Lydia Romanets. During the eight years in the business mask "indifference" to me has grown. With blood detached.
Anatoly Golubovskii h6>
< Lida Romanets - Black Square actress, businesswoman, blonde woman with brown hair, which swims with the sharks. In general, a one-man band
< -Do you some mystery connected with the birth?
-How Secret) at the same time with me was born with the same hospital another girl. And sister ten years periodically was loading me that we have changed and I'm a stranger. I scare
< -Why was loading?
-Children Competition
< -All was so serious?
-Not So seriously. She was older than me for three years, and particularly to compete and friends did not work - I was her shallow
< -What Lida was in school?
-When Mom transferred me in a class with intensive study of English (this was in the seventh), at loggerheads over the first six months, with all the girls and boys. And not just because of its class.
< -You know why?
-I Did not take
< -So what? It's not a boxing class?
-Pytalis Omitted. I did not budge. Well, six months later everything returned to normal. I studied well, however, there were problems with the behavior.
< -Ponyatno. Botany was not. Well, who you were in the school hierarchy, after you have taken?
-Blatno-Beautiful queen
< -Discs that are badly Ridicule subjects?
-I Nobody Ridicule !!!
< Well, I do not know. Usually school queen apply to most arrogant and condescending and gnobyat nerds and other zadrotov. And furthermore, even "thieves»
-You Misunderstand this status. Queen - she just. We had a merry company of girls from our school and cool guys from school №1. The guys were the best - funny, smart, strong. Many were jealous of our company. When classmates came to complain that they hurt, I helped them.
< -The first man was held there in the school?
-No. In my first year of uni. It was a lot of love. We met four years
< What do you give the university?
-School Survival ...
< -Minutochku. Detail
-I Arrived in Lviv university. When finished the first course, Dad left the family. A university of international relations - a steep majors. Dad went away and forgot about us. Or scored. Then it all started. I hovered over what I eat and what to feed itself cat, than the fact that Bogdan Khmelnitsky did not sign some kind of agreement.
Love, of course, the situation brightened. It was fun. I went "hare" in the bus in the shoes for $ 900. My boyfriend gave elegant expensive clothes, but he did not fit in my head that I do not have money to live
< -A hint?
-I Do otherwise. When completely running out, did sell
< very practical. What else besides survival school, gave university?
-I Have friends who I can call those now. Three languages - German, English, Polish
< -And after uni ...
-After Uni, when the father did not even congratulated me with honors, and there was no money at all, called his sister, who at the time was on earnings in Germany. Sister advised me to go to Kiev. Her friend Juliana could help at first. I gathered a small torbynku, Mom gave me 200 hryvnia, and I went to Kiev. Rented a room on Troyeschina at 125. Prior to the first salary remained 75.
< -The first place of work?
-First I never wanted to take it, because I'm very bad spoke in Russian. Was fifteen interviews. Everywhere the same: to tell schirіy ukraїnskіy I know English perfectly well - German, Polish - generally as a second home, "vozmiiitee me." Everywhere one answer - we can not understand each other, you do not speak in Russian. It was wildly offensive. And then settled. Worked as a lawyer. Earned $ 100 a month. And that's fine. But I am able to communicate and negotiate. Chef is noted and a year later sent me to an increase in the company, which was engaged in oil and gas supplies, where I was the only lawyer. During the first six months, I went there a school "application" of business that surprise me now some business matters difficult.
< How did passed to the furniture business?
-When Working in the oil and gas company, met with one of the clients who dealt with Ukrainian furniture. He offered me to create a company. And I, although by that time the company has won for the courts to millions in personal relationships was quite naive. I thought: "Oh! A good man offers me a joint business! "I called my sister, which at that time began a relationship with her future husband, a very wealthy man. Asked 20 thousand euros for the opening of the case.
We have opened a chic office on Lesia Ukrainka, issued several large orders. Wondered, "Lord! Am I at 23, will become a rich man ?! "And when orders went to flow companion said nothing, they say, on the little things to waste, let's create LLC. I was behind. But it turned out that he wanted not only to conduct business with me, and make me mistress. I sent it. For some time we have worked together, but as a man he greatly drinks, we had to leave and in business. It happened in 2006. And 2008 was a solid tale. I remember the first big money for me. In the hands after the deal - fifteen thousand dollars. Was scared - a syndrome of poverty. I called my sister, "What should I do?" - "Come on, Lida, in five seconds you have to decide what you want. And it will be the right thing "-" I ... I ... I want a belt »
Grab a taxi, flying in the Caravan. Buy Armani leather belt for $ 400 and then wanted to belt bag, shoes, clothes ... In general, fit in 15000)))
< -Why you needed Square?
