Votkinskaya hydropower plant on the Kama River in the Perm region
Votkinskaya HPS - hydro power plant on the Kama River in the Perm region, in Tchaikovsky, part of the Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations. She is one of the key points of backbone power network of the Ural region of Russia ...
Construction Votkinsk HPP began in 1955 and ended in 1965. The hydroelectric scheme built on the river bed and consists of a concrete spillway dam (191 m in length and 44, 5 m in height), alluvial earth dams (total length of 4770 meters and a maximum height of 35 5 m), the twin-chamber shipping lock, power house (273 m long). For the construction of hydroelectric laid road.
Power Votkinsk hydroelectric power station - 1020 MW. It provides 10 Kaplan hydraulic units operating at rated head 17, 5 m (2 110 MW machines and 8 machines for 100 MW).
Pressure station facilities form the largest Votkinskoe Reservoir area in 1120 square kilometers and a depth of 28 m.
The decision to construct the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station was made in the hardest conditions of the postwar period: the industry, especially the defense industry, needed to provide electricity. Before the arrival of builders in the alignment of the future hydroelectric work performed surveyors, and the spring of 1954 on the banks of the Kama arrived first detachments builders of various specialties.
The technical design of the plant has been developed by the Leningrad branch of the Institute "Hydroproject". Construction was started in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers on 03.22.1955. The pace of construction of power plants were so high that the power plant was built and put into operation for 2 years earlier than planned.
Grand building contributed to the growth and development of the camp, which was founded in 1956 and was named Tchaikovsky. Its population is growing rapidly, and in January 1962 he was awarded the status of a city, and a year later - the cities of regional subordination.
Meanwhile, the construction of hydropower plants continued: autumn 1961 was flooded pit future station and damming the river Kama. In December of the same year was able to put into operation the first 2 hydroelectric station. Due to the accelerated pace of construction, the remaining units were launched at intervals of 3 months. Last, tenth, hydraulic unit was commissioned in September 1963.
In June 1964 Votkinskoye reservoir was filled up to the design level of 89.0 m. April 27, 1966 the State Commission signed the act of acceptance into operation of hydraulic works, and in July of the same year Votkinskaya HPP was adopted into commercial operation.
Creating Votkinsky Dam on the river Kama and regulating reservoir at it - an example of a versatile use of water resources to meet the needs of various industries (energy, river transport, forestry alloy, water). Votkinskaya HPP was "growth point" of the economy of the region, providing in due time, the development of industry and production of Tchaikovsky.
Construction Votkinsk HPP began in 1955 and ended in 1965. The hydroelectric scheme built on the river bed and consists of a concrete spillway dam (191 m in length and 44, 5 m in height), alluvial earth dams (total length of 4770 meters and a maximum height of 35 5 m), the twin-chamber shipping lock, power house (273 m long). For the construction of hydroelectric laid road.

Power Votkinsk hydroelectric power station - 1020 MW. It provides 10 Kaplan hydraulic units operating at rated head 17, 5 m (2 110 MW machines and 8 machines for 100 MW).

Pressure station facilities form the largest Votkinskoe Reservoir area in 1120 square kilometers and a depth of 28 m.

The decision to construct the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station was made in the hardest conditions of the postwar period: the industry, especially the defense industry, needed to provide electricity. Before the arrival of builders in the alignment of the future hydroelectric work performed surveyors, and the spring of 1954 on the banks of the Kama arrived first detachments builders of various specialties.

The technical design of the plant has been developed by the Leningrad branch of the Institute "Hydroproject". Construction was started in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers on 03.22.1955. The pace of construction of power plants were so high that the power plant was built and put into operation for 2 years earlier than planned.

Grand building contributed to the growth and development of the camp, which was founded in 1956 and was named Tchaikovsky. Its population is growing rapidly, and in January 1962 he was awarded the status of a city, and a year later - the cities of regional subordination.

Meanwhile, the construction of hydropower plants continued: autumn 1961 was flooded pit future station and damming the river Kama. In December of the same year was able to put into operation the first 2 hydroelectric station. Due to the accelerated pace of construction, the remaining units were launched at intervals of 3 months. Last, tenth, hydraulic unit was commissioned in September 1963.

In June 1964 Votkinskoye reservoir was filled up to the design level of 89.0 m. April 27, 1966 the State Commission signed the act of acceptance into operation of hydraulic works, and in July of the same year Votkinskaya HPP was adopted into commercial operation.

Creating Votkinsky Dam on the river Kama and regulating reservoir at it - an example of a versatile use of water resources to meet the needs of various industries (energy, river transport, forestry alloy, water). Votkinskaya HPP was "growth point" of the economy of the region, providing in due time, the development of industry and production of Tchaikovsky.