60 interesting facts on geography

1. The Kingdom of Tonga - the only monarchy in the Pacific.
2. Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the bridge exactly 3901.
3. In the archipelago of 7,107 islands of the Philippines included.
4. The flag Iran 22 times repeated inscription "Allahu Akbar».
5. The 7 biggest countries (Russia, Canada, USA, China, Australia, Brazil and Argentina) occupy half the total land area of the planet.
6. In Europe, 5 countries that border only one other state - Portugal, Denmark, San Marino, Vatican and Monaco.
7. Mexican volcano eruption Parícutin lasted 9 years (from 1943 to 1952). During this time, the cone of the volcano climbed to 2774 meters.
8. In the central square stands the Canadian town of Glendon its official symbol - the dumpling is 9 meters high and weighing 2700 kg.
9. London's equivalent of the New York Wall Street is known as Lombard Street.
10. In the state that man to compliment a woman is obliged to marry her.
11. The five boroughs: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan.
12. The largest desert in Europe - Ryn Desert. It is located between the Volga and the Urals (in the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia).
13. The structure of Japan has more than 3,900 islands.
14. The Ganges delta is the largest of all the rivers.
15. In the United States as much as 3 places in Peru and 9 Parises.
16. Less than 1 per cent of the Caribbean inhabited.
17. Of the 25 highest peaks of the world, 19 are in the Himalayas.
18. Almost until the end of the 1980s in Bhutan was not a single phone.
19. The coldest capital of the world is considered to Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).
20. Lake Baikal flows 336 rivers and flows only one (Angara).
21. The last eruption of the volcano Mount Fuji Japanese occurred in 1707.
22. The world's biggest ports: Rotterdam, Singapore, Kobe, New York, New Orleans.
23. Nauru - the only country in the world that has no official capital.
24. Cuba - the only Caribbean island where there are railroads.
25. The first capital of the Russian state was Ladoga.
26. In Japan, the 17 active volcanoes.
27. February 18, 1979 in the Sahara Desert was snowing.
28. 23 of the 50 US states have access to the ocean.
29. Despite the fact that New Delhi and Novosibirsk are almost on the same latitude, their time is different for half an hour. This is due to the fact that India is a special daylight savings time.
30. In Thailand, is still considered impolite to use a fork while eating. The plug is used only to shift the food from the plate in a spoon.
31. The center of Europe is located in Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region between the towns of Tyachiv and Rakhiv, near the village of Business, and the center of Asia - in the city of Kyzyl of the Tuva Republic.
32. In the world, only one river, which originates at the equator and flows in the temperate climate zone: Nil. By obscure reason, the rest of the river flow in the opposite direction.
33. Several buildings in Manhattan have their own zip code. And at the World Trade Center they even slightly.
34. The highest of extinct volcanoes in the world - Aconcagua, located in Argentina. Its height - 6960 m.
35. 7 most numerous peoples of the world: the Chinese (Han) Hindustanis Americans United States, Bengali, Russian, Brazilian and Japanese.
36. Montpelier (Vermont) - the smallest state capital in the United States. Its population is only about nine thousand inhabitants.
37. The capital of Vermont Montpelier - the only US state capital, where there is no McDonald's.
38. One of the largest Icelandic geysers, located on the slopes of the volcano Hekla, called ... Geyser.
39. Malaysia believed that the child swim in beer, you can protect it from all sorts of trouble and illness.
40. At the national anthem of Greece 158 versions. No resident of Greece knows all the 158 versions of the national anthem.
41. In the Ob River about 150 000 (!) Inflows.
42. In Saudi Arabia, there is no river.
43. Indonesia is located on the 17,508 islands.
44. Red Sea - the warmest sea in the world.
45. The inhabitants of the island of Lesbos, and called lesbosiytsami lesbosiankami instead lesbiytsami and lesbians.
46. In Moscow, Elk River, and the largest of the streams flowing into it, called ... Losenok.
47. The Chinese and Korean family name always comes first (ie, the name of Mao Zedong - Mao).
48. The widest street in the world is located in Brasilia (street "monumental axis", width - 250 meters).
49. In the town of Calama, located in the Chilean Atacama Desert, is never rains.
50. The composition of the State of Papua New Guinea consists of the island of New Britain and New Ireland.
51. In Amsterdam and Antwerp and 26 island in Saint-Petersburg - 101, and in Venice - already 118.
52. In South America, only two countries that have no outlet to the ocean Bolivia and Paraguay.
53. City of Hong Kong ranked first in the world in the number of cars of the brand "Rolls-Royce».
54. Lebanon - the only country in the Middle East, the territory of which there is desert.
55. Unlike most African nations, Ethiopia was never a European colony.
56. In May 1948, two New Zealand volcano Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe erupted simultaneously.
57. In France, Italy and Chile officially recognized the existence of UFOs.
58. The most distant from all oceans on Earth lies in China.
59. The purest sea in the world is considered the Weddell Sea in Antarctica.
60. The tourist route "The Golden Ring of Russia" is 7 cities