Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov
Interesting facts from the life of Mikhail Bulgakov - a writer, to make friends with the devil.
May 15, 1891 was born one of the most popular writers of the XX century, whose popularity in Russia even today at times surpasses the glory of others.
On the sale of the soul
It is known that Bulgakov often went to the Great to hear "Faust." This opera has always raised his spirits. He especially was close image of Faust. But one day, Bulgakov returned from a grim theater in a state of severe depression. This was due to a work over which the writer has recently started work - play "Batum". Agreed to write a play about Stalin Bulgakov found himself in the image of Faust, sold his soul to the devil.
Cottage Bulgakov in Bucha, in August 1913. In the top row, left to right: Michael, his mother, his first wife Tatiana.
Missing character
In 1937, the anniversary of the death of Pushkin, several authors have presented a play devoted to the poet. Among them was the play, MA Bulgakov's "Alexander Pushkin", which is different from the works of other authors, the absence of a single character. Bulgakov believed that the appearance of the actor on stage is vulgar and tasteless. The missing character himself was Alexander.
Treasure Mikhail Bulgakov
As you know, in the novel "The White Guard" Bulgakov quite accurately described the house in which he lived in Kiev. And the owners of the house in one piece describing a very strong dislike of the writer, as it has brought direct damage to the structure. The fact that the hosts broke the walls, trying to find the treasure, described in the novel, and, of course, they found nothing.
History Voland
Woland Bulgakov got its name from Goethe's Mephistopheles. In the poem "Faust" it sounds just once when asked Mephistopheles evil spirits parted and let him pass, "Noble Voland is coming!" In the old German literature hell called another name - Faland. It occurs in "Master and Margarita", a variety show when employees can not remember the name of the magician: "... Maybe Faland?»
The first edition contained a detailed description of the product (15 manuscript pages) will Woland when he first appears in the guise of "stranger." This description is now almost completely lost. In addition, in the early edition of Woland called Astaroth (one of the highest ranking demons of hell, according to the Western demonology). Bulgakov later replaced him, apparently because the image could not be identical with Satan.
Bulgakov and his second wife, Elena.
"Heart of a Dog" and the Russian Revolution
Traditionally, the novel "Heart of a Dog" is interpreted in only one political way: Balls - an allegory of the lumpen proletariat, unexpectedly received a lot of rights and freedoms, but quickly discovered with the selfishness and the desire to kill their own kind. But there is another interpretation, as if this story was a political satire on the leadership of the state mid-1920s. In particular, that the ball-Chugunkin - a Stalin (both the "iron" the second name), prof. Transfiguration - Lenin is (are converted to), his assistant Dr. Bormental, constant conflict with ball - is Trotsky (Bronstein), Shvonder - Stone, assistant Zina - Zinoviev, Darya - Dzerzhinsky, and so on. D.
The prototype Behemoth
At the famous assistant Voland there was a real prototype, but in life it was not a cat and dog - black dog Bulgakov, nicknamed Hippo. This dog was very intelligent. Once, when Bulgakov was celebrating with his wife, New Year, after the fight chimes his dog barked 12 times, even though it did not teach this one.
And playwright Mikhail Bulgakov Sergey Ermolinsky with his wife.
Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future
Even in 1934, Mikhail Bulgakov wrote the play-comedy "Ivan" on how Moscow inventor Nikolai Timofeev creates a time machine and brings the modern world (ie 1934) of Ivan the Terrible. In turn, the past fall counterpart Ivan the Terrible superintendent Bunsha-Koretsky, and swindler George Miloslavsky. Contemporaries Bulgakov tortured author requests for changes or modifications. Everyone was afraid of the obvious similarities between the personalities of Ivan the Terrible and Josef Stalin.
Triumphant success came to "Ivan Vasilyevich" in 1973, when to play a hand in this brilliant master of cinema Leonid Gaidai Iovich. The director kept Bulgakov line almost completely, but he still had to adapt the parts 30s to the realities of the 70's. For example, a gramophone, mentioned in the play, was changed into a tape recorder, worsted overcoat - on suede jacket, but in the time machine used transistors. In the scene of the meeting with Ivan the Terrible Yakin mentioned the names popular in the 70s movie stars. The play is mentioned that Bunsha was the son of the prince, but the Bunsha refutes this on the grounds that in fact his biological father - the driver Pantelei; in the film, this episode is omitted as obvious anachronism. At the same time, Zina in the film, like the play, complaining that she had "taken away the gloves in a cafe," though in the 70s women did not wear gloves in the summer (at least in the USSR).
Other changes did not touch directly to the time difference. It changed the name of the Timofeyev: in the play he Nicholas, and in the film - Alexander. This was done in order to combine all three films Gaidai ("Operation" Y "and other adventures Shurik", "Caucasian captive" and "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation») one character: a former student and now an engineer Shurik.
By the way, the American audience the film is also a sign, but under the changed name: "Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future» («Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future» and «Ivan the Terrible: Back to the Future»).
Notable quotes Bulgakov
Never, do not ask! Do nothing, and especially those who are stronger than you. Offer themselves and give themselves all!
He who loves must share the fate of someone he loves.
Happiness is like health: When it is there, you do not notice it.
Evil lurks in men who avoid wine, games, society, charming women, table talk. These people are sick or gravely, or secretly hate others.
Second freshness - that is nonsense! Freshness is only one - the first, it is also the last. And if sturgeon second freshness, it means that it is rotten!
Achiever throughout the one who is in a hurry.
Only through suffering comes true ... That's right, do not worry! But in the knowledge of the truth do not pay any money or do not give rations. Sad but true.
Maybe money is prevented to be pretty. Here, for example, no one has any money, and everything nice.
On the crime does not go never against whomever it may be directed. Before they reach old age with clean hands.
In the world there are only two forces: Dollars and literature.
It is enough to chase a man under fire, and he turns into a wolf wise; replaced by a very weak and really difficult cases unnecessary mind grows wise animal instinct.
Evil people do in the world, there are only people unhappy.
The writer will always be in opposition to the policy until the policy itself will be in opposition to the culture.
The last photo of the writer and his wife Elena Sergeevna.

