Construction of Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP
In accordance with the project of a united Bureya power complex in the Amur region in full swing construction of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.
Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is built on the Bureya River in the Amur region. The station is located downstream of powerful Bureya hydropower plant and serves as its contra-ie smoothes the uneven water flow.
Electricity Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP will be equipped with such facilities as the second stage of the oil pipeline "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean", Elga coal deposit, the cosmodrome "East».
Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is designed as srednenapornaya fluvial hydropower plant (HPP building is part of the waterfront). The project installed capacity - 320 MW, guaranteed winter capacity - 147 MW and average annual power generation - 1, 65 billion kWh
23 photos via dervishv
2. Administrative building construction of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.
3. August 27, 2010 was the start of construction of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.
4. Since that time, a large volume of the preparatory phase of construction - built roads, power lines, production facilities, housing for construction workers. Backfilled pit main bridge structures, selected general contractor.
5. substations through which the construction will be supplied with electricity, and in the future - to give power to the grid of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.
6. The complex sorting of sand and gravel.
It divides it into different size fractions, which are used to prepare concrete and other tasks.
7. The mobile concrete plant.
8. Preparatory work for the construction of Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP began in 1980, but were soon stopped due to lack of funding. After the completion of the main works on the construction of the Bureya HPP have the opportunity to come back to the issue of power structures kontrreguliruyuschey.
To date, the pit drained, it began preparing the rock foundation under the concrete work on the construction of the power house and spillway of the dam.
9. The first hydroelectric Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is planned to be commissioned in 2014.
10. For builders and operators of hydroelectric power station in the village Novobureiskii built 60-apartment house.
11. apartment in a new home for the corporate traveler to the construction professionals.
12. Build caravans are gone.
13. June 27 Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP visited the Chairman of the Board of JSC "RusHydro" Evgeny Dod.
14. Evgeny Dod congratulated the staff of the Bureya hydroelectric power station with a jubilee - the tenth year since the launch of the first hydraulic unit, and submit a working team of the new Director of HPP.
After a meeting on the territory of the Bureya HPP Yevgeny Dod visited the construction site of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.
Right to left: Director of the Bureya and Bureya HPP Lower Garkin Alexander and Chairman of the Board "RusHydro" Evgeny Dod.
15. We have a unique opportunity to look at the construction of the Lower Bureya hydroelectric power station from the helicopter.
16. In the flood zone Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP gets a small (about 3%) of the territory of the state natural reserve "Zhelundinsky" and "Tract Irkun." Adjustment of the boundaries of protected areas is planned with the withdrawal of flooded land from the category of specially protected. As compensatory measures to create the new sanctuary "Bureysky", which will bring together in its composition reserves "Zhelundinsky" and "Tract Irkun", as well as additional areas of pine-fir forests and other lands on the right bank Nizhnebureyskaya reservoir, which will increase the area of specially protected land in the Amur region on 17 thousand hectares. Planned activities for the transfer to the reserve from the flood zone of protected species of plants and relocation of animals.
17. To the left of the road houses for builders and two hostels for shift workers with 200 seats, the right administrative and managerial body, the base fuel storage and industrial buildings.
18. The commander of the Mi-8T.
19. The co-pilot.
20. mechanic.
21. 500 kV transmission lines, in which the electricity is issued Bureya HPP
22. From the local learned that Russian exports to China doubled electricity is cheaper than paying for it Russian consumers. Why China Electric Power gets 1 ruble 50 kopecks per kilowatt-hour, and the Russian regions it costs 3-4 rubles?
23. Construction of Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is one of the priorities of the investment program of JSC "RusHydro".
Many thanks to the press service of "RusHydro" for the organization of an interesting blog tour.
Thanks to the crew "Avialesookhrana" for the opportunity to make good pictures from a helicopter!
Special thanks to Ivan saiga20k Plum!
Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is built on the Bureya River in the Amur region. The station is located downstream of powerful Bureya hydropower plant and serves as its contra-ie smoothes the uneven water flow.
Electricity Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP will be equipped with such facilities as the second stage of the oil pipeline "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean", Elga coal deposit, the cosmodrome "East».
Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is designed as srednenapornaya fluvial hydropower plant (HPP building is part of the waterfront). The project installed capacity - 320 MW, guaranteed winter capacity - 147 MW and average annual power generation - 1, 65 billion kWh
23 photos via dervishv

2. Administrative building construction of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.

3. August 27, 2010 was the start of construction of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.

4. Since that time, a large volume of the preparatory phase of construction - built roads, power lines, production facilities, housing for construction workers. Backfilled pit main bridge structures, selected general contractor.

5. substations through which the construction will be supplied with electricity, and in the future - to give power to the grid of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.

6. The complex sorting of sand and gravel.
It divides it into different size fractions, which are used to prepare concrete and other tasks.

7. The mobile concrete plant.

8. Preparatory work for the construction of Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP began in 1980, but were soon stopped due to lack of funding. After the completion of the main works on the construction of the Bureya HPP have the opportunity to come back to the issue of power structures kontrreguliruyuschey.
To date, the pit drained, it began preparing the rock foundation under the concrete work on the construction of the power house and spillway of the dam.

9. The first hydroelectric Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is planned to be commissioned in 2014.

10. For builders and operators of hydroelectric power station in the village Novobureiskii built 60-apartment house.

11. apartment in a new home for the corporate traveler to the construction professionals.

12. Build caravans are gone.

13. June 27 Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP visited the Chairman of the Board of JSC "RusHydro" Evgeny Dod.

14. Evgeny Dod congratulated the staff of the Bureya hydroelectric power station with a jubilee - the tenth year since the launch of the first hydraulic unit, and submit a working team of the new Director of HPP.
After a meeting on the territory of the Bureya HPP Yevgeny Dod visited the construction site of Nizhne-Bureya HPP.
Right to left: Director of the Bureya and Bureya HPP Lower Garkin Alexander and Chairman of the Board "RusHydro" Evgeny Dod.

15. We have a unique opportunity to look at the construction of the Lower Bureya hydroelectric power station from the helicopter.

16. In the flood zone Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP gets a small (about 3%) of the territory of the state natural reserve "Zhelundinsky" and "Tract Irkun." Adjustment of the boundaries of protected areas is planned with the withdrawal of flooded land from the category of specially protected. As compensatory measures to create the new sanctuary "Bureysky", which will bring together in its composition reserves "Zhelundinsky" and "Tract Irkun", as well as additional areas of pine-fir forests and other lands on the right bank Nizhnebureyskaya reservoir, which will increase the area of specially protected land in the Amur region on 17 thousand hectares. Planned activities for the transfer to the reserve from the flood zone of protected species of plants and relocation of animals.

17. To the left of the road houses for builders and two hostels for shift workers with 200 seats, the right administrative and managerial body, the base fuel storage and industrial buildings.

18. The commander of the Mi-8T.

19. The co-pilot.

20. mechanic.

21. 500 kV transmission lines, in which the electricity is issued Bureya HPP

22. From the local learned that Russian exports to China doubled electricity is cheaper than paying for it Russian consumers. Why China Electric Power gets 1 ruble 50 kopecks per kilowatt-hour, and the Russian regions it costs 3-4 rubles?

23. Construction of Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP is one of the priorities of the investment program of JSC "RusHydro".
Many thanks to the press service of "RusHydro" for the organization of an interesting blog tour.
Thanks to the crew "Avialesookhrana" for the opportunity to make good pictures from a helicopter!
Special thanks to Ivan saiga20k Plum!
