Three Amazing stories about how life was Soviet-Indigo Children
Three girls prodigy who lived in Soviet times - Rusheva Nadia, Sasha Putrya and Nick turbine - similar to their fate. Bright, talented, anyone not like, they too soon left this world, leaving behind a rich legacy - drawings and poems. Much of their lives were closely intertwined with mysticism, higher powers, unknowable. We have compiled the most interesting facts from the life of the Soviet "indigo children».
Nadia Rusheva Nadia was born in 1952 in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. When she was six months, her parents - artist Nikolai Rusheva the first Tuvan ballerina Natalia Azhikmaa-Rusheva - moved to Moscow.
Draw Nadia start in five years - on their own initiative, without training. Her father had deliberately decided to give her daughter the freedom of creativity. For her, it was a regular and a favorite pastime. Rusheva not use the eraser (drawings, which she did not like, she threw), drew inspiration from classical music (the memories mothers often creates a bell ringing or the music of Rachmaninoff). Known biographical fact: one evening, while my father read aloud to her beloved "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", Nadia drew 36 illustrations.
Rusheva said: "Drawing - a necessity"; According to her, it encircles the pen, pens, pencils that stood out in front of it on paper. On the day she averted hobby no more than half an hour after classes were ready. Nadia "produced" in the world came to her images - in total, she left behind more than 10 thousand pictures - light, fine.
She illustrated books, personal stories, invented it as ballets. "The most native poet," Pushkin Rusheva dedicated three hundred drawings. Artists deeply impressed feature Nadi deeply into any era and culture. Its concise and flawless figures were so unusual that adults have found a new meaning to "draw" it works.
Since childhood, surrounded by admiration, it was the most ordinary girl - playing with dolls, she loved to ski, to roam the halls of the museum, wanted to enter the Film Institute - making cartoons. The first exhibition of the artist, organized by the magazine "Youth", took place when she was 12 years old. In the next five years Rusheva held 15 solo exhibitions - not only at home but also in Poland, Czechoslovakia, India, Romania.
Her fame grew. It is said that the fees, because of age, she almost did not pay. Once Nadia drew himself in the then-fashionable jeans, which in fact it did not have - Rusheva family had modest means.
"If you want them to little potleli, burn down myself ... It is terribly difficult, but necessary. You can not only for themselves, "- Nadia wrote to his friend Artek. Unusual ability of the artist clearly manifested in its last cycle - the first in the history of Russian literature illustrations of Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita". Later, after the death of Nadia, figures showed the writer's widow Yelena Sergeyevna. She was shocked: she portrayed a ring on the finger of the Master, who was an exact replica of the family ring Bulgakov. A portrait of Margaret was very much like an old photograph of the Elena Alekseeva.
On the eve of the tragic day Nadia and dad returned from Leningrad home. She plans. Seeing his father's job, she said, "The Master and Margarita," I concluded. "War and Peace" - too. Pushkin's biography, perhaps, too ... I will continue to Lermontov, Nekrasov, Blok, Yesenin, Green ... And, of course, Shakespeare! Bring me, please, today, from the library of "Don Quixote," I see a new series! ". The next morning, March 6, 1969, Nadia was dead.
Mama Nadi recalled: "I zasobiralas to work, and Nadia - to school. Girl cook steak and eggs, she drank a cup of coffee. I left, and after a few minutes she lost consciousness. Nicholas in the next room felt something was wrong. The phone was not. He was in slippers ran to the hospital. There he was questioned for a long time. Finally arrived, my little girl was taken to the "first aid" to the hospital. A few hours later she never regained consciousness and died. It turned out to be a congenital defect of one of the vessels of the brain. Now it is possible to operate. Then they could not. From a brain hemorrhage Nadyusha died. She never hurt, and did not complain. " She was only 17 years old.
Shortly before Rusheva was walking with a friend on the street and saw a funeral procession, he said, "And so difficult - the man died, and suddenly this music. More people wanted. If I die, I would like to be buried in Artek form and to play "The Beatles." And so it happened.
Sasha Putrya Sasha was born in Poltava, eight years after leaving Nadi Rusheva - in 1977. I knew about her work, saw the catalog of works. The irony - two brilliant figures of girls met after the death of Sasha, on one show, in 1991 - in Novosibirsk, and after another 16 years - at the Museum Roerich in Moscow.
For 11 years of my life Sasha Putrya I do as much as do other adult artists. Her legacy - 2279 jobs: 46 albums with drawings, cartoons and poetry, embroidery, handicrafts made of clay, soft toys, products made of beads, burnt wood paintings. She even came up with technical drawings, thanks to which, in her opinion, people would reach the moon and build roads without asphalt pavement cracks.
Dad Sasha - an artist, mother - a musician. The girl began to paint in three years: it did not stop, dreamed: "When I grow big, sure to become an artist, and I will draw from morning till evening. Even at night". "Hands and face were smeared with her always felt pens or watercolors. All of our apartment, bathroom, kitchen, toilet, cabinet doors painted up to that height where it got out hand.
Figures generously gave their friends and family - for the holidays and birthdays congratulated postcards, which she painted, she also wrote and texts, often in verse "- recalled the father of Sasha Eugene Putrya. Girl drawing "from the head" - relatives, students mother, dressing them in fabulous clothes, favorite animal in unprecedented vestments - "that they were pleased».
In five years, Sasha was ill - she was diagnosed with "acute leukemia". Six years she struggled with the disease. Sasha would sit for pens and paints for eight - ten hours a day. When the girl and her mother went to the hospital on the state of her health was judged by the number of drawings.
She loved to draw to the music - in your library had about a hundred records: records of fairy tales, musicals, dramatizations, songs that she knew by heart. Gentle, kind, loving, beautiful ... "Throughout his short life, she never let anyone hurt. We still feel the embrace of her children, a nice touch of warm cheeks, tired body on the shoulder, "- writes the pope.
