3 practical books that change the lives of women
In the world of literature a lot of books that tell about women's destiny, lifestyle, pastime, and other philosophical topics. Such books need to be read for the soul and dream about a perfect.
If you want real change, you need to choose books with a practical component. In this article you will find 3 books-training in 3 different fields: women's time management, grooming and business. Following clear advice and exercises suggested in these books, you will get real results after reading them.
You will never change your life until you change something from what you do every day.
"The source of strength for tired moms" Sveta Goncharova
Light Goncharova is one of the best women's time management in the CIS countries.
The book is "a Source of strength for tired moms" is a 30-day step-by-step life plan. The author gives readers practical exercises, which are taught to combine the role of mother, wife, hostess, business woman and, thus, devote time to themselves. Using vivid examples from his own life, the author explains why a woman should have time to take care of themselves + provides tools for this. The book is subtle humor and a motivating life stories.
Quotes from the book:
"Ecoliving face: how to look 10 years younger" Elena Savchuk
Savchuk is an expert in natural methods of facial rejuvenation. For 5 years Helen conducts practical trainings and courses on the system faulding – ellipting. Chip elliptigo that the exercises are very simple and does not require a lot of time. And the results are stunning – younger face for 5 – 10 years.
In the book "Ecoliving face: how to look 10 years younger" the author has collected the basic exercises of the system. The book is written in easy language, with humor. Plus, the exercises are accompanied by photos tips, it helps to perform the job. Especially nice that the author gives just the right information without loading readers and complex terminology.
Quotes from the book:
"Turn on the heart and brain" Daria Bikbaeva
The author – Dariya Bikbaeva on our own experience showed that of your favorite things it is possible to create a successful business.
The book "Turn the heart and the brain" tells you how to find your destiny and earn it. In the book you will find a clear plan and effective tools that will help to turn your hobby into a business. In addition, the book is filled with life stories of successful creative business that inspires you to act!
Old age is in our head
Set and forget: as the default settings rule the world
Quotes from the book:
Author: Alexander Yarlykova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/20727-3-prakticheskiye-knigi-kotoryye-perevorachivayut-zhizn-zhenshchiny.html
If you want real change, you need to choose books with a practical component. In this article you will find 3 books-training in 3 different fields: women's time management, grooming and business. Following clear advice and exercises suggested in these books, you will get real results after reading them.
You will never change your life until you change something from what you do every day.

"The source of strength for tired moms" Sveta Goncharova

Light Goncharova is one of the best women's time management in the CIS countries.
The book is "a Source of strength for tired moms" is a 30-day step-by-step life plan. The author gives readers practical exercises, which are taught to combine the role of mother, wife, hostess, business woman and, thus, devote time to themselves. Using vivid examples from his own life, the author explains why a woman should have time to take care of themselves + provides tools for this. The book is subtle humor and a motivating life stories.
Quotes from the book:
- "It is important to remember that the more time you spend in a circle of worries, the smaller becomes the circle of your influence. So, if you want to change your life for the better, get out of the circle of concerns as soon as possible!"
- "Time-eaters is NOT taking CARE OF YOURSELF! Stupid and fruitless wandering in the Internet "Nocera" and endless conversations and disputes in the network is not a contribution to development. It's a waste of health, TIME and nerves!"
"Ecoliving face: how to look 10 years younger" Elena Savchuk

Savchuk is an expert in natural methods of facial rejuvenation. For 5 years Helen conducts practical trainings and courses on the system faulding – ellipting. Chip elliptigo that the exercises are very simple and does not require a lot of time. And the results are stunning – younger face for 5 – 10 years.
In the book "Ecoliving face: how to look 10 years younger" the author has collected the basic exercises of the system. The book is written in easy language, with humor. Plus, the exercises are accompanied by photos tips, it helps to perform the job. Especially nice that the author gives just the right information without loading readers and complex terminology.
Quotes from the book:
- "Those who know me the past few years, noted that my face continues to change for the better. And I'm very happy about that. Because it proves that the exercises work not only for the girls on the cover! They improve even the most ordinary person."
- "The human body is a holistic system, so working with a person need to take into account this integrity. For example, going to the gym, you understand that before you start to work out the abdominal muscles need to warm up the body as a whole. And if the goal of your workouts — a wasp waist, then from your menu at least disappear buns".
"Turn on the heart and brain" Daria Bikbaeva

The author – Dariya Bikbaeva on our own experience showed that of your favorite things it is possible to create a successful business.
The book "Turn the heart and the brain" tells you how to find your destiny and earn it. In the book you will find a clear plan and effective tools that will help to turn your hobby into a business. In addition, the book is filled with life stories of successful creative business that inspires you to act!
Old age is in our head
Set and forget: as the default settings rule the world
Quotes from the book:
- "In our country is full of misconceptions about business that grew out of Hobbies. The main thing — it's a stereotype that the works do not earn much. But the work can and should be a joy!"
- "Look for yourself before looking for business. Do not think that enough money/time will change your life. Ask yourself the question: "what would you spend the money or free time?" When answering this question, you will understand what is your purpose".
Author: Alexander Yarlykova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/20727-3-prakticheskiye-knigi-kotoryye-perevorachivayut-zhizn-zhenshchiny.html