5 services for a beautiful resume.

1. Vizualize
Despite the fact that we live in a world where work looking through friends and status to Facebook, resume is still considered a binding document for serious-minded competitor. The problem is that the standard resumes created in Word, incredibly similar to each other. Applicants are trying to stand out because of its unusual cover letter, not knowing that the average employer spends only six seconds to view the letter of each candidate. In this situation, the text - not the best way to attract the attention of the employer.
Vizualize creators decided to do away with boring lists of past jobs and describe the quality of candidates. To do this, they have created a website that allows you to turn the resume in a bright, entertaining and unique infographic. Everything you need to create it - profile in LinkedIn, which is automatically transformed into infographic on the selected template. In addition to LinkedIn, the information can be imported from Twitter, Facebook and even Foursquare. The service has several competitors that operate on the same principle, for example, Vizify, Re, Kinzaa. They differ from each other mainly in style. In Kinzaa it is quite discreet and clumsy, at Re - strict and graphically, in Vizify - designed as a detailed visual instructions.
2. Pathbrite
The creators Pathbrite primarily targeted at people who are looking for work for the first time in my life, that is, the students. Usually involves the transfer resume previous work places - it is unclear what to do for those who do not have experience, but have the necessary qualifications. The service allows you to tell us about your skills in the form of a continually changing collage.
Personal page on Pathbrite - a visual history of the acquisition of knowledge and experience that captures personal achievements of the applicant. It is possible to publish certificates and certificates of online courses, photos, videos, essays, examples of student work - all that gives an idea about the features and creative potential of the applicant. Of course, the capabilities of the service are beyond the student audience. Page on Pathbrite can be an excellent addition to the standard resume, replacing tiresome transfer of personal qualities of the candidate: initiative, teamwork, ambition.
3. ResumUP
Development of the St. Petersburg startups. Service first, has a functional Vizualize, ie allows you to create a resume in the form of infographics. But unlike Vizualize it allows you to save the resulting CV in PDF, as well secondly, makes it possible to plot the career growth. To do this, you need to tell the service what position the applicant takes now and what tends to come. Service itself fills the necessary intermediate steps and offers free job at the moment. Jobs are added either in direct mode from employers or through an aggregator parser site Careerjet. Third, ResumUP helps to find people who may be helpful in this way. This is due to the analysis of the user's contacts on Facebook and LinkedIn.
4. Zerply
Zerply - a social network for professionals, designed to replace the obsolete LinkedIn. On-site service, you can create a page with a resume online and find other people who work in your field. The basis for the profile can be imported from Facebook and LinkedIn or fill out yourself. Then you need to choose a favorite design template, and all the rest of the work will make Zerply himself.
Easy to use, nice to look at service among other things, you can post examples of their work - function is obviously borrowed from Behance. Through this social network should appeal to creative professionals - designers and developers. The creators Zerply particularly proud of the service is the ability for users of useful business contacts with a handy search for tags. Zerply also cooperates with many well-known companies, which helps to find employees among network users.
5. CVmaker
Online resume, infographics and new professional social network - a nice addition to the classic format of the summary, which still need to have on hand just in case. Good examples of such summary can be found in the library of templates Google. But even more convenient to use the service, which itself embeds information about education, employment and skills in the selected template.
Thus, the site CVmaker have six free classic templates. Here, everything is simple, traditional and minimalist. And most importantly, there is an adaptation for the Russian language. Summary is available to save in three formats: PDF, HTML and txt. If the principle of service you like and templates themselves - no, you can experiment with his counterparts - Jobspice and Spongresume.