Unmatched quotes from the novel "The Master and Margarita"

When Mikhail Bulgakov wrote a novel about a wizard, he hardly imagined that creates the most significant works of Russian literature of the twentieth century. Today the product is deservedly included in the lists of the most widely read books in the world, while remaining an object of endless disputes of philosophers and literary critics.
And for the Website «The Master and Margarita" - a favorite story, full of mysteries and infinite wisdom. What is most needed in our difficult times.
Who told you that there is no light present, faithful, eternal love? Yes, cut off liar his vile language! We will talk to you in different languages, as always, but the things we are talking about, does not change. an evil lurks in men, avoiding wine, games, society, charming women, table talk. Such persons or serious ill or secretly hate others. Evil people do in the world, there are only people unhappy. The difficult people, these women! The Man Without surprise inside, in his box, not interested. All is well in this world is built. Yes, man is mortal, but it would be not so bad. The bad news is that he sometimes sudden death, that's the trick! It's nice to hear that you are so polite handle the cat. Cats usually somehow say "you", although no one cat had no one drunk bruderschaft. The poor man is cruel and callous. And all just because of the fact that good people disfigured him. You try on a suit? Never do this. You can make a mistake, and, moreover, is very large. Do not ask for anything! Do nothing, and especially those who are stronger than you. Sami offer themselves everything will. The one who loves must share the fate of someone he loves. Second freshness - that is nonsense! Freshness is only one - the first, it is also the last. And if sturgeon second freshness, it means that it is rotten! The truth is easy and pleasant. Why chase the footsteps of what has already been completed? < - Dostoevsky died.
- Objection, Dostoevsky is immortal! A fact - the most stubborn thing in the world. All theories are to one another. Among them are such, according to which each will be given according to his faith. Yes come true is it! The wine which country you prefer at this time of the day? My drama is that I'm living with someone I do not like, but to spoil his life believe unworthy thing. - Cowardice - one of the worst human vices.
- No, I dare you to argue. Cowardice - the most terrible human vice. Do not be afraid of anything. It is unreasonable. The most terrible anger - anger powerlessness. that would make your good, if there were no evil, and how the earth would look like if it had disappeared from the shadows? Understand that language can hide the truth, and the eyes - never! People like people. They love money, but it's always been ... Mankind loves money from what they would have been made or, if made of leather, whether paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous ... Well, well ... and mercy sometimes knocks at their hearts ... ordinary people ... in general, resemble previous ... housing problem only ruined them. No matter what the pessimists, the land is still quite beautiful and the moonlight and simply unique.
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