Rafting on the river Oka.
Welcome YaPovtsy! This post has matured after our alloy on the river Oka in the numbers of 11-15 June this year. We dreamed about this alloy since the winter, and are even ready in May. Search all the necessary materials, pondering the place of origin, but as seen in the pictures, the path along the river we began with this town (Chekalin, Tula region, and we ourselves kaluzhane). Will 115 photos with comments,
ZY Co-author and partner alloy - also YaPovets, valler666
1. we decided to raft on a raft, and to build it came from a bar (30x40) and plywood. On plywood, by the way, speak not much, they say, exfoliates when getting wet ... But we think that will cope with it =) Here are begin to cut timber ...
2. The piece of wood decided to put the camera. No matter from what - were from Kamaz, and by Muscovite, and from the Zhiguli ... In general - a complete set)), but some had to stick ...
3. Sticking ...
4. Well, it was on Friday, and decided to fry the sausage meat))
5. As long as roasts, trying on will look like a raft in the real world.
6. Try on ...
7. Try on ...
8. That kebab arrived))
9. That looked so check the cameras, you never know what pulls.
10. Plywood we painted and plastered with tape around the edges so as not to separate.
11. Continue to glue ...
12. Painted, but not pasted tape sheets of plywood.
13. plastered, ship to swallow)))
14. PRIVOZ just to the place of origin.
15. Popridurivaemsya before assembling the raft at the site of origin))
16. Actually, you guessed it, the place of departure.
17. Well, for fusion - a holy cause =)
18. Here is the Berezhok, which sailed.
19. Here they are taped and inflated chamber.
20. From time to time there was a rain, so put the tent, but at the same time began to spread the skeleton of the raft ...
21. This is our "Gene", which powers the compressor to pump chamber. But in the rain Gene went to sleep, shutting in yourself))))
22. That's how we started to collect the frame.
23. All-cultural - with the corners and screws.
24. But here we need to expand. The thing is that fast screwdriver bits (enough for him and in the evening for three screw - the owner forgot to charge it))) and charge it for a long time. I think even have to leave in the morning, but in the end the frame pulled by ropes, and by night (we started collecting a raft about 8 pm 11 numbers) to us at the request of a vast brought hammers, nails and a screwdriver (turn the screws), and eventually sealed even nails, and in some places with screws.
25. Try on camera on the frame.
26. The current camera.
27. launches, check whether the camera holding it all))
28. The weather swears ...
29. Screwdriver been charged! Fasten plywood ...
30. Finishing touches ...
31. Preparing to sail, and the sun a lot.
32. Extreme photo otchalivaniya place ...
33. Type "bottom».
ZY I apologize for the quality of photos. Right now I understood the prog that changes the size of the files. And the restriction to 500 KB ...
34. Type "from below".
35. Type "from below".
36. Mist!
37. Set sail ...
38. Landscapes, Tula region.
39. Landscapes, Tula region.
40. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.
41. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.
42. Along the way, came across strange mini-marinas ... or something like that))
43. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.
44. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.
45. place permanently across the boat. It is unclear who use them.
46. Oka flows Zhernovka. Brook virtually =)
47. Zhernovka.
48. Zhernovka.
49. parked raft.
50. Set sail from Zhernovka, sail on.
51. Landscapes.
52. Landscapes.
53. There was in the way of something strange, like an abandoned ...
54. The hole in the wall.
55. Nevertheless, there is a trail to the site.
56. Again the scenery. Not a sound car, no sound of any garbage, only birds and splashing fish ... and grace ...
57. This river freedom ... Also in the Oka River flows ...
58. Landscapes.
59. Liberty.
60. Liberty.
61. We have already landed near the confluence of freedom in Oka. Air and kind soul delight (sorry for the photo).
62. To our surprise, on the bank was a table and wood (thanks to local, we took the whole Poleshko))) collected trash with you!
63. Oils we did not take, did a la pilaf, but fat and tushonkoy)))
64. Landscape evening.
65. pilaf Cooking likeness. In kazanchike rice is cooked.
66. All in a large cauldron)) As a result, it was very tasty =)
67. In the morning woke up - it turned out we near the cemetery ...
68. Charges))
69. Noting the gate (sorry if that).
70. floated on!
71. Landscapes, but hot and cold want beer.
72. It turned out we swim up to the village Gremyachevo, planned to approach it and look for the beer ...
73. Not clear distance structure of the church type)) In the end, it turned out that this font.
74. That there is such a source.
75. That we are going back with a beer)) The same font.
76. Font. The children, from whom we asked the way to the store))
77. parked raft, and we had dinner on the beach.
78. Legs cooled.
79. Sail fucking soul ... ...
80. Sail fucking soul ... ...
81. Have come to the place of confluence of the Oka Zhizdra.
82. Zhizdra Confluence of the Oka.
83. Zhizdra Confluence of the Oka.
84. I think the color of the water Zhizdra different from Oka.
85. Zhizdra Confluence of the Oka.
86. Confluence of the Oka Zhizdra (Zhizdra right Oka left).
87. Since the matter was already in the evening, you will see a good place to sleep, it was decided to approach.
88. And again, all of a sudden it was like to order - table, benches, and even wi-fi bricks on the campfire site.
89. On the night left donk, but nothing horrible.
90. Seagull in the morning - a good thing))
91. Tea smoky delicious.
92. Bites lot.
93. They left the label, that we were still here.
94. Label.
95. Ready to sail!
96. Approaching the Przemysl bridge - the main thing to get between the legs)) After the bridge almost immediately, and there is a village of Przemysl (Kaluga region).
97. All are approaching ...
98. Almost sailed ...
99. Bottom view.
100. The bottom view.
101. It seems to pass between the legs.
102. rafted the bridge, the next point - the village Korekozevo.
103. Actually more were all related views, silence, singing of birds, fish splashing vodka. Actually the last and spodvigla us to catch it. Berths on the beach - catch golavlika, verhoplavku and wait for the fourth member of the crew))
104 Lunch time - warmed soup.
105. Verhoplavki caught well in the end pickled beer and it went well))
106. Soup.
107. golavlik was caught and this here.
108 joined by a fourth member of the crew, and in some places and a fifth in his belly))
109. These same.
110. Well, actually arrived at its destination, not far from here the guy hut with relatives - they have met with bread and salt))
111. Morning. Tea. It turned out the fire with the help of a well-bred wet wood and damp paper, but not without the help antikomarinogo spray))
112. Landscape with coast. At the bottom of the raft, which should be disassembled.
113. The process of dismantling.
114. The first camera was blown off, and then loosing.
115. We carry things to the cottage and go home. Sail on a raft 3 days loved it - rest for the soul, more peace and quiet. Very impressed by one fact: the counter asked us, "How and to where the float?", To which we said "From Chekalin and to Kaluga," but when sailing on the territory of Tula region, we reply saying "Ahh, just started," as swam in Kaluga answer was "Aah, had almost arrived." Thank you all, we recommend to rest)) can kick))
ZY Co-author and partner alloy - also YaPovets, valler666