Pushkarevskoe to restore the church, she wrote a small icon of the Mother of God. But Sasha was a special love India - especially after she fell in love "Disco Dancer" Mithun Chakraborty. She painted portraits of actors of Indian cinema, dancers, princes, Lord Shiva. One day my mother said: "You know, we had an elephant? Big is! I sat on his back, in a beautiful basket. " She had never seen a live elephant. How she did these memories close do not know, "Perhaps the memory of the soul?».
At the height of the disease appeared in the figures Sasha space, stars. She was fascinated by astrology, horoscopes, UFOs. Holy believed it arrive ancestors of humans, and the day will come when she will meet with them. January 22 in a hospital, she painted her latest work - "Self Portrait". Children from various neighboring chambers vying ordered pictures. Sasha smiled happily and said, "Draw, draw! All I draw! ". And then I asked the parents to let her go.
Sasha Pope recalled that she had asked him a hand in a white sheet around her, then put the top and took in his hand. At the top, near the large moon painted Sirius - the star, which the girl wanted to fly. She died on the night of January 24, 1989. "Her last words were," Dad? .. Forgive me ... for everything ... "- says Eugene Putrya.
They buried her in a sari, where she met her last new year, with a portrait of Mithun Chakraborty on the chest.
From 1989 to 2005 it held 112 solo exhibitions Sasha ten countries. Austria issued an envelope with a picture of Sasha, published a series of works, the proceeds from the sale of which went to the purchase of disposable syringes for patients in the USSR. About Sasha filmed five documentaries. Posthumously, she was awarded various medals and prize of the All India National Association of Child "Nehru Bal Samiti - Kalasari».
Nick Turbine The brilliant poet was born in 1974 in Yalta. They say that the girl is still two years has put his grandmother in a deadlock issue: whether there is a soul. Nick was sick with asthma severe, she was afraid to fall asleep because of asthma attacks. At night, she sat up in bed, propped up with pillows, breathing hoarsely, and murmured something in his own language.
And then the words began to emerge in the poems. Nick called adults and demanded: "Write!". The voice that dictated her lines, the girl called the Sound. It seemed that she was really someone dictates poems - she was reading with fervor, passionate emotions. Later, in an interview with Nick admitted: "The poems come suddenly. As much hurt or scared. It's like a birth. So my poems carry the pain ».
Mom girl showed her poetic talent guests grandfather Nicky - Crimean writer Anatoly Nikanorkina. It Yalta house often visited Moscow poets and writers. When Nick was seven years old, her poetry managed to pass Julian Semenov. He read it and said: "Brilliant!". At the request of Semenov came to the turbine journalists. A March 6, 1983 appeared in print for the first time verses Nicky.
Nine-year schoolgirl met with Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who contributed to the poetic "career" girl. He helped arrange her trip to the country, performing at poetry readings. It was called "Mozart of poetry." In 1984, thanks to Yevtushenko, was a collection of poems Nicky "Draft" and the firm "Melody" released a record with her poems. Soviet Children's Fund has allocated Nike scholarship; her work was translated into a dozen languages.
Nick notices collected in the cities of the Union, Italy and the United States. In Venice, at the festival "Earth and poets» Turbines was awarded a prestigious prize in the field of art - the "Golden Lion". 12-year-old girl became the second, after Anna Akhmatova, a Russian poet, awarded this award.
In the late 80s Nick survived the first creative crisis. The country was in the midst of restructuring, mum of the girl a second time married. Nick was looking for himself in 1989, she played the role of a difficult girl, sick with tuberculosis, in the movie "It was by the Sea", has agreed to a candid photoshoot in "Playboy." In the mid-90s, "thundered" scandalous interview in which he said that Yevtushenko had betrayed her, and later took the offensive words back, explaining their boyish.
"If a person is not a complete idiot, he is occasionally depressed. Sometimes you just want to leave, close the door and send all to hell "- said turbine. She struggled with loneliness in his own way: run away from home, saw a sleeping pill, was cutting the veins. In order to assert itself in the 16 years entered into a civil marriage of 76-year-old professor from Switzerland, Italian by birth.
The relationship did not last long - Nick returned to Moscow, where almost no one remembered about the "poetic of Mozart." She met her first love, and, inspired, came to VGIK, studied with Alexander Galich daughter Alena, who became her friend. Despite desperate attempts to pull out the turbine, it was expelled for poor grades from the first year.
After breaking up with a loved one, Nick drank heavily, found a new man, a businessman, but a relationship with him was short-lived - he placed her in a psychiatric hospital, from which she helped to get Alain Galich. May 15, 1997 Nick jumped from the balcony. It turned out to be two broken forearm, fractured pelvis, badly damaged vertebra. "First, even she wished she was still alive: so much pain suffered, so much frustration in people ... And then she began to appreciate myself, I realized that I have something I can" - admitted the girl.
Nick underwent twelve operations, she put the machine Elizarova and re-learn how to walk. It became popular again - after the tragic event, journalists remembered the poet. But she needed a man to whom she would be like a stone wall ... Alas, this was not. May 11, 2002 Nick once again jumped from the fifth floor balcony. She died at age 27.
Eight days of Niki's body lay in the morgue of the Institute Sklifosovsky, nobody recognized. Earlier, the poet asked her to be cremated - friends said goodbye to her straight to the hospital, thinking that cremation will take place there. But there was no crematorium - the last journey carried turbine workers, angry because they do not pay extra for the additional work.
Later Alain Galich made to Nick read the burial service in the church and was buried in the cemetery Vagankovsky, opposite the tomb of Igor Talkova. The fact that Nick was always afraid of, and what was running - loneliness - haunted her even after death.
: Vospitaj.com
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Nadia Rusheva Nadia was born in 1952 in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. When she was six months, her parents - artist Nikolai Rusheva the first Tuvan ballerina Natalia Azhikmaa-Rusheva - moved to Moscow.

