During the witch hunts in Europe and North America in the XVI-th and XVII-th century, many women tried and executed for what they allegedly were witches. But the same fate befell many men - they suspected that they were werewolves. This article lists the victims of these persecutions, more modern werewolves and even a couple of animals, be treated accordingly. Most likely, many of these people were serial killers, and then they were executed for the cause, but there were innocent victims.
1. Man from the woods (born in 1537, the year)
Petrus Gonzales
Petrus Gonzales, also known as "The Wolf Man" and "man of the forest", the killer was. Apparently, he had suffered from hypertrichosis general, that is, his body was completely covered with thick hair, and his head really was like a wolf. He first appeared at the court of the French king, who sent him to the court of Margaret of Parma - the noble ladies and acting regent of the Netherlands.
His portrait is in the collection of the House of arts and curiosities Ambras Castle, along with other countries, the picture like portrait of Vlad Tepes, the inverse image of Dracula. Gonzalez was also one of the few men that are included in the New Orleans Mardi Gras carnival in the retinue of Satan in the 1970s - his image has inspired people to create a special suit.
2. Werewolf of Dole (died January 18, 1573, the year)
Gilles Garnier, was a contemporary of Gonzalez and also spent a lot of time in France. However, any physical illness he did not suffer - it was disgusting cannibal and serial killer. Also known as the Hermit of Saint-Bonnot, this terrible man killed children right next to his house. His victims were boys and girls aged 9 to 12 years.
Legend has it that the ghost of a given Garnier a magic ointment, which allowed to turn into a wolf. He confessed to four murders and was found guilty not only of lycanthropy (turning into a wolf), but also of witchcraft. His life, he graduated at the stake.
3. Werewolf of Bedburg (who died in 1589, the year)
Peter Stump accused that he sold his soul is not some random ghost out there, and the Devil, for which he gained the ability to turn into a wolf. Together with his mistress and daughter Catherine Trompin Bill Stump it from 1564 till 1589 15 killed and dismembered victims.
Superstitious witnesses after the hunt for "werewolf" stated that he is hiding behind a bush, made a last desperate attempt to regain his human form, but he was captured when he took off the skin.
At the trial in Cologne it, of course, found guilty and sentenced to the same fate that befell his victims. The judge ordered him to be crucified on the wheel and hot red-hot pincers burn the flesh in several places, alive to remove the skin of the murderer. After that, should cut off the feet, hands and head wood with an ax, and his body burned. His mistress and daughter had to watch the execution, and then in 1589, the year in Germany for Halloween both of them burned at the stake.
4. The Werewolf of Chalons (who died in 1598, the year)
This man is known by the nickname Demon Taylor, real name history has not preserved. He preferred to cut the throat of his victims and then eat their bodies. The total number of victims is not set, but it seems that almost all the murders were committed by the Demon Taylor in Chalon town near Paris, France.
Estimated werewolf was sentenced to death December 14, 1598 the first year, and the next day burned. Before the fire was a huge crowd of people - all came to see the executions. Witnesses penalty then said that unlike other "werewolves" repented and confessed all the sins as soon as the flames began to lick their heels, Taylor demon cursed and cursed the whole world until the very end.
5. Wolf of Ansbach (1685 Year)
In XVI-th and XVII-th century wolves were hunted as well as on the "witches" - especially brutally treated with the wolves in the lands of the Germans, then part of the Holy Roman Empire. Wolves of the human Ansbach name was not - apparently, it was a real wolf, not a man, supposedly able to turn into a wolf. However, the residents claimed that the wolf was none other than their mayor, turned into an animal, and hates the whole city.
Residents staged a hunt for the beast that hunted down by dogs and chased up the well, where it was caught in a trap and killed. Despite the fact that the wolf was dead, the people accused him of various murders, and then put on his clothes and beard, to remind them of the former mayor. In any case, they even hanged him on the gallows, and only then put the corpse on public display in a museum.
6. Hans Werewolf (1691 Year)
In the east, the Holy Roman Empire bordered Estonia, where he lived alleged werewolf - the suspect is known under the German name of Hans. Court forced the 18-year-old Hans admit that the "man in black", most likely, Satan, turned him into a wolf, and Hans lived and hunted in wolf's clothing two years.
On the feet of Hans were the scars left canine teeth, which are used for court evidence that poor Hans bitten by a werewolf. In any case, at the time the charges in the contract with Satan was enough to get the death penalty, a person was considered a werewolf or someone else.
7. Livonian werewolf (convicted in 1692, the year)
In Livonia, yet another Baltic state, too, had their werewolves, the most famous of them - Tiss of Kalterbruna. Just one year after the execution of 80-year-old Hans Thiess old man began to argue that he is not only a werewolf itself, but also teamed up with other werewolves to fight against the devil in Hell and witches. Thus, Thyssen said that he - "good" Werewolf, "Hound of God».
The court did not believe this story, and instead reward the Tisza in fear of hellfire, he whipped whip and sent into exile. This particular case was the subject of scholarly articles and books, the latest publication occurred in the year 2007.
8. Beast of Gévaudan (1764-1767)
Even in XVIII-century Europe is still afraid of werewolves. One of the most famous in the history of werewolves is the Beast of Gévaudan, but that this was a beast unknown. It could be a werewolf (well, for example), a lion or a hyena. It could be a hybrid dog and another of a predator. Or beast, coached the killing of a group of fanatical Christians, as in the film of 2001 "Brotherhood of the Wolf." It could be even a few animals, but not the only one.
Anyway, the beast attacked a total ease to 210 people, 113 of whom died - a figure that exceeds the number of victims all the other killers from our list together. As a result, the beast was killed, and his effigy was put in the royal palace at Versailles, but the murder was not the end. That is not to kill the beast, it was clear, but about a year later murders stopped themselves. Who really killed the terrible beast or whether he died a natural death, and remained unknown.
9. Werewolf of Allariz (November 18, 1809, the year - 14 December 1863)
In the XIX-th century people still accused of lycanthropy, despite the fact that the trials of witches and werewolves had already ceased. The world is already aware of the existence of serial killers, but they are sometimes still called werewolves.
Manuel Blanco Romasanta is one of these killers - in Spanish history, he became the first officially documented serial killer. He himself confessed to 13 murders, but he was sentenced just nine. He was sentenced to death by hanging, but at the last moment the verdict softened.
His life before he became a murderer, was strange. His parents thought their son girl and made him like a daughter until the doctor confirmed what really Manuel - boy. When he grew up, got married, and then lost his wife, and in 1844 he was charged with her murder. Charges rained down on him until 1850, until, finally, the maniac is not judged. The victims of it were both men and women a total of 10 to 47 people.
The circumstances of the death of Manuel equally mysterious. Prison records did not survive, and conflicting rumors say that he either died in prison from an illness, or was shot by a security guard, hope that on pain of death a prisoner turned into a wolf.
10. Werewolf of Wisteria (May 19, 1870 - January 16 1936)
All descriptions werewolves with XV-th to XX century speak of them as deadly monsters known for their inhuman crimes. One of these killers, which really can be called a monster, was Albert Fish, also known as the Brooklyn Vampire, Boogie-man, gray man maniac Moon and Werewolf of Wisteria. He - the most vile and disgusting type in our list.
Fish exactly was guilty of at least four murders and suspected in three more, in the end, he was convicted of kidnapping and murder of Grace Budd (1918-1928). The details are too disgusting to write about them. Worst of all, he wrote his mother a decade girl a letter, detailing told Grace he resisted and it eventually dismembered.
Fish also gave a vivid description of how the killed and ate four-year child named Billy Gaffney. Authorities eventually learned that the Fish stuck in your own body a great number of needles and engaged in all possible kinds of sexual perversions. It is not surprising that as a result he was sentenced to death in the electric chair.