May 15, 1891 was born one of the most popular writers of the XX century, whose popularity in Russia even today at times surpasses the glory of others.
On the sale of the soul
It is known that Bulgakov often went to the Great to hear "Faust." This opera has always raised his spirits. He especially was close image of Faust. But one day, Bulgakov returned from a grim theater in a state of severe depression. This was due to a work over which the writer has recently started work - play "Batum". Agreed to write a play about Stalin Bulgakov found himself in the image of Faust, sold his soul to the devil.

Cottage Bulgakov in Bucha, in August 1913. In the top row, left to right: Michael, his mother, his first wife Tatiana.
Missing character
In 1937, the anniversary of the death of Pushkin, several authors have presented a play devoted to the poet. Among them was the play, MA Bulgakov's "Alexander Pushkin", which is different from the works of other authors, the absence of a single character. Bulgakov believed that the appearance of the actor on stage is vulgar and tasteless. The missing character himself was Alexander.
Treasure Mikhail Bulgakov
As you know, in the novel "The White Guard" Bulgakov quite accurately described the house in which he lived in Kiev. And the owners of the house in one piece describing a very strong dislike of the writer, as it has brought direct damage to the structure. The fact that the hosts broke the walls, trying to find the treasure, described in the novel, and, of course, they found nothing.
History Voland
Woland Bulgakov got its name from Goethe's Mephistopheles. In the poem "Faust" it sounds just once when asked Mephistopheles evil spirits parted and let him pass, "Noble Voland is coming!" In the old German literature hell called another name - Faland. It occurs in "Master and Margarita", a variety show when employees can not remember the name of the magician: "... Maybe Faland?»
The first edition contained a detailed description of the product (15 manuscript pages) will Woland when he first appears in the guise of "stranger." This description is now almost completely lost. In addition, in the early edition of Woland called Astaroth (one of the highest ranking demons of hell, according to the Western demonology). Bulgakov later replaced him, apparently because the image could not be identical with Satan.

