The Russian Body: Genetic Memory Armour
Is it possible? It is customary to talk about the “Russian character”, about the mysterious “Russian soul”. But the body, the body?
When we speak of the Russian body, of the body in general, we must distinguish between several types of bodies.
Individual body and a number of group bodies:
All kinds of bodies permeate each other, interact and influence each other. Thus, our individual body was formed and now depends greatly on the state corporeality. Equally, and vice versa.
It may seem strange for this practical publication to begin a conversation about the specificity of Russian corporeality with the state body, and not, for example, with the individual. There is nothing more practical than a good theory. A good theory is always a high-order generalization. In our case, such generalizations affect, first of all, statehood, which, by the way, is well illustrated by proverbs and sayings of the Russian people and about the Russian people, which are peculiar and the most stable generalizations.
Let's start with "roots", "supports", LEG. This is important because the decisive features of human corporeality are primarily related to the change in the position of the body—the transformation of us from animals into these “homo erectus”—“upright men.”
About Russia, Russia has always been said: "Colossus on clay feet", - very accurately pointing to one of our basic problems - the lack of stability, instability, and the field of state psychosomatics - LEGI.
Indeed, it is hardly possible to name another country that has borne so many wars and revolutions on its shoulders (for the shoulder belt of the Russian body, see below). And after all, not just a palace coup with the usual change of power, but to the ground. . . ?
What's the point and does it even exist?
Let's do an experience.
Suddenly grab the person by the breasts and shake hard. Watch him. What's going on? That's right, he's DEAD!
Omitted (not in another sense of the word, although the connection with another meaning in our history can be traced too!) - in the sense of CAUTION. He is trying to be closer to the Earth, looking for support in it; if you want, he is trying to solve his own problem with his own body.
This is the meaning (but not the justification) of such a destructive shake-up. This is the meaning of political, moral and human metamorphoses of our politicians and state officials, when pre-election appeals – “the acquisition of stability”, and upon coming to power – “the granting of additional powers to law enforcement agencies in the collection of taxes” instead of developing sensible tax legislation.
Here we face another problem of the Russian body. In the legs, which are, as we know, a bastion of stability, There are also fears in the knees. (cf. “the soul of fear went to the heels”, “sitting down with fear”, “the legs shattered” and “the knees trembled”). Some explanations should be made here.
This or that problem forming the Russian body (permeating all its types: the individual body of citizens, families, collectives, the state as a whole) and itself being its product is a completely material, living formation with its own corporeality (it is no coincidence that many problems have quite visual characteristics). Every living thing needs food and life. Fears, living formations, having settled in the feet of the Russian body, need food.
Here is the answer to strange and seemingly unreasonable actions to give additional powers to the security forces.
Indeed, in this way we can collect everything (not only taxes), giving food to our fears. For our country, this is the most effective and really fast way. But the way of what? Not the problem of the Russian body.
As we can see, an unexpectedly narrow state task (only tax legislation!) turns into a psychological (state-therapeutic) task.
The connection of fears (and the most “terrible fear” is the fear of death) with the reality of our lives is the most direct. This is our Russian business, and the banking business – under the rumble of explosive devices and the whistle of bullets. This is the collapse of monetary reforms, which “cannot be”, and unexpectedly frozen foreign currency deposits of Vnesheconombank (already forgotten?), and “burnt” ruble deposits of Sberbank. This is... This is... The question remains: why is this being done? At the level of the state body, at the level of the individual, why do we allow this to happen?
The answer is paradoxical from the point of view of common sense, but completely explainable from the point of view of the above: It seems that we want to be afraid, we experience this need.. We allow laws to allow us to live in instability and fear of instability.
The next part of the Russian body. Pain (I can see how the reader smiled.) Indeed, the inguinal area is directly related to the legs (the joke-riddle “Where do the legs grow from?” is known) and to our statehood. Most of the epithets released in the direction of our statehood (not to be confused with the Motherland!) are from this area of our body.
And there's a lot to understand! The inguinal area is the area of the deepest and strongest feelings.Because the sphere of sexual relations, orgasm, It's a high-energy area. (Read the chronicle of domestic murders and grievous bodily harm that occurred on the basis of love!)
Any electrical appliances, especially high power, must be grounded. In our body, we remember, these are feet. So the claims of PAHA to the legs are completely justified.
Another thing is in what form they are expressed. Here, our “great and mighty” Russian language plays an invaluable service. Of course, It's our mate..
The hypothesis is that It is precisely because of the excess of feelings in the situation of the absence of their “grounding” that such a function of “support” takes over the language..
Indeed, according to semantics, the abundance of shades, the number of obscene words – the Russian language “ahead of the whole planet”. It is difficult for a citizen of our country to understand the Western film and the replica of the protagonist at the time of the fall of the refrigerator from a three-meter height on the little finger of his leg.