1. we decided to raft on a raft, and to build it came from a bar (30x40) and plywood. On plywood, by the way, speak not much, they say, exfoliates when getting wet ... But we think that will cope with it =) Here are begin to cut timber ...

2. The piece of wood decided to put the camera. No matter from what - were from Kamaz, and by Muscovite, and from the Zhiguli ... In general - a complete set)), but some had to stick ...

3. Sticking ...

4. Well, it was on Friday, and decided to fry the sausage meat))

5. As long as roasts, trying on will look like a raft in the real world.

6. Try on ...

7. Try on ...

8. That kebab arrived))

9. That looked so check the cameras, you never know what pulls.

10. Plywood we painted and plastered with tape around the edges so as not to separate.

11. Continue to glue ...

12. Painted, but not pasted tape sheets of plywood.

13. plastered, ship to swallow)))

14. PRIVOZ just to the place of origin.

15. Popridurivaemsya before assembling the raft at the site of origin))

16. Actually, you guessed it, the place of departure.

17. Well, for fusion - a holy cause =)

18. Here is the Berezhok, which sailed.

19. Here they are taped and inflated chamber.

20. From time to time there was a rain, so put the tent, but at the same time began to spread the skeleton of the raft ...

21. This is our "Gene", which powers the compressor to pump chamber. But in the rain Gene went to sleep, shutting in yourself))))

22. That's how we started to collect the frame.

23. All-cultural - with the corners and screws.

24. But here we need to expand. The thing is that fast screwdriver bits (enough for him and in the evening for three screw - the owner forgot to charge it))) and charge it for a long time. I think even have to leave in the morning, but in the end the frame pulled by ropes, and by night (we started collecting a raft about 8 pm 11 numbers) to us at the request of a vast brought hammers, nails and a screwdriver (turn the screws), and eventually sealed even nails, and in some places with screws.

