About stamps and interviews

Why did you choose our company? Where do you see yourself in five years? And in ten? What should be the leader of your dreams? What you put in the first place: the money or the environment? You have not been to their zadolbali these stamps from Achara clan? These did not reveal the answers? These failures only because the last read a book you wrote Palahniuk, and you supposedly can not "work" for the general reader? On this, as your interviewer who does not have the slightest idea of who this Kusturica or Hitchcock. The horror is that you as a first-grader, continues to play in this meaningless game. Because there is no choice. Because so wishing to find / change jobs advises Google, and others follow the rules as biblical precepts.
They are a part and I want to debunk. So, how to get a job, destroying stereotypes:
< 1. Do not open the door with his feet
This, of course, figuratively. But the audacity - a piece sometimes necessary in any profession.
On what should have been my first job, I knew everything from the company's name to the names and addresses of all the "bosses." Thought only, as it were so right "ask". And quite by accident - in fact, on the street - to meet conditional future boss. Bypassing all the canons of politeness, came up and blurted out: "Take me to work!". Uncle was taken aback, tried to get meaningless phrases. But after realizing that the student is not so easy to unhook, wearily, "write some text." So I wrote the lyrics and there - nearly three years and decently paid basis.
Also, this work I changed to another. Only arrogant mesedzh sounded not in person, and by phone. To get the desired number in our time - a trifling matter.
< 2. Do not be late for an interview
My friend Nikita after the break with another love was depressed. So much so that after a month he was asked to absenteeism from work. Depression, respectively, worsened. Nikita was lying on the couch, drank, ate, slept. Meanwhile, the management of another company came across his old resume. He was invited for an interview. Not only that this "downer" on the phone first debt arises, they say, he should go away, and, in general, the hour of the day - it's utter early. So even after his conditions were accepted, late for a meeting. For two hours. Appeared and, proud as a king, quipped, they say, if someone has not kept waiting. Future boss greeted him with the words: "I am because you did not come to dinner." They worked in tandem five years and parted partners.
< 3. Answer all the questions Achara clan
Personally, I have 99% of the questions that are asked during the interview Achara clan, enrage.
Well, you see, if you want a job, you tell me what you want and as many times confirm that we are ready to put life on the altar of the case. But, for example, any girl copywriter, writing for a shop selling tekstiki shoes, get a better offer, say, the BBC, C, rush away from the old place "seats." If you have to leave quickly, forget about work, and the salary for the month. What is the difference that she responded to his first interview to the question: Who do you see yourself in five years? But that's only true answers Achara clan are not needed.
Although I had a strange experience here. Interview on a radio station in Kiev is quite possible to have passed the standard scheme. But the day before I had been poisoned. And come to the meeting angry and green. In response to most questions bubnela: yes or no. And after a "stamp" and does launched into a tirade about how these platitudes zadolbali, and that will be enough just to shake the air. Work received on the same day.
< 4. Do not be rude future superiors
Not to be rude - advice, in principle, correct. But lack of sleep and the PMS, you know, his work in the mood of women, at least, do regularly. His previous boss, I just Naham when applying for a job. And even in the day.
I wanted to change something in my life. Friends got rid of a certain number of Masha me and said that she needed a screenwriter. In full confidence that it is only a "link", Masha, I gained ten o'clock in the evening on Sunday. Mary asked in surprise retype it on Monday. I responded by saying that I have a desire to talk more in detail on Monday. And that can be solved over the phone, can be solved now. After a series of bickering and sarcastic remarks still meeting was scheduled. On it, I learned that talking to the director. From Achara clan met, when handed over labor.
< 5. To write a resume
How to write a resume? Millions of pages of this information is usually useful to anything not lead. Some experts write: everything must fit on one page. Other protest: you enter as much merit. But all agree that a well-written resume - happiness, money and blablabla.
If you need a job, resume you can not be. But. For his short let, but career, such as a piece of paper "CV" I used only once - and then, as already reported, for an interview after the poisoning, to put it mildly, was not in the condition even retell written. All. Nowhere else your resume, I did not give. Current job, with minor variations, found on the first principle of "legs».
Yes, here it is necessary to make allowances for the scope. Write lyrics - not to solve the equation. But beautifully written resume is not the first nor will confirm the ability nor the second. A job well done - very much so. Rules should be followed. But it is also necessary to understand that it is not always a specific rule in this situation is an axiom. Sometimes it is better to disrupt and stand out from the gray mass of applicants. Good Luck.