Before the premiere of the final film's main "vampire saga"
Before the premiere of the final film's main "vampire saga" decade remains a little less than two months. In November, all this confusion come to an end and we just need to remember who the good and who is not a word, Bella, Edward, Jacob and their associates. Especially for those who have not watched, and who want to brush up on the most important tenets of the "Twilight" this post.
A - Alice
Opens the "vampire reference" the sister of the hero Edward Cullen - Alice. Despite the fact that she is not alive for several decades, it is a very active young lady, funny and bold. Able to predict the future, so everyone, in fact, walk the earth. Character meaningful because it is held in part to the well-being sweet couple.
B - Bella
The whole story starts with her and her hasty move to Washington. Before the transition to a new school, she was an ordinary girl, but sat behind a desk with Cullen, her life changed completely. What she found in frail pale Edward? Well, first, he had saved her life (Bell very nearly crushed and Edward her to look at weak ruchenki stopped the huge auto), and secondly, he was not available (no one before her never met him, and the forbidden fruit always sweet), and, thirdly, it just turned out to be a cute vampire, that it proved to be the main impetus to the relations.
C - Clan
"When we are united, we are invincible!" - The motto of the vampires as well. Cullen clan, with more than 7 members, always trying to stay together and only Edward still "not ymёtsya».
D - Denali
Clan named "Denali" - these are not ordinary vampires sucking the blood of their human victims, as a kind of vegetarians who prefer the blood of animals. A staunch ally of the Cullen living in Alaska, appeared in "Twilight. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 ».
E - Edward Cullen
Edward more than 100 years, but the old man still knows how to moget. His charisma, he won a young Bella.
F - Forks
Rainy city where the main events and unfolding. Schoolchildren in light clothes can not see.
G - The end of the school
Several times in its 100-plus years of Edward and his sisters finished school. As proof of this, they can be seen in the house of a plurality of attributes of uniforms of different decades. I suspect that they are incredibly intelligent, feeds on truth does not emphasize.
H - Catherine Hardwicke
The director of the first film "Twilight" (2008). It is this part of the many fans considered the favorite.
I - imprinting
Or as they say in the "Twilight" imprinting. It is understood way to find a pair of werewolves.
J - Jacob
The third corner of the love triangle Bella + Edward + Jacob. The werewolf was once the best friend of Bella's, but when he saw how beautiful she grew up, could not help but fall in love.
K - Kill
Teens watch "Twilight", but there is not so far from the sugar as it may seem. Kill it much more than the same scenes with kisses.
L - love triangle
The central theme of all five films. Bell can not decide who is dearer to her: Jacob's best friend or soul mate Edward.
M - meadow
Especially a place for Edward and Bella. Their meadow not cows on the meadow their silence, but grace, as written by Stephenie Meyer inspired by a dream in which she saw a wonderful meadow with beautiful flowers.
N - Newborn
Own cast of vampires that are faster and smarter than the oldest. Dangerous to humans as drinking liters of blood.
About - Obsession
Fans of "Twilight" ... how many of them all over the world ...!?
P - Phoenix
The town in Arizona, from which Bell went toward happiness.
Q - Quileutes
Quileutes - a real American Indian tribe, who live in La Push, Washington. Now I go there with excursions and all thanks to Stephenie Meyer, who described this tribe not as ordinary people, but as a werewolf, which is better not to touch.
R - Renesmee
The daughter of Edward and Bella. Half man, half vampire. Mackenzie Foy as Renesmee will be in the last part of "Twilight" and is sure to become a superstar in the next couple of years (or even more).
S - werewolves
Dark-haired and brown-eyed. They know how to communicate with animals and become a wolf when the essentials.
T - Nomadic vampires
The main opponents of the Cullens in the first part. Able to track prey best and fastest. Roles James, Victoria and Laurent got Cam Gigandet, Rachelle Lefevre and Edi Gathegi.
U - Sam Uley
The leader of the werewolves.
V - Volturi
Volturi - the largest and most powerful coven of vampires in the land. Their main goal - to keep the presence of the vampire secret from the people.
W - «Wuthering Heights»
Favorite product of Bella Swan.
X - X-rated
The original sex scenes Edward and Bella were cut during installation to teenagers could watch a movie without the presence of parents. Perhaps in the future, and these pictures will appear in the public domain, but as long as they carefully hide.
Y - yes
After a few years of abstinence Edward Bella finally said "yes" and right in the honeymoon they have done something for so long and they wanted, and the audience. As a result, Bell became pregnant and gave birth whether a man, or vampire Renesmee.
Z - Zafrina
Amazon Zafrina, able to create visual illusions, to help the Cullens in the next part of the saga, which, as I said in the beginning, will be released in November this year.
A - Alice
Opens the "vampire reference" the sister of the hero Edward Cullen - Alice. Despite the fact that she is not alive for several decades, it is a very active young lady, funny and bold. Able to predict the future, so everyone, in fact, walk the earth. Character meaningful because it is held in part to the well-being sweet couple.

