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13 of the world's most desperate adventures

Solitary confinement in a Bolivian jail
The inmates of the colony of San Pedro in Bolivia conduct paid tours of the prison blocks. For an additional $ 100 you can get a personal camera for one night with a woman or not - on request. Money tourists go to the beautification of buildings and the prison and prisoners-guides receive parole. San Pedro - it is literally a colony, an independent city within a city. Prisoners are allowed to live together with their wives and children - are better than walls. The prison has its own domestic market, where money can get any sensual pleasure. Some prisoners begin a successful startup - a workshop for repairing clothes, street food kiosk with or improvised casino. The enterprising and corrupt warden has an exclusive contract with Coca-Cola: soda competitors - what little is strictly prohibited inside the prison. To imagine about prison life in Latin America, see YouTube-reality Mr Prisoner TV. Russian citizen and creator of the animated series "Barbariki" Leon Bar is a video diary of the Panamanian prison


Saving a desert island
The British travel agency offers to spend ten days on a desert island in the Caribbean. Members of the expedition are taught survival skills in the wild - the instructors show you how to desalinate salt water, make a fire without matches, find food on land and in the sea and build a shelter out of the wreckage. After a week-long training course for a group send a rescue helicopter. Here begins the second part of the adventure - the helicopter crashed in the sea. All instructors scenario die, and then the group has to survive on their own. With a minimal set of tools Robinsons have to learn a new island to equip the camp, and at the end of the adventure to build a raft and sail it home

Illegal entry into the US
In the Mexican city of El Alberto $ 20 offer those wishing to spend over US border - the barking of dogs, the shots of border officers and sirens. Of course, it is a reconstruction - a weapon is not loaded guards, dogs do not bite. But the thrill of the chase very real promise. First, a group of alleged illegal immigrants were being taken to the pick-up in the thicket of the rainforest. Hence, to get the United States the easiest way - trees, vines and thorny bushes are the ideal hiding place for fugitives. Group led by an experienced instructor, they are called "coyotes." Coyote command when you need to lie on the ground, and when - all the running. Immigrants account for and then look at his feet - the spines of cacti, snakes and spiders are playing on the side of the border guards. La Caminata («Night Walk") became the city main business for El Alberto - once destroyed village has now become a thriving town, where every week there are about hundreds of tourists. About El Alberto and "Night Walk" filmed 15-minute documentary La Caminata, which can be considered as a trailer for the best adventure in life.

The pursuit of a hurricane
The team invites tornado hunters in pursuit of the hurricane. From early spring to early autumn professional meteorologists chase tornadoes across the US - from Texas to the Dakotas. For one season they observe and learn about 30 hurricanes. Tourists meet in a city Alley tornado - is the best chance to catch a hurricane. A group of experts and enthusiasts pursue tornadoes heavy vans that resemble the cars from the movie "Mad Max." Lorries protection in heavy armor and charged latest satellite equipment. If a group of lucky find tornado technique will drive up to the crater to the minimum distance - to explore a tornado and make the most hardcore Instagram-shot in my life. The cloudless days tour show unusual attractions, such as the largest US meteorological centers in Oklahoma, or a steakhouse with the most generous portions of Texas.

Wild football derby
Travel to Latin America is quite adventurous in itself, but if you want a real passion, buy a ticket for the match Superklasiko. This derby between the major football clubs in Buenos Aires and throughout Argentina - "Boca Juniors" and "River Plate". Even more than in football, both teams excelled in disciplinary action - their fans are considered the most violent in the world. You can imagine how furious charge released when both teams meet on the football field. With the match tied Superklasiko biggest tragedy in the history of football, when, after a mass brawl in the stands of the stadium killed 71 people and another 150 were injured. Another affair that fans' firm "Boca Juniors" consists of the children of the working class and of Italian immigrants, and "River Plate" - the titular team of manufacturers and boys-majors. The bad guys are winning so far - in the overall standings on personal meetings factory "Boca Juniors' lead with a break of 11 wins. If you want to see with my own eyes Waterloo football, following Superklasiko be held in January 2013.

Deadly fishing
In Alaska, for the money you can join the team of the TV show "Deadliest Catch." Catching crabs in the Bering Sea on the list of the most dangerous men's professions. These waters are the most difficult for navigation - most of the year strong winds blow, the sea is never calm, and deck and masts of ships covered by ice. Job fishing turns into a survival school - over his head and then pass the iron cage crab deck is literally laid out with their beaks and claws that grab and bite his feet, waves threatened to wash away overboard.

For those who are not willing to stay at sea for several months with the side effect of a traumatic brain injury, there is a soft alternative. Several times a month, one of the ships of the flotilla "Deadliest Catch" business suits three-hour raid. This is just enough time to get used to the role of the catcher crab overcome some trifling dangers and, feeling like a real man, come back to shore. Most likely, forever.

Jump into the crater of the volcano
Banjo-jumping - the lot of old fart and housewives, but the gum 100% deserves to be on the list. In Chile, you can jump on the Banja burning into the mouth of a volcano - especially for the attraction rented helicopter, which hangs 200 meters above the crater. Lower point of the jump is a few tens of meters above the boiling lava, so that a new haircut included. When you look into the eyes of a fire-breathing serpent, the helicopter will carry you to the take-off area at the end of Banja. Eyewitnesses claim that the treetops open one of the most beautiful species on the planet. Jump into the mouth of a volcano invented specifically for the reality show "Fear Factor" on MTV, but the numerous requests it devirtualizirovali and turned into a tourist program accessible to everyone.

