Fathers industry
On the third Sunday of June in the United States and in many other countries, there is Father's Day. This holiday has prepared an unusual resource NetworkWorld rating. Most in the industry organizer, inventor, or someone who has been the driving force behind a new product or technology, called "the father of something." So, Tim Berners-Lee (Tim Berners-Lee) - the father of the Web, Vint Cerf (Vint Cerf) - Father of the Internet, Bob Metcalfe (Bob Metcalfe) - father of Ethernet. Thus, the "fathers" of the industry are vast. However, in its list of the journalists decided to talk about those who have been unjustly forgotten.
10 pictures.
Marty Cooper filed a patent on "Radio telephone system" in 1973, when he worked at Motorola and was the first man to make a call on a portable cellular phone.
Mike Lazaridis (Mike Lazaridis) - father BlackBerry
Mike Lazaridis was born in Turkey from Greek parents. When his family came to Canada, he was 5 years old. At age 12, he won a prize for having read all the science books in a local public library. In 1984, he left college to establish a Research in Motion, and subsequently developed the BlackBerry. These smartphones are today one of the most famous in the world.
Tony Fadell (Tony Fadell) - father iPod
Because of his ideas, he was hired by Apple and seriously affect our world. He began as an external consultant, then became the first member of the team of developers Apple iPad in 2001, and now Tony Fadell is the main vice president of iPod. However, about it, few people know: the entire marketing machine Apple is working to create a single image of a charismatic person.
Bekaz John (John Backus) - father FORTRAN
The first computer engineer IBM, developed the well-known earlier language FORTRAN (Formula Translator) in the 1950s. FORTRAN was the first widely used programming language in the world.
Nayllz Jack (Jack Nilles) - father Telecommuting
Jack Nayllz used the term in the early '70s to describe the phenomenon of remote work using a computer while working at the University of Southern California (USC). He founded the company in 1980 JALA International, which was engaged in advising on business management, and left USC in 1989 to devote all his time JALA. Telecommuting - it's not rocket science, but Nayllz was a scientist who designed the space for cars US Air Force and NASA.
Endzhlbart Doug (Doug Engelbart) - father of the mouse
Doug Endzhlbart was one of those who promoted and created the Internet. However, he will forever be known as the father of the mouse, this universal computer manipulator patented it in 1970. Unfortunately, he never received royalties for his invention, his patent ended in 1987, before the revolution began the personal computer.
Gary Tuerk (Gary Thuerk) - the father of spam
In 1978, the ARPANET to several hundreds of addresses was sent from the advertising company Digital Equipment. For this it was Gary Tuerk. Currently 80-90% of the world's email is spam, and no one knows when and how to stop this madness. By the way, Gary Tuerk he is proud to be the first spammer.
10 pictures.
Marty Cooper filed a patent on "Radio telephone system" in 1973, when he worked at Motorola and was the first man to make a call on a portable cellular phone.

Mike Lazaridis (Mike Lazaridis) - father BlackBerry
Mike Lazaridis was born in Turkey from Greek parents. When his family came to Canada, he was 5 years old. At age 12, he won a prize for having read all the science books in a local public library. In 1984, he left college to establish a Research in Motion, and subsequently developed the BlackBerry. These smartphones are today one of the most famous in the world.

Tony Fadell (Tony Fadell) - father iPod
Because of his ideas, he was hired by Apple and seriously affect our world. He began as an external consultant, then became the first member of the team of developers Apple iPad in 2001, and now Tony Fadell is the main vice president of iPod. However, about it, few people know: the entire marketing machine Apple is working to create a single image of a charismatic person.

Bekaz John (John Backus) - father FORTRAN
The first computer engineer IBM, developed the well-known earlier language FORTRAN (Formula Translator) in the 1950s. FORTRAN was the first widely used programming language in the world.

Nayllz Jack (Jack Nilles) - father Telecommuting
Jack Nayllz used the term in the early '70s to describe the phenomenon of remote work using a computer while working at the University of Southern California (USC). He founded the company in 1980 JALA International, which was engaged in advising on business management, and left USC in 1989 to devote all his time JALA. Telecommuting - it's not rocket science, but Nayllz was a scientist who designed the space for cars US Air Force and NASA.

Endzhlbart Doug (Doug Engelbart) - father of the mouse
Doug Endzhlbart was one of those who promoted and created the Internet. However, he will forever be known as the father of the mouse, this universal computer manipulator patented it in 1970. Unfortunately, he never received royalties for his invention, his patent ended in 1987, before the revolution began the personal computer.

Gary Tuerk (Gary Thuerk) - the father of spam
In 1978, the ARPANET to several hundreds of addresses was sent from the advertising company Digital Equipment. For this it was Gary Tuerk. Currently 80-90% of the world's email is spam, and no one knows when and how to stop this madness. By the way, Gary Tuerk he is proud to be the first spammer.