-On The scene I was always drawn. I graduated from music school, piano. Played at various fests, competitions. The school played in KVN, nativity scenes. Level, of course, was so-so, but the craving for the performance has always been. Very much like to see the process of filming. A friend from Los Angeles, please send photos and I often dreamed of the set. How to exhibit light as the camera goes. When I worked as a lawyer, went a couple of times in the crowd and realized it was not that way. Talked with the actors who participated in the filming. All in voice explained that without education will not take me anywhere. Began to engage with private tutors, to go to some school in Saksahanskoho. All - nothing. Suddenly girlfriend Lara customize the information that there is a black square, and it's really cool. I revered, what to do in the entrance and all my court appearances seemed to me weak sneezing. Figured - anecdote, song, verse - no question. Dance - somehow station. And here's the story ... and show me my life wild gray and dull. Went to the "Tales of tired cities." Cried excitedly.
But do not go. Was the fear that will tell me that I'm boring and no, it was terrible to lose the dream. Went to rest - whether in France, or Italy. And Larissa decided to enter and repulsed me SMSes about current events. And that still enrolled. And after my return constantly told me how cool the classroom and all the great ... And I crushed a large toad, which is devoured fear and desire to get left in the Cheka. Began to look for opportunities. Came to the net. Lit Kurilko. And I'm one eye - for him, the other - a half hour on Neelova. Calculates how to approach. Ended. Girlfriend I was literally dragged me before the eyes Anatoly Nikolayevich. Start asking. "I love, can not live without Square .." Neelov offered to go to Kostrov, and if he would agree to take an auditor came .... Occupation was "little animals". Barking, mewing, tried as best she could. After the occupation came to Misha and drawl as "Vozmiiite me! No one has ever complained about "-" Only an auditor. " Home literally flew
< What do want to see or get in Hollywood?
-Zakryvala Gestalt)) After moving to Kiev and access to the Internet has made friends with a young man from LA. And painted dream. After the first course of the Cheka one of the Studio - Rinat, said that he was going to Hollywood. And I thought, "Here I go around the world and not realize their dream." Just then reappeared father. On the day of forgiveness communicate it - "Lida, forgive everything. What do you want? "-" A ticket to Los Angeles "-" When? "Visa I had opened this week reached an agreement with the Actors Studio, Dad bought a ticket and I flew for three months in Hollywood. It was like a fairy tale. Hollywood itself is ugly and gryaznenky, but my accommodation was in West Hollywood, next door to the stars. Many met once took me for a star)) sitting in the cafe, which usually drive up to the tour bus to pofotkat celebrity. Pulled a necklace with the Japanese guide rumbles "and Johnny Depp won", although it is not close, and I begin to laugh, switches to guide me, "but this blonde - just a star." And the Japanese are beginning to violently klatsat cameras, and then the paparazzi caught up in the street. In general, the word star in a moment).
< How did study took place in the Square before departure?
-Very Hard. There was a lot of blocks - psychological, physical. It was hard to go out on a raft and life interested outsiders. Was fixated on her, did not know how to ask questions, other people I was not interested. I saw my mom eats itself from such a sudden betrayal - believe me, it is not easy for a teenager 17tiletnego sight, and then a constant and chronic poverty that kills any rush and openness. Pope flies to rest with his mistress in Turkey, and we scrape to eat. And questions like "why do not you just made me eat," it was difficult to build the rank of Events. His troubles were experienced panic scary bear, because (as taught us Campfires) - stories have to worry, not just voice. Once again, experience in Ukrainian "rozpach" oh so did not want to. The result - a vicious circle. About Me - I can not, on the other - not interested.
< -Telesnye blocks?
-From Head. I have an analytical mind and before touching a person or give him a touch, I think, "Why." Previously did not understand, for example, why the girl when they met necessarily kiss. In a measure of infantilism - in my mind is not placed as strangers simply because it is given.
< -A as this was in Los Angeles?
-There Me nuts hyped for a week. With all cuddled. Was a completely different person. After LA - I really like and want to communicate with people and obnimashek, but not with everyone.
< Why here again pereklinilo?
