Psychological resilience: How to learn not to break
Stress – the scourge of our time and of our urbanized society. Everything you always want something to where You pull, and You have a lot of unsolved problems, you don't know what to grab, and it's terribly infuriating. Don't know about you, but I see office tantrums with admirable purity. Well, the inability to control his emotions is unlikely to have a positive impact on your future work in this particular team.
In principle, it is not just about the workplace: family, friends, casual acquaintances – with all and always need to stress. To achieve it really is not difficult, although, I confess, such an achievement requires systematic application of some effort. Told about it specially for Ilya Pozhidaev.
What personal features are required to achieve a state of psychological stability – in the proposed article to your attention.
Understanding of the situation.
Always much less nervous when at least in General terms, imagine what would happen. Heard the phrase "forewarned is forearmed"? This is in relation to stress, this phrase fits perfectly. Accordingly, in order to meet something unpleasant head-on, you need to prepare first of all information.
We will hold a Boxing analogy. Let's say you have never in my life have boxed, not fought, not even fought in school and in kindergarten. And then You bring to the ring against a professional boxer. Your chances to win, of course, zero. But if You at least at the level of theory you know what Boxing is different from, say, judo or Brazilian JIU-jitsu, You'll have a distinct advantage over those who do not know.
At least you will understand how exactly You will be doing the Burger – and, accordingly, will make at least some efforts at self-defense (well, there, I will try to put at least ugly, but the block will somehow escape, twitch, try to fall down and scream and stuff like that). Accordingly, injuries You will have a few less than that, who knows how it would cripple what he was, in fact, to protect themselves, and how.
The moral: to be prepared for trouble, try to learn at least some information about them.
Willingness to the situation.
Continue the Boxing analogy. For example, every day you see on TV fighting the Klitschko brothers (or Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson – someone who is more like it), but never in my life did not even charging, not to mention some serious exercise. On the other hand, there's the guy who for ten years spent on enhanced training in Boxing, though not engaged in professionally. You both have to face in the ring with world Boxing champion. Rhetorical question: who of you two is more likely?
If you're not prepared, then your goal is just to survive and minimally cripple (hoping to even maybe to this very compassionate champion of the world). But man, hard prozanimavshis Boxing for ten years, he will think about how to lose the most dignity – can be, sometimes, to squander one or two strong shock to this champion in the ribs, and maybe, you never know, and does to reduce in a draw – no wonder, after all, ten years in the section given. You will look pathetic and comical, and prozanimavshis ten years will look, maybe not eagle, but still overall, not shameful. Why? Correct: he prepared.
The moral: any situation, and especially extreme, requires careful preparation. Don't want to get into a mess – be prepared. Simply put, practice the same or similar situations.
The bodily harmony.
Rounds of a Boxing analogy. Let's say you faithfully departed in the section ten years but did, as they say, "at your pleasure". Tells You the coach is forced March ten miles, and you idle and walk, I tell You to do push-UPS till you fall, and You will press five times and finished, and so on. Are you ready just to be worthy to play the world champion? Yes, of course not.
But if you all these ten years ran not ten, but fifteen miles in training, if you do push-UPS until he lost consciousness, if you regularly competed and fought there with all his might against worthy opponents, in General, even the world champion not afraid of you. Probably still lose, but the steak you will not be done. And maybe even not lose: in the end, and the world Champions are not always on top form.
The moral: keep your physical body in a state of permanent tone. Exercise, cold or contrast shower, treatments, healthy eating, low bad habits, adequate sleep duration – all this is necessary not only to boxers, but everyone else, just maybe not in that volume. Healthy body, healthy spirit, as the ancients said.
So, you know that there is some unpleasant stuff, You have repeatedly faced with something like that, and something like that has repeatedly escaped You regularly give your body exercise and generally try to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Question: how you with all these at the same time the existing data can be derived from itself – so you lost self-control? The answer seems to be obvious: nothing.
What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voiceLet old!
To sum up: the basis of your psychological endurance anywhere, anytime and in any circumstances lay your understanding of the situation, your readiness to it and your bodily harmony. If all three of these components are available – Davie calm and equanimity concrete you are guaranteed that whatever was going on, and may explode under your nose. published
Author: Ilya Pozhidaev, especially for .
