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How to save the sight and develop imagination, working with the recorder

Good day! It has long stretch hands to share the experience Habré, or, here, GT, the benefit of a lot of experience accumulated in the field of science and teaching, and algoritmotvorcheskoy. But the work for a large corporation binds his hands in terms of writing articles on development-level systems and write some general words on the subject - very little sense and good. However, had the idea to share it approach to work, which allows to preserve the health, without losing performance, and sometimes even significantly increasing her.

The weak point of the programmer - and who in our time are not a programmer? - A vision. Code, documents, presentations, charts, and other text-kartinochno tinsel, days flailing on the monitor, very much puts the vision in deep negative for diopters and delta-neighborhood on edge. I can not at the same time does not boast its own vision, is not required for the success of any points or proximity of the object or its size, no significant power lighting. Keep it in this condition fails, thanks largely reflected in the title technique work with the recorder. This approach not only allows you to work without a monitor, but even without a handle with a piece of paper.

In general terms, this work can be summarized as follows. If you need to think carefully about some of the activities that then, of course, will result in the source code, a presentation or a text document, you do not need to immediately rush to the editor. Yes, many people know that rush immediately to the editor development environment - is, in general, children, the zero level. Open a text document for writing the work plan can perhaps be called the first level of development. On the second level, allow to put a piece of paper with a pen or marker board (by the way, I love the chalk), because the refusal to turn on your computer allows you to not only push the development environment more away for the better development of the work plan, but also banal give your eyes a few minutes or tens of minutes not to stare at the monitor. Levels, it should be noted, it is conditional, taken at the moment of writing the text with my low ceiling just for some differentiation approaches of different people. Sometimes it is so pereschёlknet that climb right into the code to do there very significant changes - and everything right the first time works fine. But it seems to be saying that all planning and reflection occurred in the little head, and there is sometimes happens in one second.

Actually, I write, I on the third level of preparation for work. Do not even need to take a piece of paper with a pen, you can simply close your eyes and turn on the recorder. Imagination, however, also have to activate, but with it, perhaps, programmers usually okay. Now it may seem the most enjoyable that, unlike all previous approaches levels are visually impaired have full peace. For example, the first draft of this article, I slandered recorder, lying with eyes closed in bed before going to sleep. But rest perceptual apparatus pictures - is, frankly, not the most pleasant. Very sweet bun it is a sense of power work in your head, without the involvement of the surrounding world. Simply we can say that the practice offers a good forethought work using the voice recorder. I'm not talking about that on the way home from work on the bus, subway or private transport record your thoughts better it on tape. Ah, said ... And yet, practicing this type of dictation, at some point come to an amazing opportunity not just to think and jot down, and all the way to the details do all the work without resorting to anything but the imagination and voice recorder.

In this article could be ended. Promise is simple: before you write the code, riveting presentation, documentation, or even solve physical and mathematical problem with a rather big formulas, try to take a tape recorder and go all the same activities with their eyes closed. A walk or driving eyes, however, it is better not to close. It turns out that there is nothing stopping verbally describe the name and function parameters, their interactions, their filling, work with memory elements in the array indexes, data types, and even a bit content. Nothing prevents the same way "in words", and not, in fact, to take complex integrals, describing the integrands, the region of integration, substitution, elementary methods of transition for the next sign of equality, etc. This work actually reduce eye strain and surprise features its own, seemed to have empty head.

However, the article does not end there. Bad lecturer without real-life example. Recorder I bought at that moment, when I turned just three hours: Teaching Mathematics with assistant load, scientific activity, which, after defending his doctoral want to overclock to enter the doctoral trajectory, and more R & D activities in the field of 3GPP and related standards, for which only and pay any reasonable price, unlike the first two activities.

