The largest hydropower plant in the world
Hydroelectric power plant (HPP) - power stations producing energy from falling water, usually constructed on the rivers, block the dam.
GES distinguished by Pressure - high pressure, srednenapornye, low-pressure and power - strong, medium, small hydroelectric power stations.
HPP also can be divided on the basis of the use of resources - river bed, dam, diversion, pumped storage and tidal.
The biggest hydroelectric power station is not in Russia and in the top five include hydroelectric China, Brazil (2), Venezuela, Canada. In Russia, the largest hydroelectric power station located on the rivers Angara and Yenisei, the last there is a cascade of 7 Angara HPP, total firepower 12,017, 4 MW.
Three Gorges - HPS in China on the Yangtze River, the largest hydroelectric plant in the world. Power 22, 40 GW.
Located near the city of sandouping in the urban district of Yichang in Hubei Province. China continues the tradition of the communist giant construction projects, building the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. And who else would say looking at China, the communist model of management is ineffective.
Itaipu - a large hydropower plant on the Parana River, 20 km from the city of Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil. Power 14GVt.
Power station equipment consists of 20 hydroelectric units with a capacity of 700 MW, due to excess pressure calculation, power generators up to 750 MW for more than half of the work time.
HPP named after Simon Bolivar, or "Guri" - a large hydroelectric power station in Venezuela in Bolivar State in the Caroni River, 100 km to the confluence with the Orinoco. Power 10, 30 GW
Construction started already back in 1963. In the 2000s, it was reconstructed. Interesting fact - the walls are decorated with hydroelectric turbine hall Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez, in the CIS this is not accepted, although it certainly softens psihologicheskub burden on workers.
Churchill Falls - Derivative Churchill River hydroelectric power station in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada,
part of the planned HPP cascade on the river. Power steering 5, 43 GW.
Hydroelectric power plant built on the site of Churchill Falls height of 75 m. After the withdrawal of the river towards the waterfall there most of the year.
River Falls hydroelectric power station and named in honor of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Tukuruyskaya hydroelectric - hydroelectric power plant on the Tocantins river, located in the county of Tucuruí, State of Tocantins, Brazil. Power steering 8, 30 GW, despite the great Power steering compared with the Churchill Falls hydroelectric power station, hydroelectric Tukuruyskaya generates 21 billion. KW / h against 35.
During the construction of hydropower stations in the flood zone was the city Tucuruí, in honor of the city got its name power. Now the city of the same name built up downstream of the river Tocantins.
Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant them. PS Neporozhny - the most powerful power plant Russia, the sixth of the world's hydroelectric power 6, 40 GW, after the accident in 2009, operates with a capacity of 1, 28 GW. Located on the Yenisei River, in the village of Cheryomushki (Khakassia), near Sayanogorsk.
Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant was built 18 years, the construction started in 1970 and completed in 1988.
Interesting facts:
- 75% of the generated energy consumption Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter.
- Arranged in the construction of the dam would be enough concrete to build a motorway from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.
In 2009, the power plant was the largest accident. At 8: 13-8: 15 local time (MSK + 4) August 17, 2009 at the station there was a failure on hydraulic unit number 2 to its destruction and the receipt of a large amount of water in the room machine room. Also got severely damaged units number 7 and 9, the turbine hall building partially collapsed, it had stopped construction units number 3, 4 and 5.
The accident killed 75 people.
Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant - on the Yenisei River, 40 km from Krasnoyarsk. The second hydroelectric power in Russia, 6, 00 GW. Included in the Yenisei HPP cascade.
In the design of hydropower plants were made environmental mistakes. In particular, it was assumed that polynya freezing will have a length of 20 km. In reality, it was about 200 km (more Krasnoyarsk), which had a strong impact on the environment and climate. The climate became milder and the air is more humid due to the huge amount of water that accumulates in the Krasnoyarsk Sea. Yenisei near Krasnoyarsk stopped cold. GES also criticized for large areas of valuable land flooded, and a significant number of resettled population.
Bratsk hydroelectric power station named. 50 anniversary of the Great October Revolution - hydroelectric power plant on the Angara River in the town of Bratsk in Irkutsk region. One of the largest and most famous Russian hydropower plant. Is the second after the Irkutsk hydroelectric station, step Angara HPP Cascade.
During the filling of the Bratsk reservoir was flooded more than 100 villages and no less than 70 economic development of the islands. Often, the population of 10-15 villages located on the banks of the Angara River, were moved into one place. The largest village, Ust-Uda, was postponed to 35 kilometers. Tragedy "Angara Atlantis' dedicated work of Valentin Rasputin" Farewell to Matyora »
Ust-Ilim hydroelectric power station - on the Angara River in Irkutsk region, in the city of Ust-Ilim. It is the third stage of the Angara cascade of hydroelectric power stations, after the Irkutsk and Bratsk hydroelectric power station.
Power 3, 84 GW. The height of the upper pond above sea level (NPU) is 296 m. Dam paved road crossing, which is closed for traffic. A navigation hydroelectric facilities do not have, in the long run provided the construction sudopodёmnika.
Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power plant - hydroelectric power station under construction on the Angara River, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located 367 km downstream of the existing Ust-Ilim hydroelectric station and 444 km from the mouth of the river. Included in the Angara HPP Cascade at number four. Located in the city Kodinsk Kezhemskogo District, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Power 3, 00 GW.
Interesting fact: OJSC "Krasnoyarskenergo" bought all the electricity produced by the Boguchanskaya HPP until 2028.
GES distinguished by Pressure - high pressure, srednenapornye, low-pressure and power - strong, medium, small hydroelectric power stations.
HPP also can be divided on the basis of the use of resources - river bed, dam, diversion, pumped storage and tidal.
The biggest hydroelectric power station is not in Russia and in the top five include hydroelectric China, Brazil (2), Venezuela, Canada. In Russia, the largest hydroelectric power station located on the rivers Angara and Yenisei, the last there is a cascade of 7 Angara HPP, total firepower 12,017, 4 MW.
Three Gorges - HPS in China on the Yangtze River, the largest hydroelectric plant in the world. Power 22, 40 GW.
Located near the city of sandouping in the urban district of Yichang in Hubei Province. China continues the tradition of the communist giant construction projects, building the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. And who else would say looking at China, the communist model of management is ineffective.