In addition to deep and strong feelings, The inguinal region of the Russian body is also the area of specific feelings of Russian shame and shame. (cf. medical-sham lips). Have you ever wondered why we have toilets? I mean, latrines, latrines. This is what shocks foreigners visiting our country. It’s really hard to explain to them why. This has nothing to do with our cleanliness/uncleanliness. What's the reason? One of them is latrines, latrines, no matter how strange it may seem, are peculiar symbols of the inguinal region and, at the same time, its materialization.
Following the logic described above, the problem of shame affects our lives in such a way that it forms situations in which it receives its writing: “shame and shame, shame and shame.” And the proof of that is our story. Russian landowners, buying Italian and Greek sculptures of naked heroes everywhere dressed them in metal underpants. And the Soviet sex, which is not! And conversations, books, and TV shows are about it.
Quite naturally, a certain (mostly negative) attitude to “this” was formed in the consciousness and culture of the citizens of our country. With great interest (forbidden fruit). Since “this” is done by the naked (grounding the energy of the senses through contact with another body), not only the whole naked body, but even its individual parts – legs, arms – acted as a taboo. Even the word “body” has become taboo!
Rising higher up the Russian body, we find ourselves in the area of the GROOD. This is the area of our feelings, experiences. The volume of the article and, above all, the seriousness of the conversation do not allow to fully consider this area. Here lies the mysterious Russian soul. It is she and the atmosphere in which it is revealed that is manifested in full - so attracts the same foreigners (despite our toilets!).
Feelings are deep and deep. But with such legs (see above), feelings are held (unsafe!). If it breaks through, then with overhang (reaction). Isn't that one of the reasons for our friendship with the Green Serpent? Let go! Ask why? The body relaxes, which means it descends, takes root (maximum relaxation and real grounding is death, hence “dead drunk”). And even the overcontrol on the part of consciousness is weakening (the so-called “foolish”).
The discussion of the Russian body would be incomplete if we had not pointed out a few more parts of it, which are crucial for understanding the logic of its structure. The colossal, colossal nature of the Russian body is, above all, its shoulders. Shoulders are what we take on ourselves, or are going to take. In the latter case, a sane person, as a rule, asks the question “will I stand?”.
But this is, first of all, a question for the legs. We remember the legs. With such legs, what kind of “gross” can we overcome? We can! Due to the remarkable qualities that won the former glory of the Soviet man - will, courage, patience (cf. "will bear all!", "we have no obstacles!"). But these are psychological qualities.
What about the body? And in the body - a colossal overstrain and zones of conflict - BACK, ANGELES and the already mentioned knees. Put a weightlifter at the time of taking weight on an unstable support - this is the analogue of our situation with you.
What is now being said about the loss of our “roots”, about the loss of culture, about the lack of understanding of the value of our family (cf. Germany, America), about the difficulties of relations within collectives (cf. Japan) – these are primarily the problems of SPINA. The back is the basis, the skeleton of the whole body, connecting all its parts.
The life of this world is the life of this world. And that life is constantly in danger. And with such a load on the shoulder girdle - this is a constant overstrain of life, the abdomen. Finally, these are the difficulties of carrying children and giving birth to women (about the Russian body of women is a separate and very important conversation).
Finally, I would like to conclude the conversation about the Russian body with another key part. This is the lower jaw. The lower jaw of the face is both an analogue of the groin area on the body (see above), and negative feelings, emotions, experiences suppressed by a person, mainly anger, aggression, hatred. Due to the accentuation of this part of the Russian body and its double use (rage, aggression and - sexual relations), it makes sense to return to the already mentioned chronicle of incidents and make sure that the identified correspondences and connections are correct.
On the other hand, our entire history, especially the history of numerous wars, shows the effectiveness of appealing to this part of the Russian body (“let noble rage boil...”). It doesn’t matter that at the cost of tens of millions of lives, but we would say and emphasize death. And this is often pronounced with pride, as a kind of achievement!
To sum up. This article does not claim to be complete. It's a look, a vision. At the heart of this vision is his own experience as a psychologist-consultant, a practicing body-oriented psychotherapist, a seminar leader and coordinator of a number of international programs in the field of body culture (not to be confused with physical education!). This vision makes it possible in individual work to find explanations for the peculiarities of the structure of individual bodies, respectively, individual problems and diseases; and in everyday life to find explanations and, as it even seems to us, the meaning of often completely meaningless (and even thoughtless) actions of our statesmen and politicians.
And finally, the original Russian question, without which this article would not look at all: “What should I do? ?
Realizing what is happening; in what body (individual, family or state) we live; what price we pay for each action; what is the meaning of what we have.
from the textbook on body-oriented psychotherapy and psychotechnics “Free Body”, editor-compiler V.Y. Baskakov.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: //teleska.pro/klientam/russkoe-telo/
When we speak of the Russian body, of the body in general, we must distinguish between several types of bodies.