25. Try on camera on the frame.

26. The current camera.

27. launches, check whether the camera holding it all))

28. The weather swears ...

29. Screwdriver been charged! Fasten plywood ...

30. Finishing touches ...

31. Preparing to sail, and the sun a lot.

32. Extreme photo otchalivaniya place ...

33. Type "bottom».
ZY I apologize for the quality of photos. Right now I understood the prog that changes the size of the files. And the restriction to 500 KB ...

34. Type "from below".

35. Type "from below".

36. Mist!

37. Set sail ...

38. Landscapes, Tula region.

39. Landscapes, Tula region.

40. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.

41. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.

42. Along the way, came across strange mini-marinas ... or something like that))

43. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.

44. Landscapes, Tula region. The river Oka.

45. place permanently across the boat. It is unclear who use them.

46. Oka flows Zhernovka. Brook virtually =)

47. Zhernovka.

48. Zhernovka.

49. parked raft.

50. Set sail from Zhernovka, sail on.

51. Landscapes.

52. Landscapes.

53. There was in the way of something strange, like an abandoned ...

54. The hole in the wall.

55. Nevertheless, there is a trail to the site.

56. Again the scenery. Not a sound car, no sound of any garbage, only birds and splashing fish ... and grace ...

57. This river freedom ... Also in the Oka River flows ...

58. Landscapes.

59. Liberty.

60. Liberty.

61. We have already landed near the confluence of freedom in Oka. Air and kind soul delight (sorry for the photo).

62. To our surprise, on the bank was a table and wood (thanks to local, we took the whole Poleshko))) collected trash with you!

63. Oils we did not take, did a la pilaf, but fat and tushonkoy)))

64. Landscape evening.

65. pilaf Cooking likeness. In kazanchike rice is cooked.

66. All in a large cauldron)) As a result, it was very tasty =)

67. In the morning woke up - it turned out we near the cemetery ...

68. Charges))

69. Noting the gate (sorry if that).

70. floated on!

71. Landscapes, but hot and cold want beer.

72. It turned out we swim up to the village Gremyachevo, planned to approach it and look for the beer ...

73. Not clear distance structure of the church type)) In the end, it turned out that this font.

74. That there is such a source.

75. That we are going back with a beer)) The same font.

76. Font. The children, from whom we asked the way to the store))

77. parked raft, and we had dinner on the beach.

78. Legs cooled.

79. Sail fucking soul ... ...

80. Sail fucking soul ... ...

81. Have come to the place of confluence of the Oka Zhizdra.

82. Zhizdra Confluence of the Oka.

83. Zhizdra Confluence of the Oka.

84. I think the color of the water Zhizdra different from Oka.

85. Zhizdra Confluence of the Oka.

86. Confluence of the Oka Zhizdra (Zhizdra right Oka left).

87. Since the matter was already in the evening, you will see a good place to sleep, it was decided to approach.

88. And again, all of a sudden it was like to order - table, benches, and even wi-fi bricks on the campfire site.

89. On the night left donk, but nothing horrible.

90. Seagull in the morning - a good thing))

91. Tea smoky delicious.

92. Bites lot.

93. They left the label, that we were still here.

94. Label.

95. Ready to sail!

96. Approaching the Przemysl bridge - the main thing to get between the legs)) After the bridge almost immediately, and there is a village of Przemysl (Kaluga region).

97. All are approaching ...

98. Almost sailed ...

99. Bottom view.

100. The bottom view.

101. It seems to pass between the legs.

102. rafted the bridge, the next point - the village Korekozevo.

103. Actually more were all related views, silence, singing of birds, fish splashing vodka. Actually the last and spodvigla us to catch it. Berths on the beach - catch golavlika, verhoplavku and wait for the fourth member of the crew))

104 Lunch time - warmed soup.

105. Verhoplavki caught well in the end pickled beer and it went well))

106. Soup.

107. golavlik was caught and this here.

108 joined by a fourth member of the crew, and in some places and a fifth in his belly))

109. These same.

110. Well, actually arrived at its destination, not far from here the guy hut with relatives - they have met with bread and salt))

111. Morning. Tea. It turned out the fire with the help of a well-bred wet wood and damp paper, but not without the help antikomarinogo spray))

112. Landscape with coast. At the bottom of the raft, which should be disassembled.

113. The process of dismantling.

114. The first camera was blown off, and then loosing.

115. We carry things to the cottage and go home. Sail on a raft 3 days loved it - rest for the soul, more peace and quiet. Very impressed by one fact: the counter asked us, "How and to where the float?", To which we said "From Chekalin and to Kaluga," but when sailing on the territory of Tula region, we reply saying "Ahh, just started," as swam in Kaluga answer was "Aah, had almost arrived." Thank you all, we recommend to rest)) can kick))