Draw Nadia start in five years - on their own initiative, without training. Her father had deliberately decided to give her daughter the freedom of creativity. For her, it was a regular and a favorite pastime. Rusheva not use the eraser (drawings, which she did not like, she threw), drew inspiration from classical music (the memories mothers often creates a bell ringing or the music of Rachmaninoff). Known biographical fact: one evening, while my father read aloud to her beloved "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", Nadia drew 36 illustrations.
Rusheva said: "Drawing - a necessity"; According to her, it encircles the pen, pens, pencils that stood out in front of it on paper. On the day she averted hobby no more than half an hour after classes were ready. Nadia "produced" in the world came to her images - in total, she left behind more than 10 thousand pictures - light, fine.

She illustrated books, personal stories, invented it as ballets. "The most native poet," Pushkin Rusheva dedicated three hundred drawings. Artists deeply impressed feature Nadi deeply into any era and culture. Its concise and flawless figures were so unusual that adults have found a new meaning to "draw" it works.
Since childhood, surrounded by admiration, it was the most ordinary girl - playing with dolls, she loved to ski, to roam the halls of the museum, wanted to enter the Film Institute - making cartoons. The first exhibition of the artist, organized by the magazine "Youth", took place when she was 12 years old. In the next five years Rusheva held 15 solo exhibitions - not only at home but also in Poland, Czechoslovakia, India, Romania.

Her fame grew. It is said that the fees, because of age, she almost did not pay. Once Nadia drew himself in the then-fashionable jeans, which in fact it did not have - Rusheva family had modest means.
"If you want them to little potleli, burn down myself ... It is terribly difficult, but necessary. You can not only for themselves, "- Nadia wrote to his friend Artek. Unusual ability of the artist clearly manifested in its last cycle - the first in the history of Russian literature illustrations of Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita". Later, after the death of Nadia, figures showed the writer's widow Yelena Sergeyevna. She was shocked: she portrayed a ring on the finger of the Master, who was an exact replica of the family ring Bulgakov. A portrait of Margaret was very much like an old photograph of the Elena Alekseeva.

