Mysterious Arctic (11 images)
The Arctic - a single physical-geographical region of the earth adjacent to the North Pole and includes the continental margin of Eurasia and North America, almost the entire Arctic Ocean to the islands (apart from coastal islands of Norway), as well as adjacent parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The southern boundary of the Arctic coincides with the southern boundary of the tundra.
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Arctic from Greek arctos - bear and arktikos - North.
Arctic area of about 27 million sq. M. km, but sometimes from the south of the Arctic restrict the Arctic Circle (66 ° 33 's. m.), in which case it will be an area of 21 million sq. m. km.
The relief of the land in the Russian Arctic is mainly flat, but in some places, especially on the islands, mountainous.
The Arctic contains a huge amount of untapped energy resources - oil and gas. Also passes through the Arctic cross-polar Aviamost - the shortest way between North America and Asia and the Northern Sea Route - the shortest sea route between East Asia and Europe.
According to scientific research, the temperature rises in the Arctic twice faster than in the rest of the world. This can lead to the extinction of many species of plants and animals in the region.
Due to global warming, according to 2004 data for the last 30 years, the thickness of Arctic sea ice has decreased by half, on average.
Some experts suggest that by 2070 the earth could completely lose its northern ice cap ...
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Arctic from Greek arctos - bear and arktikos - North.

Arctic area of about 27 million sq. M. km, but sometimes from the south of the Arctic restrict the Arctic Circle (66 ° 33 's. m.), in which case it will be an area of 21 million sq. m. km.

The relief of the land in the Russian Arctic is mainly flat, but in some places, especially on the islands, mountainous.

The Arctic contains a huge amount of untapped energy resources - oil and gas. Also passes through the Arctic cross-polar Aviamost - the shortest way between North America and Asia and the Northern Sea Route - the shortest sea route between East Asia and Europe.

According to scientific research, the temperature rises in the Arctic twice faster than in the rest of the world. This can lead to the extinction of many species of plants and animals in the region.



Due to global warming, according to 2004 data for the last 30 years, the thickness of Arctic sea ice has decreased by half, on average.


Some experts suggest that by 2070 the earth could completely lose its northern ice cap ...