Hunt (5 photos and text)
Killed in the crash in the Altai Mountains officials suite presidential envoy engaged in poaching, hunting rare animals listed in the Red Book.
- The Commission on rare and endangered species at the Ministry of Russia is obliged to make an administrative action under the new circumstances of the helicopter crash in Altai in connection with the facts revealed the poaching of Red Book animals - said Mitvol.
Pictures taken at the scene, see the carcasses of dead argali mountain sheep. This species, according to biologists, is very rare. In addition, experts do not exclude that the hunters could use their meat as bait for the snow leopard. Mountain sheep and goats are considered to be its main food. Argali are listed as endangered, in the Altai there are only about two hundred. Therefore, a license to shoot not issued even for scientific purposes.
The main body of the helicopter crashed visible bullet holes, which experts have determined that the bullet flew out of the helicopter.
Shocking photos at the scene managed to remove the local hunters before the arrival of rescuers
And deer, mountain goat and goat hunting season in the Siberian Altai Republic was hastily extended after the crash - the Government of the Republic issued a decree on 11 January. It turns out that "otmazyvatsya" high-ranking poachers retroactively ...
Places where the helicopter crashed, considered one of the rarest habitats species of wild cats - the snow leopard, snow leopard or. On the territory of Russia is found no more than 150 individuals. Hunting them is forbidden for indigenous peoples of the Altai Mountains snow leopard is considered a sacred animal. According to legend, snow leopards guard the entrance to the legendary Shambhala.
But the "new Russian" Snow Leopard - only the most expensive and coveted trophy. For the skin, "the king of the mountains" wealthy hunters willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars! Therefore, the snow leopard population is constantly decreasing due to poaching.
And all measures to save it seem futile - in fact poaching, along with presidential envoy flew official who by his office had to deal with poaching! Viktor Kaimin, head of the Committee for the protection, use and reproduction of fauna of the Altai Republic - among seven killed in this damn hunt ...
Hunting could be carried out under the scheme: the day decomposed carcasses of sheep for the bait, equipped shelters. The helicopter flies away, leaving people with nightfall arrow leopard waiting in an ambush. But disaster struck ...
By the way, Kaimin was one of the co-authors adopted at government level in 2002, "Strategies for the protection of the snow leopard (leopard) in Russia"! "Strategy ..." was approved by the section "Biodiversity Conservation" Scientific and Technical Council of Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and approved by the head of the State Security Service of the Environment - Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Mikhail E. Yakovenko. This document irbis designated as "endangered kind».
- Too bad tragically killed people I condole with their families - said Professor Altai School of Political Studies Yuri Chernyshov. - We must make every effort to ensure that such tragedies are not repeated. Apparently, it will put the question of the existence of the rule of law in the region of a system that allows you to "appease" dignitaries due to destruction of rare animals. In this campaign we have joined influential international environmental organizations. They intend to submit an application to the prosecutor on the fact of this tragic hunt that law enforcement authorities found out how it was legal. The Government has adopted a five-year program for the protection of the federal Red Book, to the program allocated a lot of money. A senior federal and regional officials allow themselves to commit crimes, killing rare animals from helicopters for trophies, to amuse your self-esteem!
Hunting of animals listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, in accordance with applicable law, a criminal offense and is qualified in accordance with paragraph "b" of part 1 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code. Hunting with the use of the aircraft is qualified in accordance with paragraph "b" of the same article, which requires the punishment of a fine of 200 thousand rubles to the arrest for up to six months. The same acts committed with the use of his official position or group of persons by prior agreement or an organized group, are classified according to the 2 paragraph of Article 258 provides for a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to two years, with disqualification to hold certain positions. Ban
The rector of Holy Cross chapel near the White House in Moscow, Father Anatoly knew envoy of the President of the Russian Federation Alexander Kosopkin how sincere believer.
Let us pray for the souls of those killed in a plane crash, the priest bitterly noted that at Christmastime, according to ancient custom, forbidden to hunt and shed blood.
- There is a sign: "From Christmas to Epiphany Hrisova can not hunt - the trouble happens," - said the priest. - And in the woods our ancestors were afraid to go because it was believed that these days there rages evil spirits. Especially in the age-old shamanistic places, Altai Mountains. After all, there is found frozen Altai princess-witch. A mountain where the helicopter crashed, not by chance called Black ...
This can be considered a coincidence, but tattoos on mummies shamanic princess depicted argali and snow leopard - a totem of its kind. A Ukok Plateau is situated just in the area where there was a crash ...
The body of the mummy of Princess Kadyny visible tattoos sacred animals of ancient Altai
6. all.
(forgotten. stybzil bodice with dot ru)
- The Commission on rare and endangered species at the Ministry of Russia is obliged to make an administrative action under the new circumstances of the helicopter crash in Altai in connection with the facts revealed the poaching of Red Book animals - said Mitvol.
Pictures taken at the scene, see the carcasses of dead argali mountain sheep. This species, according to biologists, is very rare. In addition, experts do not exclude that the hunters could use their meat as bait for the snow leopard. Mountain sheep and goats are considered to be its main food. Argali are listed as endangered, in the Altai there are only about two hundred. Therefore, a license to shoot not issued even for scientific purposes.