On the eve of the tragic day Nadia and dad returned from Leningrad home. She plans. Seeing his father's job, she said, "The Master and Margarita," I concluded. "War and Peace" - too. Pushkin's biography, perhaps, too ... I will continue to Lermontov, Nekrasov, Blok, Yesenin, Green ... And, of course, Shakespeare! Bring me, please, today, from the library of "Don Quixote," I see a new series! ". The next morning, March 6, 1969, Nadia was dead.
Mama Nadi recalled: "I zasobiralas to work, and Nadia - to school. Girl cook steak and eggs, she drank a cup of coffee. I left, and after a few minutes she lost consciousness. Nicholas in the next room felt something was wrong. The phone was not. He was in slippers ran to the hospital. There he was questioned for a long time. Finally arrived, my little girl was taken to the "first aid" to the hospital. A few hours later she never regained consciousness and died. It turned out to be a congenital defect of one of the vessels of the brain. Now it is possible to operate. Then they could not. From a brain hemorrhage Nadyusha died. She never hurt, and did not complain. " She was only 17 years old.
Shortly before Rusheva was walking with a friend on the street and saw a funeral procession, he said, "And so difficult - the man died, and suddenly this music. More people wanted. If I die, I would like to be buried in Artek form and to play "The Beatles." And so it happened.
Sasha Putrya Sasha was born in Poltava, eight years after leaving Nadi Rusheva - in 1977. I knew about her work, saw the catalog of works. The irony - two brilliant figures of girls met after the death of Sasha, on one show, in 1991 - in Novosibirsk, and after another 16 years - at the Museum Roerich in Moscow.

For 11 years of my life Sasha Putrya I do as much as do other adult artists. Her legacy - 2279 jobs: 46 albums with drawings, cartoons and poetry, embroidery, handicrafts made of clay, soft toys, products made of beads, burnt wood paintings. She even came up with technical drawings, thanks to which, in her opinion, people would reach the moon and build roads without asphalt pavement cracks.
Dad Sasha - an artist, mother - a musician. The girl began to paint in three years: it did not stop, dreamed: "When I grow big, sure to become an artist, and I will draw from morning till evening. Even at night". "Hands and face were smeared with her always felt pens or watercolors. All of our apartment, bathroom, kitchen, toilet, cabinet doors painted up to that height where it got out hand.

Figures generously gave their friends and family - for the holidays and birthdays congratulated postcards, which she painted, she also wrote and texts, often in verse "- recalled the father of Sasha Eugene Putrya. Girl drawing "from the head" - relatives, students mother, dressing them in fabulous clothes, favorite animal in unprecedented vestments - "that they were pleased».
In five years, Sasha was ill - she was diagnosed with "acute leukemia". Six years she struggled with the disease. Sasha would sit for pens and paints for eight - ten hours a day. When the girl and her mother went to the hospital on the state of her health was judged by the number of drawings.
She loved to draw to the music - in your library had about a hundred records: records of fairy tales, musicals, dramatizations, songs that she knew by heart. Gentle, kind, loving, beautiful ... "Throughout his short life, she never let anyone hurt. We still feel the embrace of her children, a nice touch of warm cheeks, tired body on the shoulder, "- writes the pope.

Pushkarevskoe to restore the church, she wrote a small icon of the Mother of God. But Sasha was a special love India - especially after she fell in love "Disco Dancer" Mithun Chakraborty. She painted portraits of actors of Indian cinema, dancers, princes, Lord Shiva. One day my mother said: "You know, we had an elephant? Big is! I sat on his back, in a beautiful basket. " She had never seen a live elephant. How she did these memories close do not know, "Perhaps the memory of the soul?».
At the height of the disease appeared in the figures Sasha space, stars. She was fascinated by astrology, horoscopes, UFOs. Holy believed it arrive ancestors of humans, and the day will come when she will meet with them. January 22 in a hospital, she painted her latest work - "Self Portrait". Children from various neighboring chambers vying ordered pictures. Sasha smiled happily and said, "Draw, draw! All I draw! ". And then I asked the parents to let her go.
Sasha Pope recalled that she had asked him a hand in a white sheet around her, then put the top and took in his hand. At the top, near the large moon painted Sirius - the star, which the girl wanted to fly. She died on the night of January 24, 1989. "Her last words were," Dad? .. Forgive me ... for everything ... "- says Eugene Putrya.
They buried her in a sari, where she met her last new year, with a portrait of Mithun Chakraborty on the chest.
From 1989 to 2005 it held 112 solo exhibitions Sasha ten countries. Austria issued an envelope with a picture of Sasha, published a series of works, the proceeds from the sale of which went to the purchase of disposable syringes for patients in the USSR. About Sasha filmed five documentaries. Posthumously, she was awarded various medals and prize of the All India National Association of Child "Nehru Bal Samiti - Kalasari».
Nick Turbine The brilliant poet was born in 1974 in Yalta. They say that the girl is still two years has put his grandmother in a deadlock issue: whether there is a soul. Nick was sick with asthma severe, she was afraid to fall asleep because of asthma attacks. At night, she sat up in bed, propped up with pillows, breathing hoarsely, and murmured something in his own language.