Individual body and a number of group bodies:
- family Like a body that has its own organs and the relationships between them (say who is in your family, for example, the head).
- collective.
- finally statehood like a body.

All kinds of bodies permeate each other, interact and influence each other. Thus, our individual body was formed and now depends greatly on the state corporeality. Equally, and vice versa.
It may seem strange for this practical publication to begin a conversation about the specificity of Russian corporeality with the state body, and not, for example, with the individual. There is nothing more practical than a good theory. A good theory is always a high-order generalization. In our case, such generalizations affect, first of all, statehood, which, by the way, is well illustrated by proverbs and sayings of the Russian people and about the Russian people, which are peculiar and the most stable generalizations.
Let's start with "roots", "supports", LEG. This is important because the decisive features of human corporeality are primarily related to the change in the position of the body—the transformation of us from animals into these “homo erectus”—“upright men.”
About Russia, Russia has always been said: "Colossus on clay feet", - very accurately pointing to one of our basic problems - the lack of stability, instability, and the field of state psychosomatics - LEGI.
Indeed, it is hardly possible to name another country that has borne so many wars and revolutions on its shoulders (for the shoulder belt of the Russian body, see below). And after all, not just a palace coup with the usual change of power, but to the ground. . . ?
What's the point and does it even exist?

Let's do an experience.
Suddenly grab the person by the breasts and shake hard. Watch him. What's going on? That's right, he's DEAD!
Omitted (not in another sense of the word, although the connection with another meaning in our history can be traced too!) - in the sense of CAUTION. He is trying to be closer to the Earth, looking for support in it; if you want, he is trying to solve his own problem with his own body.
This is the meaning (but not the justification) of such a destructive shake-up. This is the meaning of political, moral and human metamorphoses of our politicians and state officials, when pre-election appeals – “the acquisition of stability”, and upon coming to power – “the granting of additional powers to law enforcement agencies in the collection of taxes” instead of developing sensible tax legislation.
Here we face another problem of the Russian body. In the legs, which are, as we know, a bastion of stability, There are also fears in the knees. (cf. “the soul of fear went to the heels”, “sitting down with fear”, “the legs shattered” and “the knees trembled”). Some explanations should be made here.
This or that problem forming the Russian body (permeating all its types: the individual body of citizens, families, collectives, the state as a whole) and itself being its product is a completely material, living formation with its own corporeality (it is no coincidence that many problems have quite visual characteristics). Every living thing needs food and life. Fears, living formations, having settled in the feet of the Russian body, need food.

Here is the answer to strange and seemingly unreasonable actions to give additional powers to the security forces.
Indeed, in this way we can collect everything (not only taxes), giving food to our fears. For our country, this is the most effective and really fast way. But the way of what? Not the problem of the Russian body.
As we can see, an unexpectedly narrow state task (only tax legislation!) turns into a psychological (state-therapeutic) task.
The connection of fears (and the most “terrible fear” is the fear of death) with the reality of our lives is the most direct. This is our Russian business, and the banking business – under the rumble of explosive devices and the whistle of bullets. This is the collapse of monetary reforms, which “cannot be”, and unexpectedly frozen foreign currency deposits of Vnesheconombank (already forgotten?), and “burnt” ruble deposits of Sberbank. This is... This is... The question remains: why is this being done? At the level of the state body, at the level of the individual, why do we allow this to happen?
The answer is paradoxical from the point of view of common sense, but completely explainable from the point of view of the above: It seems that we want to be afraid, we experience this need.. We allow laws to allow us to live in instability and fear of instability.
The next part of the Russian body. Pain (I can see how the reader smiled.) Indeed, the inguinal area is directly related to the legs (the joke-riddle “Where do the legs grow from?” is known) and to our statehood. Most of the epithets released in the direction of our statehood (not to be confused with the Motherland!) are from this area of our body.
And there's a lot to understand! The inguinal area is the area of the deepest and strongest feelings.Because the sphere of sexual relations, orgasm, It's a high-energy area. (Read the chronicle of domestic murders and grievous bodily harm that occurred on the basis of love!)
Any electrical appliances, especially high power, must be grounded. In our body, we remember, these are feet. So the claims of PAHA to the legs are completely justified.
Another thing is in what form they are expressed. Here, our “great and mighty” Russian language plays an invaluable service. Of course, It's our mate..
The hypothesis is that It is precisely because of the excess of feelings in the situation of the absence of their “grounding” that such a function of “support” takes over the language..
Indeed, according to semantics, the abundance of shades, the number of obscene words – the Russian language “ahead of the whole planet”. It is difficult for a citizen of our country to understand the Western film and the replica of the protagonist at the time of the fall of the refrigerator from a three-meter height on the little finger of his leg.
