Cats Werewolves
You can look at any site where there are seals, and you will surely find it seals werewolves: This cat breed Liko, great news for lovers of cats and werewolves
The group of breeders, initially working with a bare-sphinxes cats, bred by crossing has become a cross between a bald cats and cats with fur and thus creating a new breed of cats, furry and naked at the same time. Such seals actually look like werewolves - though super-charming. Just look at the faces!
Thanks to the gallery on Liko cat Facebook we have a lot of photos, which we share with you. I wonder what a person feels, taking them up? Slightly hairy child?
You can look at any site where there are seals, and you will surely find it seals werewolves: This cat breed Liko, great news for lovers of cats and werewolves
The group of breeders, initially working with a bare-sphinxes cats, bred by crossing has become a cross between a bald cats and cats with fur and thus creating a new breed of cats, furry and naked at the same time. Such seals actually look like werewolves - though super-charming. Just look at the faces!
Thanks to the gallery on Liko cat Facebook we have a lot of photos, which we share with you. I wonder what a person feels, taking them up? Slightly hairy child?