Private zombie apocalypse
If you love zombie movies, you probably know that sometimes survivors fleeing the island in England. In real life, it came up with the British battle attraction "fight with zombies." In a few hours you can be in the midst of a biological disaster. Action apocalypse unfolds in an abandoned estate near Manchester. According to the scenario team members throw in the affected area that needs to be cleared of monsters. Recruits remarks armed combat rifles, pistols and machine guns. The weapon fires by air, but this is done less threatening. Most interesting is that you can fight for both sides - the zombie team also consists of non-professionals. If you choose a dark side, you zagrimiruyut a zombie, teach podvolakivat leg, wheeze and realistically throw at people. Despite the seeming innocence of battle, many of the participants are seriously injured. Apparently, the fear of zombies deeply eaten throughout the brain.

On the ruins of the earthquake
Apparently, in protest against the way prudish British nerds come up with a desperate one adventure after another. Adrenaline travel agent Disaster Tourism offers a journey into the epicenter of the natural disaster. For example, you can visit the site of the recent earthquake, tsunami or volcanic eruption. Sadly, the program of tours is updated every day - as soon as the event of a disaster, it is added to the list. Here you can order an individual tour - if you want to visit the crash site or visit the war zone, leave a request on the site, and Disaster Tourism can arrange a suitable trip.

Rafting on the mountain river
Almost from the rest of romantic adventure travel on makeshift rafts on the mountain river. In Sweden, still preserved the tradition of forestry alloy when the felled trees are tied into rafts and drive to the sawmill on the river. For 150-300 pounds can pretend Huckleberry Finn and build your own raft. The journey begins in the camp of these lumberjacks who had never heard of selvidzh. They show visitors how to properly tie a raft that it does not leak and is not broken down on the road. Following their advice, newcomers build their own raft, which will be their home for the next week. Then the instructors teach raft rule, to circumvent the shoals, rapids and hem low tree branches. After all the workshops begins a six-day rafting - with night fishing, campfire stories and fabulous views. At the end of the road and let the raft untied the Swedish furniture and souvenirs for tourists

Excursion to cocaine lab
The most action-tour of the world - a campaign in the current cocaine laboratory hidden in the jungles of Colombia. Enterprising traffickers feed on official trips to the Lost City (La Ciudad Perdida) - after the main part of the guide offers willing to pay $ 20 for a pass to the laboratory. Lost City is interesting in itself - it is the preserved remains of one of the most ancient civilizations in Latin America (650 years older than Machu Picchu). Before him you have to go 65 kilometers through the jungle, where there is still hiding troops Gerilyas - excursions from time to time is canceled when another tourist is captured by the guerrillas. Contrary to expectations, there is a complex laboratory equipment - the whole lab is a large greenhouse, where coca leaves are dried directly on the concrete floor. The laboratory owned by a local farmer, who thus saving up for their retirement. He was kind enough to show tourists all the stages of manufacture of cocaine and is committed to passing the secrets of the local cocaine mafia. After 2008, when the laboratory have written about all the world's newspapers, the farmer had to temporarily go into the shadows. But in 2010, the tour resumed - although now in the laboratory is forbidden to photograph. There is a chance to become the first person in the Instagram photo of drug laboratories.

Walk on the yardarm of the abyss
All are tired of passion for hiking, but there are a couple of mountain routes that will never go out of style. Until 2012, the most dangerous route for hiking was considered the King's Road (Caminito del Rey) in Spain, but it has recently closed for reconstruction - is too large tracts of trails have fallen from time to time. The ubiquitous Chinese managed to hurry up and brought to the first own product - Mount Huashan. Imagine a suspension bridge several kilometers long, which is wrapped around the rock. Approximately looks trail to the summit of Mount Huashan. You need to walk on a shaky footbridge and keep - the chains nailed to the wall of rock. In addition to feelings of acute as the Chinese, tourists get an aesthetic pleasure - from the top of the mountain you can see the number of monasteries and a large part of Shaanxi Province.

Contact with extraterrestrial civilization
Molёbsky triangle - a unique even by world standards area of ​​paranormal activity. According to the testimony of hundreds of witnesses, one can observe a UFO, spatial and temporal anomalies, sound mirages. Molёbsky triangle explore alone or with a guide - experienced stalkers happy to show newcomers attractions Molyobka, Kishertsky District, Perm Krai. The tour is worth a visit even for a romantic place names: Witch ring Cosmodrome, Black River, Snake Hill. If you do not meet the aliens, even friends with ufologists - each of them has a story of contact with extraterrestrials. At various times, the local and federal authorities were planning to build a center for UFO tourism, but, to the delight of wild travelers anomalous zone remained in a primitive form. While Permian progressors here are not reached, there is the opportunity to see with their own eyes the wonders Molyobka, Kishertsky District, Perm Krai and understand, finally, whether there is extraterrestrial life.
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