-Sotsium. The Work. All day to keep the mask in front of customers or Italian partners that I have everything perfect and beautiful inside, it is a very energy-intensive processes, and then come in the evening and take her for a half-hour warm-up is not easy. For ten years in the business, it has grown to me. With blood detached. Wild fear to open myself to show their wounds. And there were many.
< -It. Now these wounds do not?
-Now I forgive all. The skin is coarse, pomudrela - now I'm not so easy to hurt. Possible and in response shlopotat))
< -In America did not remain purely for financial reasons?
Single-valued, but probably not in America, but in Hollywood with his magic movie
< What do the story swimming with sharks and control aircraft?
-I Have a certificate of advanced open diver. And when offered to talk with sharks, gladly accepted. Sailed around 5 or 6 two-meter fishes (although there have been announced and a half meter in length). Question - will eat or not present. So adrenalinchik word and if offered once again, are unlikely to agree to. I do travel a more relaxed getting. When you do not bother, that think of me around. And with the plane - my good friend friends gave birthday opportunity to steer the plane. And I and the gestalt was not closed) talks with her friend Nadia, she told me: "forward". And as I thought, I doubt - it's expensive, and so she brought me a certificate. Two days later, I cut through the sky wing. And it was better than anything ...
< -See perspective in the acting profession or walk to school for more party?
'I'm sure in the future. Otherwise there would be engaged. The last six months I get home at eleven-eleven-thirty. In most cases - after classes and rehearsals.
< -If income from acting profession will allow ...
Yes, I "physically" go out of the furniture business, but with the mind)))) Only stupid throw thing that brings you money. Just for me it would be the apex of pleasure - do theater and creativity without worrying how to make money.
< What do for you family?
-Navernoe, First of all, trust, understanding, desire to care. Recently, my father had a heart attack. I learned about it from my mother a few weeks after the event. The son of the Pope from his first marriage, who lives in Lugansk, does not want to communicate with him. I wish my family was different, very different. Unfortunately, my family as an example of the wife, husband, parents, children - not the limit of desires, so perhaps I'm wrong (yet))) never married, probably afraid of repetition))
< -Postroit good family, too, must be able to. You learned to do business, she studied acting. And what steps did you have on the way to the profession's wife?
-Neudachnye Steps, I think. Here I would have gone bankrupt))). In business, too, is very hard to find a reliable partner, and there you are losing money and personal life - you lose more.
< -So?
-I Love those people who did not like me. Or loved enough for me to become his wife. Pictured pictures.
< -And often painted?
-What Are you! I Capricorn! For me to fall in love - it is very difficult. There were two people with whom I could (and would) would connect his life. And be happy
< -A they would be happy with you?
-You Think that I can not make a man happy ??
< not-has put into this. Of course you can. But this personally, for example, would not be happy with you. And you will. And what?
- Even my cat feels what my mood. I think it would feel if a loved one was unhappy with me. And if he is unhappy, how can I be happy - it is a conflict. Iiiii (((if I can not change - then no luck. When I was little, and she went with her parents to visit their friends. Even if I was not clear: sit, husband and wife, and did not even talk to each other. But they have a family . People have to want to be with each other, and to do something for this. One person all the work will not be able to draw. Sometimes I communicate with my friend, who was very fond of (one of two))), look at him - he is happily married , work and so on - and I'm happy for him, Uraaa. If he was unhappy with me and I would not keep its tentacles in fear of his ego to be alone. But before this done to all the possible and impossible to change the situation.
< -Your masculine ideal
-Fuuuuh Only recently got rid of ideals. And just like a studio apartment to change for a country house by the river. Began to breathe freely. No ideals, no pictures and expectations. Each man is good in its own way, but it was his "I know of a thousand, in the words, in the eyes, the voice» Well, can let a little will be similar to Daniel Craig))))
< He's the same old
-Eeee! Nine !!! And yet - Habensky. I can not help myself
< What are you, Lida Romanets afraid of?
- I'm afraid to look, as my parents are sick and very favorite creation (terribly afraid of the situation in which I could not help), I'm afraid to be alone, afraid to be not understood, I'm afraid that he would never fall in love. I'm afraid that will not find their purpose in life, and is very confident that the theater - it's mine is mine, but I'm afraid. I have many fears, but now I have learned rasshtorivat curtains, get up and look ahead. Even my dad after a heart attack patient got up and walked, smiling. God gave you life - iiiii it should not be afraid to burn. Look fear in the face - he has no eyes))) - and he is scared and go - so I live now.
(6 shots went to do for her cat, who suffered a stroke and urolithiasis - his learning - he loves life)))))
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