24 useful service for people writing

Website has collected a few dozen of useful sites that will be useful for anyone who works with text, writer of poetry, or just wants to write his own book. Without them exactly nowhere.
Istio - check spelling, count the number of characters, keys, density and other seo-performance. Readability - assess the readability . It is here that you will learn to be your text understandable simple man in the street or not. 8nog - considers signs and remove double spaces. Typograf - a simple and convenient printer that will make beautiful quotes and hyphens in turn dashes. Glvrd - helps to polish the text in the style information. Suitable for advertising, news, instructions, letters and business proposals. Not suitable for poetry and prose. Test-the-text - another resource for checking the text in the Information style. strong> Zenpen - a minimalistic online editor (when you do not want to load Google Docs and Word).
Speller - check the spelling in Russian, Ukrainian and English text. webmaster - According to "Yandex" about your new original text . vordstate - helps to choose the keywords. Translit - translate text in transliteration and back.
Topwriter - compares the two texts together (useful for reraytery). Speechpad - Transfer audio to text (not perfect, but the interview can decipher).

Findcopy - checking the uniqueness of the text (test result can be obtained by reference).
Synonymizer - will help you choose a synonym. Wordassociations - service selection word association. Text - check text antiplagiat. Orfogrammka - a web service spellchecker. Quittance - searches the text suspected sites for the most common stylistic errors: located close to the text phonetically and morphologically similar words (so-called Unexpected tautology). Waal strong > - can be useful to poets and speakers in order to analyze the impact of subliminal text of his speech. It evaluates the text of any genre in many ways. The free circulation of released version of the Baal-mini.
Poem Parser - thanks to the program, you can learn how poetic dimensions you have written another masterpiece, as well as not to be mistaken with a long rhyming lines. TextReferent - automatic abstracting English texts. Processed text and analyzing the frequency of individual words in it, the program isolates it from basic to understanding the meaning of the phrase. Demo version is free to download and works only with the English language. Neogranka / Stihi - allows you to select a rhyme, right under the stress of the desired word, and can do the adjustment of meter. Li > Stihi - more relevant and daily updated online pick rhymes. But with his rhymes have to be careful, as a basis for the dictionary are taken verses site users.
via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/9675-tools-text