1. Man from the woods (born in 1537, the year)

Petrus Gonzales
Petrus Gonzales, also known as "The Wolf Man" and "man of the forest", the killer was. Apparently, he had suffered from hypertrichosis general, that is, his body was completely covered with thick hair, and his head really was like a wolf. He first appeared at the court of the French king, who sent him to the court of Margaret of Parma - the noble ladies and acting regent of the Netherlands.
His portrait is in the collection of the House of arts and curiosities Ambras Castle, along with other countries, the picture like portrait of Vlad Tepes, the inverse image of Dracula. Gonzalez was also one of the few men that are included in the New Orleans Mardi Gras carnival in the retinue of Satan in the 1970s - his image has inspired people to create a special suit.
2. Werewolf of Dole (died January 18, 1573, the year)

Gilles Garnier, was a contemporary of Gonzalez and also spent a lot of time in France. However, any physical illness he did not suffer - it was disgusting cannibal and serial killer. Also known as the Hermit of Saint-Bonnot, this terrible man killed children right next to his house. His victims were boys and girls aged 9 to 12 years.
Legend has it that the ghost of a given Garnier a magic ointment, which allowed to turn into a wolf. He confessed to four murders and was found guilty not only of lycanthropy (turning into a wolf), but also of witchcraft. His life, he graduated at the stake.
3. Werewolf of Bedburg (who died in 1589, the year)

Peter Stump accused that he sold his soul is not some random ghost out there, and the Devil, for which he gained the ability to turn into a wolf. Together with his mistress and daughter Catherine Trompin Bill Stump it from 1564 till 1589 15 killed and dismembered victims.
Superstitious witnesses after the hunt for "werewolf" stated that he is hiding behind a bush, made a last desperate attempt to regain his human form, but he was captured when he took off the skin.
At the trial in Cologne it, of course, found guilty and sentenced to the same fate that befell his victims. The judge ordered him to be crucified on the wheel and hot red-hot pincers burn the flesh in several places, alive to remove the skin of the murderer. After that, should cut off the feet, hands and head wood with an ax, and his body burned. His mistress and daughter had to watch the execution, and then in 1589, the year in Germany for Halloween both of them burned at the stake.
4. The Werewolf of Chalons (who died in 1598, the year)

