Basic rules of the advertising text

The key to success of the ad is to make the text correctly. clear that different texts advertising a restaurant or sauna, the bank or the company - manufacturer. Now for the preparation of advertising texts come from advertising agencies, but the person who will take this advert, too, need to know some general rules.
Title. This is an important part of the ad. Title only need one or five words in the text and no more than three seconds when reading. Title needs a strong message and a clear sense.
Subtitled. It is directed to the customer at the time when it received attention. It should be clarified that not every advertising is subtitled, and not all need it.
The main text of the advertisement. Here it is necessary to accurately and in detail, but without further ado, to describe the problem and allow the client to know the advantages and benefits of your product or service in front of other manufacturers. Avoid trite, old tired phrases like: "Excellent!" or "perfect service"! For the customer, they do not mean anything. After all, he believes his company is the best, it was she who gives excellent quality and service.
Instead of these exclamations naked appropriate to cite specific examples of good and perfect your product or service. A very effective form of advertising - it is evidence of a person not belonging to the company, ie the client.
Signatures and comments. The ads often use photographs and illustrations. Captions not only explain what is shown to them, but also serve another purpose: they attract the eye. It was here that need a short but succinct text.
Comments - This is similar to the signature page of text. They are connected by lines or arrows with elements of photos, illustrations. Some people tend to do the rejection of advertising in any form, so they read the first signatures and comments, and then to the main text. When reading labels to photos from the client a feeling that it is not exposed to advertising.
Often advertisements are written in a joking manner, as if setting up a potential buyer for a positive attitude towards the advertised product. Humor is really very effective tool of advertising, especially if you know preferences of their customers. However, many people do not understand humor, and then reading your ad can accept text seriously, leading to confusion and even scandal.
There is also a method of influence of advertising on the person as a shock. Causing negative emotions, the advertiser is trying to attract customers. In this case, the main thing "not too far" because it is quite possible the opposite effect.
A legitimate ad text will help promote your product on the market and make a profit.