Why is it necessary to read the literature of different countries and peoples
Which is better: to read a thousand books to any one country or to read a total of the same a thousand books, but many or at least several countries? The answer is obvious: the second is incomparably better. And it's not in some abstract and useless "erudition" ("he's looking good, how many authors from many countries knows!").
The fact of acquaintance with the most text service allows you to see along the way and with the mentality of the peoples, belong to the author of the respective texts. Read more about this in presenting Your attention the article from Ilya Pozhidaeva specifically for .
For anybody, probably not a secret that the so-called "inspiration" is always conditional. There is no "inspiration" as such, in itself, appeared not understand and do not understand how. Any so-called "inspiration" is a combination of the horrific intensity of the author's work, slightly altered States of consciousness copyright and certain provocative stimuli.
A brilliant poem written, as a rule, under the influence of exceptional and unfulfilled sexual arousal. Brilliant prose possible when the author vividly concerned with the relationship between people, developing as a rule, in the complex twists and turns, that the reader watches with bated breath.
Brilliant drama possible when the relevant communicative twists and turns masterfully presented in a concise and visually-shaped form. Brilliant journalism is a pronounced maximum illustrative of the author's view of what is happening around.
As can be seen everywhere the author needs certain information and it is obtained solely by communicating with the external environment. Without direct communication of the author with the world around him, there can not be a literary or artistic work. In any case, a more or less adequate and readable. In the figurative and very apt remark of Zakhar Prilepin, it is impossible to become a writer, looking only at her reflection in the mirror.
In this sense, right grandpa Marx, with his approach about the material and class conditionality of human behavior, no less than the rights and grandfather Freud, with his approach on the individual sexual behavioural conditionality, rights and grandfather Pestalozzi, with his approach about visual-moral training-right and many other grandfather.
The fact is that on any author inevitably affected by the external environment, in the diversity of its manifestations. I guess nobody would deny that the environment is always and everywhere different. In each country, each nation, each historical stage it has its own, unique.
Accordingly vary and literature of different countries. Absorbing all symptoms of a people, combining them in the most arbitrary and often unpredictably, the literature of the people finds its uniqueness and its originality.
Indian literature (Vedas if, in principle, can be attributed to the literature) characterized by mysticism and philosophy; Chinese literature – contemplation and historicity; Anglo-Saxon literature – dynamic and, at times, apparent aggressiveness; romance-Germanic literature – expressive — sometimes a significant focus on sex and anarchism; Russian literature – the spirit of the collectivity, and the production of global problems (typically ethical sense). Other, smaller, literature different something else.
It is clear that all authors, especially original and brilliant, will not squeeze into the Procrustean bed of the tradition, but, nevertheless, and original geniuses, not absolutely to abstract from such. Geniuses – they're just considerably more capable than non-geniuses, but this does not mean that they have some different biochemistry, and what they can do based on some fundamentally different principles.
Getting acquainted with texts of a particular country, of a people, of an era, is imbued with the country, the people in that era. To a much greater extent than mechanically learning the history of the people concerned textbook. And, let me suggest, to a much greater extent than in tourism, when in a few weeks or months hanging out in different cities and countries, in the end the bottom line is not sensing.
It is clear that immediate, live human communication do not replace. But it is unlikely You have the opportunity to personally and directly communicate with Filipino, Malaysian, Samoan and, say, Ayn. Yes, and with representatives of much larger foreign Nations, I believe, is also not always possible to cross paths and talk heart to heart. But to communicate with the whole people through books, you can always, at any time – even from the comfort of their own room.
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It is a text that is a literal signal, the format allows to perceive the mentality of an author (as representative of a people) better, because, like it or not, but we communicate mainly through symbols. And for this reason foreign books better read in the original language, but if this is not possible (and it really rarely happens), it is very desirable to get the highest quality and closest to the original language translation.
Author: Ilya Pozhidaev, especially for
Source: Ilya Pozhidaev
The fact of acquaintance with the most text service allows you to see along the way and with the mentality of the peoples, belong to the author of the respective texts. Read more about this in presenting Your attention the article from Ilya Pozhidaeva specifically for .
For anybody, probably not a secret that the so-called "inspiration" is always conditional. There is no "inspiration" as such, in itself, appeared not understand and do not understand how. Any so-called "inspiration" is a combination of the horrific intensity of the author's work, slightly altered States of consciousness copyright and certain provocative stimuli.
A brilliant poem written, as a rule, under the influence of exceptional and unfulfilled sexual arousal. Brilliant prose possible when the author vividly concerned with the relationship between people, developing as a rule, in the complex twists and turns, that the reader watches with bated breath.
Brilliant drama possible when the relevant communicative twists and turns masterfully presented in a concise and visually-shaped form. Brilliant journalism is a pronounced maximum illustrative of the author's view of what is happening around.
As can be seen everywhere the author needs certain information and it is obtained solely by communicating with the external environment. Without direct communication of the author with the world around him, there can not be a literary or artistic work. In any case, a more or less adequate and readable. In the figurative and very apt remark of Zakhar Prilepin, it is impossible to become a writer, looking only at her reflection in the mirror.
In this sense, right grandpa Marx, with his approach about the material and class conditionality of human behavior, no less than the rights and grandfather Freud, with his approach on the individual sexual behavioural conditionality, rights and grandfather Pestalozzi, with his approach about visual-moral training-right and many other grandfather.
The fact is that on any author inevitably affected by the external environment, in the diversity of its manifestations. I guess nobody would deny that the environment is always and everywhere different. In each country, each nation, each historical stage it has its own, unique.

Accordingly vary and literature of different countries. Absorbing all symptoms of a people, combining them in the most arbitrary and often unpredictably, the literature of the people finds its uniqueness and its originality.
Indian literature (Vedas if, in principle, can be attributed to the literature) characterized by mysticism and philosophy; Chinese literature – contemplation and historicity; Anglo-Saxon literature – dynamic and, at times, apparent aggressiveness; romance-Germanic literature – expressive — sometimes a significant focus on sex and anarchism; Russian literature – the spirit of the collectivity, and the production of global problems (typically ethical sense). Other, smaller, literature different something else.
It is clear that all authors, especially original and brilliant, will not squeeze into the Procrustean bed of the tradition, but, nevertheless, and original geniuses, not absolutely to abstract from such. Geniuses – they're just considerably more capable than non-geniuses, but this does not mean that they have some different biochemistry, and what they can do based on some fundamentally different principles.
Getting acquainted with texts of a particular country, of a people, of an era, is imbued with the country, the people in that era. To a much greater extent than mechanically learning the history of the people concerned textbook. And, let me suggest, to a much greater extent than in tourism, when in a few weeks or months hanging out in different cities and countries, in the end the bottom line is not sensing.
It is clear that immediate, live human communication do not replace. But it is unlikely You have the opportunity to personally and directly communicate with Filipino, Malaysian, Samoan and, say, Ayn. Yes, and with representatives of much larger foreign Nations, I believe, is also not always possible to cross paths and talk heart to heart. But to communicate with the whole people through books, you can always, at any time – even from the comfort of their own room.
30 best romantic movies of all time
How to avoid mistakes when choosing a book
It is a text that is a literal signal, the format allows to perceive the mentality of an author (as representative of a people) better, because, like it or not, but we communicate mainly through symbols. And for this reason foreign books better read in the original language, but if this is not possible (and it really rarely happens), it is very desirable to get the highest quality and closest to the original language translation.
Author: Ilya Pozhidaev, especially for
Source: Ilya Pozhidaev