It was necessary to write a report on technology Мобильного IP . Something like a feasibility study (feasibility study). Despite the simplicity of the idea of ​​technology and, in general, non-fundamental research, the whole zoo of systems and subsystems, containing a mobile network of the third and fourth, at that time, generations, as well as Wi-Fi network and attempts to involve them in a network of mobile operators, demanded to create any competent report dig into a bunch of standard IETF, IEEE and OMA, that Mama Do not Cry. I just started noticing physically as house numbers, which could distinguish looking from the balcony, getting closer and closer, and those that were distinguishable yesterday, today turned into underused Progressive JPEG . After all, in addition to reading the documents needed somewhere else to fix the assimilation of the material, that is to constantly switch between files, copy, paste, reordered pieces of text, append, to seek, where to insert the text that came later, but is vital for understanding the early and etc. Reading itself is not as tedious as these same throwing between documents, presentations and other elektromakulaturoy. Technical standards are also the habit of referring to each other the most obscene way. Authors, of course, is understandable, but to rake all of these reference trees with multiple branching, and then break the eyes in search of the document with the correct number in the folder on your own computer - it's fun, worthy of the most radical masochist.

And then I took a tape recorder. Moving on to another document, simply blurts out his name and read quietly, nadiktovyvaya individual quotes, descriptions of pictures and diagrams own thoughts as you read. Periodically, there is a sound file telling the big picture, which is realized at the moment, indicating no major and minor elements in it is not enough. When these elements are found, just told me where they were found, what are and how embedded in one piece construction. In this approach, the work draws largely by the fact that it is made very effective overall picture, but it is nothing to prevent a close look at any of its fine detail in every detail. And all of this is documented for further collection in the final document. When it comes to a deep understanding of the subject under study and the ability to express a sense of this understanding in the report, the recorder switches to fast playback, and a report is written from scratch to finish in one sitting, except that with the distractions on relieving natural needs, but most of all - to the next a mug of tea.

Another example - the formulas. Once started the search for the equations of motion of complex mechanical system, but at the same time there was a need to make a 9-hour flight. Recorder, as usual, was in the pocket, and I thought that it is possible to record at least some initial thoughts on the design and analysis of the system. During the flight, in conditions of shaking, darkness and light slumber - under normal conditions Jets - failed to consider all the generalized coordinates and communication, direction and zero-rays for reference angles, thus introduce a bunch of variables, collect them in the Lagrangian sickly, take the necessary private and complete derivatives (see. Лагранжева Mechanics ) and do some analysis of the equations of motion, which, of course, is a set of harmonic oscillators with different kinds of relationships. And all this, almost without opening his eyes. All the necessary things perfectly describes words, and as described, perfectly stored and be manipulated in the imagination is no worse than on paper or board.

It is obvious that the recorder is on the third level of development is only a kind of crutch for the imagination, which is on the fourth level is no longer needed. But crutch is extremely easy to use, allows you to open unprecedented horizons. I came to it, generally speaking, trying to jump immediately to the fourth level still in high school. Grandfather actively harnessed me plowing, ridging, weeding and gathering potatoes, and at the same time I had to solve physical puzzles with remote MSU courses. Solve had in mind. In fact, the puzzles are usually not solved, but only just thought out in general terms, but thoughtful problem is known to be resolved quite at ease. However, today I am not surprised that, for example, Stephen Hawking writes books and perform complex calculations, being a little more mobile than a cucumber; and that Leonhard Euler quietly, and perhaps even more actively engaged in mathematical physics after a complete loss of vision.

Add more of a voice recorder. The beauty of this device is difficult to assess, with only some there voice recorder app on your smartphone. The very use device (can be a bit of advertising?) Olympus VN-713PC, is not a professional tool, but allows it to work blindly: enable or pause recording, rewind the recorded tracks, speed playback and change its volume - all pleasant to the touch buttons, without fear to touch the touch screen at the wrong time place.

And more about how to edit the text. Here wrote an article in one pass from the recorder workpiece. In the following passage I recite it on tape, again, not trying to correct the printed text, which requires periodic rereads to avoid Mangling readability and logic edits. At the same time, however, the recorder recites modified text: offers fixed, added new ones. In the third iteration of the recorder and listen to insert changes into typed text. Dictaphone allows during the dictation by pressing the buttons to insert the label right on track, between which is easy to navigate. For example, the text in the first rereading demanded all three edits. As a result of listening to the whole thing for the sake of search modifications bit wasteful, so easy to use navigation between marks. The second and third step can be, and in general, it is desirable to be repeated several times. Accelerated half listening does not take much time, but it allows you to build a pleasant enough text.

Well, the most recent. Dictation develops speech and oratory skills that are still valued in the modern world, but it is often terribly underdeveloped programmers and other workaholic not very conversational front.

Thank you for your attention. Hopefully, someone will master.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/242625/