Service Thingiverse - Universe for 3d printing (review of the program for creating 3d models 3d printing)

When it comes to 3D printers and 3D printing, as a rule the following questions arise:
- Where to download 3d model for print?
- Why do used 3D printing that you can use it useful and interesting to do ?
- With the help of some software, preferably free, you can to create a 3d model ? These questions can be answered through the service catalog of 3D models - Thingiverse
In this post will do a little review of 3D models and programs with which they were created. As an example, the title given the designer of 3D printed parts, based at the 123D Design i>. Read more about this designer, and other examples of 3D models from Sketchup i>, OpenSCAD i>, Blender3d i>, FreeCAD i> - under the cut.
In the beginning a little bit about the service itself, and the specifics related to 3D printing.
Thingiverse free service opened in 2008, developed and maintained by MakerBot (which in turn creates and sells all known 3D printer) for this service Everyone can join and is available for download 3d model. A key feature of the service is that all loaded models are published under license Creative Commons license , this means that you can freely download and free as freely change .
Universally accepted format for 3D printing is STL (short for STereoLithography), this format contains only the shape of the object, without color, texture information actually is a surface made up of triangles. It is in this format, you must export the 3D model, if you plan to print them on a 3D printer.
Initiated a review of 3D programs.
123D Design h4> AutoDesk seriously entering the market 3D printing - provides good service for the preparation of 3D models, in particular, you can download a free program 123D Design . Available for PC and Mac.
Designer Pixil Bits h5> 3d printed designer Pixil Bits consists of several elements, on the basis of which it is possible to collect a variety of figure:
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All files can be downloaded here , as well providing the source code for the changes in the 123D Designer.
Birds (Birds mobile) h5> Want to make sitting and rotating the birds? (A good example for the foundations of mathematics :))
Here is the project Joseph's «Birds Mobile» .
Assembly process and the end result can be seen here .
This is what is required to print:
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And of course, there may be different layout options:
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The original files 123D Design can be downloaded from project page .
Sketchup3d h4>
Perhaps one of the most famous programs will Sketchup3d , originally it was developed under the wing of Google, but the search giant later gave this program the company Trimpble.
Pros - friendly interface to work with, there are scripting in Ruby. Cons - not open-source, version for Windows and Mac.
Mini Sumo Robot h5> 3D printed platform for mini-sumo robot includes a frame and bucket dump.
The build process
Files for 3D printing, and the original Sketchup files can be downloaded here .
3D Logo or name h5> If you want to print a logo or name?
Here is the project How To Make A 3D Logo Or Name , where to download has инструкция how does it perform in Sketchup.
Marblevator h5> Project Marblevator is an example of "railroad" through 3D printed rails and iron balls. < br />
Assembly instructions , and here you can download all the elements, and the original files in Sketchup.
OpenSCAD h4>
OpenSCAD - free open-source, cross-platform software for creating 3D models using a special modeling language.
You can create graphics primitives, to perform operations on the union, subtraction, cloning, etc. To get your requested object. And then - export it as STL ( recently Habré was a small tutorial on OpenSCAD)
The case for glasses h5> Need glasses case? You can download and print here .
The original format OpenSCAD - that is, you can edit to fit your glasses.
pet bowls h5> A bowl for your cat still has not signed?
It is easily eliminated by the 3D printing. In the files - provided original file OpenSCAD for customization (extension scad).
Reducer h5> I want to print a mechanic? Please - Draft Tiny Planetary Gears Set .
All details of the mechanism can be downloaded here , but link to the archive with all OpenSCAD original files.
Gears h5> If you need to print a variety of gears, you can see this project: Public Domain Involute Parameterized Gears in which lined OpenSCAD files to create 3D models of various gears.
Blender h4>
Blender3d - free an open source software for 3D modeling (scripting support for Python)
Singing Dragon h5> One of the most popular models on Thingiverse, project Adalinda: The Singing Serpent , made with the help of Blender3d.
The author, who has created modelku - specially optimized it for 3D printing - no need for "tech support" supporting elements, all modelka printed as is.
Yoda h5> quite popular modelka Yoda Figure was created using Blender, or rather "collected" several models.
Based on information from the original article , for her "cooking" were taken: < br />
1. Bust head Yoda (with thingiverse)
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2. Тело Yoda from google sketchup galery.
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Airplane h5> Project model airplane Skewer Fighter Jet (F-86 Sabre) , with the ability to download the Blender source file.
The author macouno you can see many other models created on the basis Blender3d , in particular:
The support for the keyboard h5> Sometimes lifting legs broken keyboard, you can download print: Computer Keyboard Riser
FreeCAD h4>
FreeCAD - less well-known program, but interesting enough as is positioned as a professional CAD system is completely free and open-source. Supports full scripting to Python.
Bike phone holder h5> Want to fix your smartphone on the handlebars? Then see this project: Bike phone holder . Related FreeCAD included.
From another angle
handles for boxes h5> Need handle for the box? No problem, the project Simple Drawer Knob . FreeCAD original file is included in the files for download.
Wall mount for the phone h5> If you want to place the phone on the wall? Here is the project: Wall Mount for Vtech 6419 Cordless Phone .
Speaker for smartphone h5> Want to make a horn for your smartphone? Project Parametric Acoustic Horns allow using python program , generate FreeCad required in your mountains.
You can hear the difference:
In conclusion h4> This is of course a small part of those models that are laid out on Thingiverse, and every day there are new projects.
If you do not yet have access to the 3D printer, you can:
- to search for hakspeysam in your city, as a rule there are 3d printers, and they are available for small orders
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/makeitlab/blog/223291/
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