evening of the second day to eat up all meat stocks, for example, the same chicken legs with stewed potatoes.
- All the days that followed the preparation of canned talking: in the morning often something zhidenkoe, like, fish or other supets ear, and in the evening a dense and satisfying, like, potatoes and stewed meat or buckwheat porridge with stewed meat. In the latest cooking can be done "zalipuhu" - noodles with stewed meat. We call it "zalipuhoy" because after the bucket and then horseradish otmoesh dishes in cold water and that's why it is prepared in the least ...)))
In terms of what to drink, there is nothing better than a good tasty tea with condensed milk, someone likes kofeek or lately we like to do - a bucket of hot cocoa ...

After all the dry, they will warm and satisfied, begins the most pleasant in the campaign - rasslabuha. Something for which the long run, and came into the forest. Completely forgetting about all bytovuhu in the city, forgetting about all the problems at work, we simply rest your body and soul in a beautiful friendly company. Sitting in the warm nights by the fire late into the night, we really have fun with all the heart, singing songs with a guitar, Grass any funny stories and anecdotes. Someone would get some snacks from the "bonus program" type, a jar of pineapple or peaches, Shmat smoked salsa with black bread, a bottle of wine each home or a good viskarya. Why after such evenings as that vaguely remember how to sleep in the tent fit ...)))

And I like the way you wake up early in the morning in the tent, pokes his head out of the warm sleeping bag, and there is fresh and damp outside. And to get up, put on a cold and damp night things, and absolutely do not want. Listen, there is something going on in the camp and hear the campfire someone tinkling crockery. Gathers power of will in a fist and jump out of the warm sleeping bag, quickly pulls the thing and protrude out of the tent. And the river spreads mist nicherta have not seen for a hundred meters. Campfire fumbling your responsibility to one, he had lit a small campfire and throws more wood. Approach to his backpack, dipped in his hand and pulled out from the bottom of a couple of ice cans of beer from the "bonus program". And so sitting around the campfire together sipping beer, listening to the crackle of burning wood and talking in hushed tones, that would not have to wake up earlier than the time the rest of the camp. Slowly things are starting to warm up on you from the heat of the fire and became so good at heart ...

Soon after waking up the whole camp. Getting clean up after a night of partying, wash dishes, beginning to prepare the morning soup. Given that it was decided to stay at this place for another one night, then we have to come completely free day. It's time to show off a bit, for this we have to plan the preparation of boreal land. All rules: special rice, smoked fish, cucumber, wasabi, ginger, soy sauce, and even sticks ...)))

Someone went on back to bed, someone communicates with the others sitting around the fire, someone went to collect the flask (damn tasty and flavorful, and if even she vodka snack, the general beauty) who simply walks and photographers come to the photoshoot for the scenery ...

more ...

more ...

and more ...

Speaking of rain and snow. Do not think that all May Day alloys are so warm and sunny, is sure that obgorite in the sun, but, for example, in the 2013 we had "Rainy alloy", all 4 days was a cold drizzling rain and rare sunshine we were happy as the children. In principle, given snaryagu we all did not mind, but simply to create some discomfort. But in 2006 it was my most "snow rafting". That year the winter dragged on, the river thawed ice a week before our rafting, the weather was not at all in the spring and throughout the forest was still snow. Well, we had Aft winter tent with a small stove inside a bourgeois. In that year, we had a small accident, the first catamaran stuck to "comb" and when you try to pull off a man fell into the water until we caught him the second catamaran "tumbled" two others, including myself. Completely soaked, and outside temperature is only a few degrees above zero, and the water so all on the verge of freezing. Saved only by the fact that they were well-prepared, immediately put a small tent with a burner inside, stripped naked, wiped and dressed entirely in spare dry things, do not forget to drink half a cup sugreva vodka. As a result, given the situation it was pleasing to the decision to set camp for the night right there on the beach. Paddles like shovels shoveled snow that would make room for tents. In some places the snow was knee-deep. Then snowing all night, I had all night to heat the stove in a tent, that would not freeze to death, but nothing survived, and all were healthy ...

Catamarans were parked on the shore on the ice and snow-covered night ...

And this is especially for those who do not know how much snow falls in the Siberian taiga. Such snow and ice hummocks height of more than 3 meters and a length greater than 200 meters on the shore waiting for us in the second year at the bend of the river. Keep in mind that on the street at this time on May 1 and the city in general has all the snow had melted by this time, and then just some sort of anomaly ...)))