Bulgakov and his second wife, Elena.
"Heart of a Dog" and the Russian Revolution
Traditionally, the novel "Heart of a Dog" is interpreted in only one political way: Balls - an allegory of the lumpen proletariat, unexpectedly received a lot of rights and freedoms, but quickly discovered with the selfishness and the desire to kill their own kind. But there is another interpretation, as if this story was a political satire on the leadership of the state mid-1920s. In particular, that the ball-Chugunkin - a Stalin (both the "iron" the second name), prof. Transfiguration - Lenin is (are converted to), his assistant Dr. Bormental, constant conflict with ball - is Trotsky (Bronstein), Shvonder - Stone, assistant Zina - Zinoviev, Darya - Dzerzhinsky, and so on. D.
The prototype Behemoth
At the famous assistant Voland there was a real prototype, but in life it was not a cat and dog - black dog Bulgakov, nicknamed Hippo. This dog was very intelligent. Once, when Bulgakov was celebrating with his wife, New Year, after the fight chimes his dog barked 12 times, even though it did not teach this one.

And playwright Mikhail Bulgakov Sergey Ermolinsky with his wife.
Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future
Even in 1934, Mikhail Bulgakov wrote the play-comedy "Ivan" on how Moscow inventor Nikolai Timofeev creates a time machine and brings the modern world (ie 1934) of Ivan the Terrible. In turn, the past fall counterpart Ivan the Terrible superintendent Bunsha-Koretsky, and swindler George Miloslavsky. Contemporaries Bulgakov tortured author requests for changes or modifications. Everyone was afraid of the obvious similarities between the personalities of Ivan the Terrible and Josef Stalin.
Triumphant success came to "Ivan Vasilyevich" in 1973, when to play a hand in this brilliant master of cinema Leonid Gaidai Iovich. The director kept Bulgakov line almost completely, but he still had to adapt the parts 30s to the realities of the 70's. For example, a gramophone, mentioned in the play, was changed into a tape recorder, worsted overcoat - on suede jacket, but in the time machine used transistors. In the scene of the meeting with Ivan the Terrible Yakin mentioned the names popular in the 70s movie stars. The play is mentioned that Bunsha was the son of the prince, but the Bunsha refutes this on the grounds that in fact his biological father - the driver Pantelei; in the film, this episode is omitted as obvious anachronism. At the same time, Zina in the film, like the play, complaining that she had "taken away the gloves in a cafe," though in the 70s women did not wear gloves in the summer (at least in the USSR).
Other changes did not touch directly to the time difference. It changed the name of the Timofeyev: in the play he Nicholas, and in the film - Alexander. This was done in order to combine all three films Gaidai ("Operation" Y "and other adventures Shurik", "Caucasian captive" and "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation») one character: a former student and now an engineer Shurik.
By the way, the American audience the film is also a sign, but under the changed name: "Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future» («Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future» and «Ivan the Terrible: Back to the Future»).
Notable quotes Bulgakov
Never, do not ask! Do nothing, and especially those who are stronger than you. Offer themselves and give themselves all!
He who loves must share the fate of someone he loves.
Happiness is like health: When it is there, you do not notice it.
Evil lurks in men who avoid wine, games, society, charming women, table talk. These people are sick or gravely, or secretly hate others.
Second freshness - that is nonsense! Freshness is only one - the first, it is also the last. And if sturgeon second freshness, it means that it is rotten!
Achiever throughout the one who is in a hurry.
Only through suffering comes true ... That's right, do not worry! But in the knowledge of the truth do not pay any money or do not give rations. Sad but true.
Maybe money is prevented to be pretty. Here, for example, no one has any money, and everything nice.
On the crime does not go never against whomever it may be directed. Before they reach old age with clean hands.
In the world there are only two forces: Dollars and literature.
It is enough to chase a man under fire, and he turns into a wolf wise; replaced by a very weak and really difficult cases unnecessary mind grows wise animal instinct.
Evil people do in the world, there are only people unhappy.
The writer will always be in opposition to the policy until the policy itself will be in opposition to the culture.

The last photo of the writer and his wife Elena Sergeevna.