Itaipu - a large hydropower plant on the Parana River, 20 km from the city of Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil. Power 14GVt.
Power station equipment consists of 20 hydroelectric units with a capacity of 700 MW, due to excess pressure calculation, power generators up to 750 MW for more than half of the work time.

HPP named after Simon Bolivar, or "Guri" - a large hydroelectric power station in Venezuela in Bolivar State in the Caroni River, 100 km to the confluence with the Orinoco. Power 10, 30 GW
Construction started already back in 1963. In the 2000s, it was reconstructed. Interesting fact - the walls are decorated with hydroelectric turbine hall Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez, in the CIS this is not accepted, although it certainly softens psihologicheskub burden on workers.

Churchill Falls - Derivative Churchill River hydroelectric power station in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada,
part of the planned HPP cascade on the river. Power steering 5, 43 GW.
Hydroelectric power plant built on the site of Churchill Falls height of 75 m. After the withdrawal of the river towards the waterfall there most of the year.
River Falls hydroelectric power station and named in honor of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Tukuruyskaya hydroelectric - hydroelectric power plant on the Tocantins river, located in the county of Tucuruí, State of Tocantins, Brazil. Power steering 8, 30 GW, despite the great Power steering compared with the Churchill Falls hydroelectric power station, hydroelectric Tukuruyskaya generates 21 billion. KW / h against 35.
During the construction of hydropower stations in the flood zone was the city Tucuruí, in honor of the city got its name power. Now the city of the same name built up downstream of the river Tocantins.

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant them. PS Neporozhny - the most powerful power plant Russia, the sixth of the world's hydroelectric power 6, 40 GW, after the accident in 2009, operates with a capacity of 1, 28 GW. Located on the Yenisei River, in the village of Cheryomushki (Khakassia), near Sayanogorsk.
Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant was built 18 years, the construction started in 1970 and completed in 1988.
Interesting facts:
- 75% of the generated energy consumption Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter.
- Arranged in the construction of the dam would be enough concrete to build a motorway from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.
In 2009, the power plant was the largest accident. At 8: 13-8: 15 local time (MSK + 4) August 17, 2009 at the station there was a failure on hydraulic unit number 2 to its destruction and the receipt of a large amount of water in the room machine room. Also got severely damaged units number 7 and 9, the turbine hall building partially collapsed, it had stopped construction units number 3, 4 and 5.
The accident killed 75 people.

Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant - on the Yenisei River, 40 km from Krasnoyarsk. The second hydroelectric power in Russia, 6, 00 GW. Included in the Yenisei HPP cascade.
In the design of hydropower plants were made environmental mistakes. In particular, it was assumed that polynya freezing will have a length of 20 km. In reality, it was about 200 km (more Krasnoyarsk), which had a strong impact on the environment and climate. The climate became milder and the air is more humid due to the huge amount of water that accumulates in the Krasnoyarsk Sea. Yenisei near Krasnoyarsk stopped cold. GES also criticized for large areas of valuable land flooded, and a significant number of resettled population.

Bratsk hydroelectric power station named. 50 anniversary of the Great October Revolution - hydroelectric power plant on the Angara River in the town of Bratsk in Irkutsk region. One of the largest and most famous Russian hydropower plant. Is the second after the Irkutsk hydroelectric station, step Angara HPP Cascade.
During the filling of the Bratsk reservoir was flooded more than 100 villages and no less than 70 economic development of the islands. Often, the population of 10-15 villages located on the banks of the Angara River, were moved into one place. The largest village, Ust-Uda, was postponed to 35 kilometers. Tragedy "Angara Atlantis' dedicated work of Valentin Rasputin" Farewell to Matyora »

Ust-Ilim hydroelectric power station - on the Angara River in Irkutsk region, in the city of Ust-Ilim. It is the third stage of the Angara cascade of hydroelectric power stations, after the Irkutsk and Bratsk hydroelectric power station.
Power 3, 84 GW. The height of the upper pond above sea level (NPU) is 296 m. Dam paved road crossing, which is closed for traffic. A navigation hydroelectric facilities do not have, in the long run provided the construction sudopodёmnika.

Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power plant - hydroelectric power station under construction on the Angara River, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located 367 km downstream of the existing Ust-Ilim hydroelectric station and 444 km from the mouth of the river. Included in the Angara HPP Cascade at number four. Located in the city Kodinsk Kezhemskogo District, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Power 3, 00 GW.
Interesting fact: OJSC "Krasnoyarskenergo" bought all the electricity produced by the Boguchanskaya HPP until 2028.