B - Bella
The whole story starts with her and her hasty move to Washington. Before the transition to a new school, she was an ordinary girl, but sat behind a desk with Cullen, her life changed completely. What she found in frail pale Edward? Well, first, he had saved her life (Bell very nearly crushed and Edward her to look at weak ruchenki stopped the huge auto), and secondly, he was not available (no one before her never met him, and the forbidden fruit always sweet), and, thirdly, it just turned out to be a cute vampire, that it proved to be the main impetus to the relations.

C - Clan
"When we are united, we are invincible!" - The motto of the vampires as well. Cullen clan, with more than 7 members, always trying to stay together and only Edward still "not ymёtsya».

D - Denali
Clan named "Denali" - these are not ordinary vampires sucking the blood of their human victims, as a kind of vegetarians who prefer the blood of animals. A staunch ally of the Cullen living in Alaska, appeared in "Twilight. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 ».

E - Edward Cullen
Edward more than 100 years, but the old man still knows how to moget. His charisma, he won a young Bella.

F - Forks
Rainy city where the main events and unfolding. Schoolchildren in light clothes can not see.

G - The end of the school
Several times in its 100-plus years of Edward and his sisters finished school. As proof of this, they can be seen in the house of a plurality of attributes of uniforms of different decades. I suspect that they are incredibly intelligent, feeds on truth does not emphasize.

H - Catherine Hardwicke
The director of the first film "Twilight" (2008). It is this part of the many fans considered the favorite.

I - imprinting
Or as they say in the "Twilight" imprinting. It is understood way to find a pair of werewolves.
J - Jacob
The third corner of the love triangle Bella + Edward + Jacob. The werewolf was once the best friend of Bella's, but when he saw how beautiful she grew up, could not help but fall in love.

K - Kill
Teens watch "Twilight", but there is not so far from the sugar as it may seem. Kill it much more than the same scenes with kisses.

L - love triangle
The central theme of all five films. Bell can not decide who is dearer to her: Jacob's best friend or soul mate Edward.

M - meadow
Especially a place for Edward and Bella. Their meadow not cows on the meadow their silence, but grace, as written by Stephenie Meyer inspired by a dream in which she saw a wonderful meadow with beautiful flowers.

N - Newborn
Own cast of vampires that are faster and smarter than the oldest. Dangerous to humans as drinking liters of blood.

About - Obsession
Fans of "Twilight" ... how many of them all over the world ...!?

P - Phoenix
The town in Arizona, from which Bell went toward happiness.

Q - Quileutes
Quileutes - a real American Indian tribe, who live in La Push, Washington. Now I go there with excursions and all thanks to Stephenie Meyer, who described this tribe not as ordinary people, but as a werewolf, which is better not to touch.

R - Renesmee
The daughter of Edward and Bella. Half man, half vampire. Mackenzie Foy as Renesmee will be in the last part of "Twilight" and is sure to become a superstar in the next couple of years (or even more).

S - werewolves
Dark-haired and brown-eyed. They know how to communicate with animals and become a wolf when the essentials.
T - Nomadic vampires
The main opponents of the Cullens in the first part. Able to track prey best and fastest. Roles James, Victoria and Laurent got Cam Gigandet, Rachelle Lefevre and Edi Gathegi.

U - Sam Uley
The leader of the werewolves.

V - Volturi
Volturi - the largest and most powerful coven of vampires in the land. Their main goal - to keep the presence of the vampire secret from the people.

W - «Wuthering Heights»
Favorite product of Bella Swan.

X - X-rated
The original sex scenes Edward and Bella were cut during installation to teenagers could watch a movie without the presence of parents. Perhaps in the future, and these pictures will appear in the public domain, but as long as they carefully hide.

Y - yes
After a few years of abstinence Edward Bella finally said "yes" and right in the honeymoon they have done something for so long and they wanted, and the audience. As a result, Bell became pregnant and gave birth whether a man, or vampire Renesmee.

Z - Zafrina
Amazon Zafrina, able to create visual illusions, to help the Cullens in the next part of the saga, which, as I said in the beginning, will be released in November this year.