Source: Ilya Pozhidaev
In principle, it is not just about the workplace: family, friends, casual acquaintances – with all and always need to stress. To achieve it really is not difficult, although, I confess, such an achievement requires systematic application of some effort. Told about it specially for Ilya Pozhidaev.
What personal features are required to achieve a state of psychological stability – in the proposed article to your attention.

Understanding of the situation.
Always much less nervous when at least in General terms, imagine what would happen. Heard the phrase "forewarned is forearmed"? This is in relation to stress, this phrase fits perfectly. Accordingly, in order to meet something unpleasant head-on, you need to prepare first of all information.
We will hold a Boxing analogy. Let's say you have never in my life have boxed, not fought, not even fought in school and in kindergarten. And then You bring to the ring against a professional boxer. Your chances to win, of course, zero. But if You at least at the level of theory you know what Boxing is different from, say, judo or Brazilian JIU-jitsu, You'll have a distinct advantage over those who do not know.
At least you will understand how exactly You will be doing the Burger – and, accordingly, will make at least some efforts at self-defense (well, there, I will try to put at least ugly, but the block will somehow escape, twitch, try to fall down and scream and stuff like that). Accordingly, injuries You will have a few less than that, who knows how it would cripple what he was, in fact, to protect themselves, and how.
The moral: to be prepared for trouble, try to learn at least some information about them.
Willingness to the situation.
Continue the Boxing analogy. For example, every day you see on TV fighting the Klitschko brothers (or Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson – someone who is more like it), but never in my life did not even charging, not to mention some serious exercise. On the other hand, there's the guy who for ten years spent on enhanced training in Boxing, though not engaged in professionally. You both have to face in the ring with world Boxing champion. Rhetorical question: who of you two is more likely?
If you're not prepared, then your goal is just to survive and minimally cripple (hoping to even maybe to this very compassionate champion of the world). But man, hard prozanimavshis Boxing for ten years, he will think about how to lose the most dignity – can be, sometimes, to squander one or two strong shock to this champion in the ribs, and maybe, you never know, and does to reduce in a draw – no wonder, after all, ten years in the section given. You will look pathetic and comical, and prozanimavshis ten years will look, maybe not eagle, but still overall, not shameful. Why? Correct: he prepared.
The moral: any situation, and especially extreme, requires careful preparation. Don't want to get into a mess – be prepared. Simply put, practice the same or similar situations.

The bodily harmony.
Rounds of a Boxing analogy. Let's say you faithfully departed in the section ten years but did, as they say, "at your pleasure". Tells You the coach is forced March ten miles, and you idle and walk, I tell You to do push-UPS till you fall, and You will press five times and finished, and so on. Are you ready just to be worthy to play the world champion? Yes, of course not.
But if you all these ten years ran not ten, but fifteen miles in training, if you do push-UPS until he lost consciousness, if you regularly competed and fought there with all his might against worthy opponents, in General, even the world champion not afraid of you. Probably still lose, but the steak you will not be done. And maybe even not lose: in the end, and the world Champions are not always on top form.
The moral: keep your physical body in a state of permanent tone. Exercise, cold or contrast shower, treatments, healthy eating, low bad habits, adequate sleep duration – all this is necessary not only to boxers, but everyone else, just maybe not in that volume. Healthy body, healthy spirit, as the ancients said.
So, you know that there is some unpleasant stuff, You have repeatedly faced with something like that, and something like that has repeatedly escaped You regularly give your body exercise and generally try to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Question: how you with all these at the same time the existing data can be derived from itself – so you lost self-control? The answer seems to be obvious: nothing.
What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voiceLet old!
To sum up: the basis of your psychological endurance anywhere, anytime and in any circumstances lay your understanding of the situation, your readiness to it and your bodily harmony. If all three of these components are available – Davie calm and equanimity concrete you are guaranteed that whatever was going on, and may explode under your nose. published
Author: Ilya Pozhidaev, especially for .
Source: Ilya Pozhidaev