The main body of the helicopter crashed visible bullet holes, which experts have determined that the bullet flew out of the helicopter.

Shocking photos at the scene managed to remove the local hunters before the arrival of rescuers
And deer, mountain goat and goat hunting season in the Siberian Altai Republic was hastily extended after the crash - the Government of the Republic issued a decree on 11 January. It turns out that "otmazyvatsya" high-ranking poachers retroactively ...

Places where the helicopter crashed, considered one of the rarest habitats species of wild cats - the snow leopard, snow leopard or. On the territory of Russia is found no more than 150 individuals. Hunting them is forbidden for indigenous peoples of the Altai Mountains snow leopard is considered a sacred animal. According to legend, snow leopards guard the entrance to the legendary Shambhala.
But the "new Russian" Snow Leopard - only the most expensive and coveted trophy. For the skin, "the king of the mountains" wealthy hunters willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars! Therefore, the snow leopard population is constantly decreasing due to poaching.
And all measures to save it seem futile - in fact poaching, along with presidential envoy flew official who by his office had to deal with poaching! Viktor Kaimin, head of the Committee for the protection, use and reproduction of fauna of the Altai Republic - among seven killed in this damn hunt ...

Hunting could be carried out under the scheme: the day decomposed carcasses of sheep for the bait, equipped shelters. The helicopter flies away, leaving people with nightfall arrow leopard waiting in an ambush. But disaster struck ...
By the way, Kaimin was one of the co-authors adopted at government level in 2002, "Strategies for the protection of the snow leopard (leopard) in Russia"! "Strategy ..." was approved by the section "Biodiversity Conservation" Scientific and Technical Council of Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and approved by the head of the State Security Service of the Environment - Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Mikhail E. Yakovenko. This document irbis designated as "endangered kind».
- Too bad tragically killed people I condole with their families - said Professor Altai School of Political Studies Yuri Chernyshov. - We must make every effort to ensure that such tragedies are not repeated. Apparently, it will put the question of the existence of the rule of law in the region of a system that allows you to "appease" dignitaries due to destruction of rare animals. In this campaign we have joined influential international environmental organizations. They intend to submit an application to the prosecutor on the fact of this tragic hunt that law enforcement authorities found out how it was legal. The Government has adopted a five-year program for the protection of the federal Red Book, to the program allocated a lot of money. A senior federal and regional officials allow themselves to commit crimes, killing rare animals from helicopters for trophies, to amuse your self-esteem!
Hunting of animals listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, in accordance with applicable law, a criminal offense and is qualified in accordance with paragraph "b" of part 1 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code. Hunting with the use of the aircraft is qualified in accordance with paragraph "b" of the same article, which requires the punishment of a fine of 200 thousand rubles to the arrest for up to six months. The same acts committed with the use of his official position or group of persons by prior agreement or an organized group, are classified according to the 2 paragraph of Article 258 provides for a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to two years, with disqualification to hold certain positions. Ban
The rector of Holy Cross chapel near the White House in Moscow, Father Anatoly knew envoy of the President of the Russian Federation Alexander Kosopkin how sincere believer.
Let us pray for the souls of those killed in a plane crash, the priest bitterly noted that at Christmastime, according to ancient custom, forbidden to hunt and shed blood.
- There is a sign: "From Christmas to Epiphany Hrisova can not hunt - the trouble happens," - said the priest. - And in the woods our ancestors were afraid to go because it was believed that these days there rages evil spirits. Especially in the age-old shamanistic places, Altai Mountains. After all, there is found frozen Altai princess-witch. A mountain where the helicopter crashed, not by chance called Black ...
This can be considered a coincidence, but tattoos on mummies shamanic princess depicted argali and snow leopard - a totem of its kind. A Ukok Plateau is situated just in the area where there was a crash ...
The body of the mummy of Princess Kadyny visible tattoos sacred animals of ancient Altai

6. all.
(forgotten. stybzil bodice with dot ru)