In addition to deep and strong feelings, The inguinal region of the Russian body is also the area of specific feelings of Russian shame and shame. (cf. medical-sham lips). Have you ever wondered why we have toilets? I mean, latrines, latrines. This is what shocks foreigners visiting our country. It’s really hard to explain to them why. This has nothing to do with our cleanliness/uncleanliness. What's the reason? One of them is latrines, latrines, no matter how strange it may seem, are peculiar symbols of the inguinal region and, at the same time, its materialization.
Following the logic described above, the problem of shame affects our lives in such a way that it forms situations in which it receives its writing: “shame and shame, shame and shame.” And the proof of that is our story. Russian landowners, buying Italian and Greek sculptures of naked heroes everywhere dressed them in metal underpants. And the Soviet sex, which is not! And conversations, books, and TV shows are about it.
Quite naturally, a certain (mostly negative) attitude to “this” was formed in the consciousness and culture of the citizens of our country. With great interest (forbidden fruit). Since “this” is done by the naked (grounding the energy of the senses through contact with another body), not only the whole naked body, but even its individual parts – legs, arms – acted as a taboo. Even the word “body” has become taboo!
Rising higher up the Russian body, we find ourselves in the area of the GROOD. This is the area of our feelings, experiences. The volume of the article and, above all, the seriousness of the conversation do not allow to fully consider this area. Here lies the mysterious Russian soul. It is she and the atmosphere in which it is revealed that is manifested in full - so attracts the same foreigners (despite our toilets!).
Feelings are deep and deep. But with such legs (see above), feelings are held (unsafe!). If it breaks through, then with overhang (reaction). Isn't that one of the reasons for our friendship with the Green Serpent? Let go! Ask why? The body relaxes, which means it descends, takes root (maximum relaxation and real grounding is death, hence “dead drunk”). And even the overcontrol on the part of consciousness is weakening (the so-called “foolish”).
The discussion of the Russian body would be incomplete if we had not pointed out a few more parts of it, which are crucial for understanding the logic of its structure. The colossal, colossal nature of the Russian body is, above all, its shoulders. Shoulders are what we take on ourselves, or are going to take. In the latter case, a sane person, as a rule, asks the question “will I stand?”.
But this is, first of all, a question for the legs. We remember the legs. With such legs, what kind of “gross” can we overcome? We can! Due to the remarkable qualities that won the former glory of the Soviet man - will, courage, patience (cf. "will bear all!", "we have no obstacles!"). But these are psychological qualities.
What about the body? And in the body - a colossal overstrain and zones of conflict - BACK, ANGELES and the already mentioned knees. Put a weightlifter at the time of taking weight on an unstable support - this is the analogue of our situation with you.
What is now being said about the loss of our “roots”, about the loss of culture, about the lack of understanding of the value of our family (cf. Germany, America), about the difficulties of relations within collectives (cf. Japan) – these are primarily the problems of SPINA. The back is the basis, the skeleton of the whole body, connecting all its parts.
The life of this world is the life of this world. And that life is constantly in danger. And with such a load on the shoulder girdle - this is a constant overstrain of life, the abdomen. Finally, these are the difficulties of carrying children and giving birth to women (about the Russian body of women is a separate and very important conversation).
Finally, I would like to conclude the conversation about the Russian body with another key part. This is the lower jaw. The lower jaw of the face is both an analogue of the groin area on the body (see above), and negative feelings, emotions, experiences suppressed by a person, mainly anger, aggression, hatred. Due to the accentuation of this part of the Russian body and its double use (rage, aggression and - sexual relations), it makes sense to return to the already mentioned chronicle of incidents and make sure that the identified correspondences and connections are correct.
On the other hand, our entire history, especially the history of numerous wars, shows the effectiveness of appealing to this part of the Russian body (“let noble rage boil...”). It doesn’t matter that at the cost of tens of millions of lives, but we would say and emphasize death. And this is often pronounced with pride, as a kind of achievement!
To sum up. This article does not claim to be complete. It's a look, a vision. At the heart of this vision is his own experience as a psychologist-consultant, a practicing body-oriented psychotherapist, a seminar leader and coordinator of a number of international programs in the field of body culture (not to be confused with physical education!). This vision makes it possible in individual work to find explanations for the peculiarities of the structure of individual bodies, respectively, individual problems and diseases; and in everyday life to find explanations and, as it even seems to us, the meaning of often completely meaningless (and even thoughtless) actions of our statesmen and politicians.
And finally, the original Russian question, without which this article would not look at all: “What should I do? ?
Realizing what is happening; in what body (individual, family or state) we live; what price we pay for each action; what is the meaning of what we have.
from the textbook on body-oriented psychotherapy and psychotechnics “Free Body”, editor-compiler V.Y. Baskakov.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: //teleska.pro/klientam/russkoe-telo/