This man is known by the nickname Demon Taylor, real name history has not preserved. He preferred to cut the throat of his victims and then eat their bodies. The total number of victims is not set, but it seems that almost all the murders were committed by the Demon Taylor in Chalon town near Paris, France.
Estimated werewolf was sentenced to death December 14, 1598 the first year, and the next day burned. Before the fire was a huge crowd of people - all came to see the executions. Witnesses penalty then said that unlike other "werewolves" repented and confessed all the sins as soon as the flames began to lick their heels, Taylor demon cursed and cursed the whole world until the very end.
5. Wolf of Ansbach (1685 Year)

In XVI-th and XVII-th century wolves were hunted as well as on the "witches" - especially brutally treated with the wolves in the lands of the Germans, then part of the Holy Roman Empire. Wolves of the human Ansbach name was not - apparently, it was a real wolf, not a man, supposedly able to turn into a wolf. However, the residents claimed that the wolf was none other than their mayor, turned into an animal, and hates the whole city.
Residents staged a hunt for the beast that hunted down by dogs and chased up the well, where it was caught in a trap and killed. Despite the fact that the wolf was dead, the people accused him of various murders, and then put on his clothes and beard, to remind them of the former mayor. In any case, they even hanged him on the gallows, and only then put the corpse on public display in a museum.
6. Hans Werewolf (1691 Year)

In the east, the Holy Roman Empire bordered Estonia, where he lived alleged werewolf - the suspect is known under the German name of Hans. Court forced the 18-year-old Hans admit that the "man in black", most likely, Satan, turned him into a wolf, and Hans lived and hunted in wolf's clothing two years.
On the feet of Hans were the scars left canine teeth, which are used for court evidence that poor Hans bitten by a werewolf. In any case, at the time the charges in the contract with Satan was enough to get the death penalty, a person was considered a werewolf or someone else.
7. Livonian werewolf (convicted in 1692, the year)

In Livonia, yet another Baltic state, too, had their werewolves, the most famous of them - Tiss of Kalterbruna. Just one year after the execution of 80-year-old Hans Thiess old man began to argue that he is not only a werewolf itself, but also teamed up with other werewolves to fight against the devil in Hell and witches. Thus, Thyssen said that he - "good" Werewolf, "Hound of God».
The court did not believe this story, and instead reward the Tisza in fear of hellfire, he whipped whip and sent into exile. This particular case was the subject of scholarly articles and books, the latest publication occurred in the year 2007.
8. Beast of Gévaudan (1764-1767)

Even in XVIII-century Europe is still afraid of werewolves. One of the most famous in the history of werewolves is the Beast of Gévaudan, but that this was a beast unknown. It could be a werewolf (well, for example), a lion or a hyena. It could be a hybrid dog and another of a predator. Or beast, coached the killing of a group of fanatical Christians, as in the film of 2001 "Brotherhood of the Wolf." It could be even a few animals, but not the only one.
Anyway, the beast attacked a total ease to 210 people, 113 of whom died - a figure that exceeds the number of victims all the other killers from our list together. As a result, the beast was killed, and his effigy was put in the royal palace at Versailles, but the murder was not the end. That is not to kill the beast, it was clear, but about a year later murders stopped themselves. Who really killed the terrible beast or whether he died a natural death, and remained unknown.
9. Werewolf of Allariz (November 18, 1809, the year - 14 December 1863)

In the XIX-th century people still accused of lycanthropy, despite the fact that the trials of witches and werewolves had already ceased. The world is already aware of the existence of serial killers, but they are sometimes still called werewolves.
Manuel Blanco Romasanta is one of these killers - in Spanish history, he became the first officially documented serial killer. He himself confessed to 13 murders, but he was sentenced just nine. He was sentenced to death by hanging, but at the last moment the verdict softened.
His life before he became a murderer, was strange. His parents thought their son girl and made him like a daughter until the doctor confirmed what really Manuel - boy. When he grew up, got married, and then lost his wife, and in 1844 he was charged with her murder. Charges rained down on him until 1850, until, finally, the maniac is not judged. The victims of it were both men and women a total of 10 to 47 people.
The circumstances of the death of Manuel equally mysterious. Prison records did not survive, and conflicting rumors say that he either died in prison from an illness, or was shot by a security guard, hope that on pain of death a prisoner turned into a wolf.
10. Werewolf of Wisteria (May 19, 1870 - January 16 1936)

All descriptions werewolves with XV-th to XX century speak of them as deadly monsters known for their inhuman crimes. One of these killers, which really can be called a monster, was Albert Fish, also known as the Brooklyn Vampire, Boogie-man, gray man maniac Moon and Werewolf of Wisteria. He - the most vile and disgusting type in our list.
Fish exactly was guilty of at least four murders and suspected in three more, in the end, he was convicted of kidnapping and murder of Grace Budd (1918-1928). The details are too disgusting to write about them. Worst of all, he wrote his mother a decade girl a letter, detailing told Grace he resisted and it eventually dismembered.
Fish also gave a vivid description of how the killed and ate four-year child named Billy Gaffney. Authorities eventually learned that the Fish stuck in your own body a great number of needles and engaged in all possible kinds of sexual perversions. It is not surprising that as a result he was sentenced to death in the electric chair.