And then the words began to emerge in the poems. Nick called adults and demanded: "Write!". The voice that dictated her lines, the girl called the Sound. It seemed that she was really someone dictates poems - she was reading with fervor, passionate emotions. Later, in an interview with Nick admitted: "The poems come suddenly. As much hurt or scared. It's like a birth. So my poems carry the pain ».
Mom girl showed her poetic talent guests grandfather Nicky - Crimean writer Anatoly Nikanorkina. It Yalta house often visited Moscow poets and writers. When Nick was seven years old, her poetry managed to pass Julian Semenov. He read it and said: "Brilliant!". At the request of Semenov came to the turbine journalists. A March 6, 1983 appeared in print for the first time verses Nicky.
Nine-year schoolgirl met with Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who contributed to the poetic "career" girl. He helped arrange her trip to the country, performing at poetry readings. It was called "Mozart of poetry." In 1984, thanks to Yevtushenko, was a collection of poems Nicky "Draft" and the firm "Melody" released a record with her poems. Soviet Children's Fund has allocated Nike scholarship; her work was translated into a dozen languages.
Nick notices collected in the cities of the Union, Italy and the United States. In Venice, at the festival "Earth and poets» Turbines was awarded a prestigious prize in the field of art - the "Golden Lion". 12-year-old girl became the second, after Anna Akhmatova, a Russian poet, awarded this award.
In the late 80s Nick survived the first creative crisis. The country was in the midst of restructuring, mum of the girl a second time married. Nick was looking for himself in 1989, she played the role of a difficult girl, sick with tuberculosis, in the movie "It was by the Sea", has agreed to a candid photoshoot in "Playboy." In the mid-90s, "thundered" scandalous interview in which he said that Yevtushenko had betrayed her, and later took the offensive words back, explaining their boyish.
"If a person is not a complete idiot, he is occasionally depressed. Sometimes you just want to leave, close the door and send all to hell "- said turbine. She struggled with loneliness in his own way: run away from home, saw a sleeping pill, was cutting the veins. In order to assert itself in the 16 years entered into a civil marriage of 76-year-old professor from Switzerland, Italian by birth.

The relationship did not last long - Nick returned to Moscow, where almost no one remembered about the "poetic of Mozart." She met her first love, and, inspired, came to VGIK, studied with Alexander Galich daughter Alena, who became her friend. Despite desperate attempts to pull out the turbine, it was expelled for poor grades from the first year.
After breaking up with a loved one, Nick drank heavily, found a new man, a businessman, but a relationship with him was short-lived - he placed her in a psychiatric hospital, from which she helped to get Alain Galich. May 15, 1997 Nick jumped from the balcony. It turned out to be two broken forearm, fractured pelvis, badly damaged vertebra. "First, even she wished she was still alive: so much pain suffered, so much frustration in people ... And then she began to appreciate myself, I realized that I have something I can" - admitted the girl.
Nick underwent twelve operations, she put the machine Elizarova and re-learn how to walk. It became popular again - after the tragic event, journalists remembered the poet. But she needed a man to whom she would be like a stone wall ... Alas, this was not. May 11, 2002 Nick once again jumped from the fifth floor balcony. She died at age 27.
Eight days of Niki's body lay in the morgue of the Institute Sklifosovsky, nobody recognized. Earlier, the poet asked her to be cremated - friends said goodbye to her straight to the hospital, thinking that cremation will take place there. But there was no crematorium - the last journey carried turbine workers, angry because they do not pay extra for the additional work.
Later Alain Galich made to Nick read the burial service in the church and was buried in the cemetery Vagankovsky, opposite the tomb of Igor Talkova. The fact that Nick was always afraid of, and what was running - loneliness - haunted her even after death.
: Vospitaj.com
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