7 sins of greenwashing
Four million nine hundred nineteen thousand nine hundred forty nine
You have probably heard the term Greenwashing or Green camouflage. If you have not heard, then just watched as companies build marketing campaigns on the manipulation topic.
The Wikipedia article if some good examples: "the Term was first predlozhen new York environmentalist, Jay Westervelt. in 1986. In his essay about the hospitality business, he described the practice of hanging the posters in hotel rooms, in which guests were encouraged to reuse towels instead of having to take them to the Laundry, thus "saving" the environment.
In fact, the objective in hotels is to reduce the cost of doing Laundry. Westefeld described the behavior, which aims mainly making a profit and not actual care about the environment as "green camouflage". The term is applicable to cases where companies advertise their environmental benefits and achievements, instead of real investments in green technologies. A striking example is gluing on a container of chemicals for agriculture bright label with green trees and leaves, which should cause a feeling of confidence in the safety and sustainability of the product inside.
The Ombudsman in Norway for consumer products has revealed the cases when the car manufacturer claimed that its machine — environmentally friendly. Now producers are forbidden to use in advertising such terms as cars by themselves are unable to bear the environment nothing but harm. The only difference is varying degrees of negative impact.
The green camouflage can be attributed not only to material objects but also services, or promotions. For example, the famous event "Earth Hour", which essence in turning off lights for one hour, can be considered "green camouflage", as in fact has a high environmental significance. Instead, it can give the participants a sense of "accomplishment" which requires a significant effort in reducing the consumption or reorganization of their way of life." Of course, from the fact that the hotel saves on Laundry and do your Laundry every day, the planet is in the end also wins, and "Earth Hour" draws attention to the spending power, even if none will take part.
But examples of greenwashing, countless, and it is clear that caring for the planet (sung in everyone's favorite Little Prince) for us is something very instinctive, so I just mention that not too straining, people can care about the environment enough to earn brand loyalty. Now all strive to be environmentally friendly, simply no strength.
Journal RecycleMag once wrote an article about the 13 environmental initiatives H&M, I probably would have missed the past, if not recently talked about this at the meeting with friends, they as a matter of course, that was the point of processing things in H&M. of Course, because if you carry the junk in the Shredder, you just put it in the Shredder, and if H&M 15% discount on your next purchase, you can immediately and something new to watch. And buy something with a clear conscience, because the old one just so environmentally friendly get rid of!
About how H&M helps the needy, grows organic cotton and makes t-shirts from eco-friendly fibers, of course, is legends, but it's only going to do not me. I believe that the only truly honest thing they do, showing their passion for the environment, it would be a significant improvement in quality of materials, nobelest styles, reducing the range and increasing prices. Because, of course, it's hard to resist another blouse for only 299 rubles. But it was her production and impulse buy harm the environment. And not not handed over to one of the many of their shopping package of stuff they have bought. Of course, I also sometimes buy their shirts or socks. And I normally, it's convenient. I just never soothe yourself with the fact that many of their stores run on solar power. And I them two bags of their junk here include... Consumption and it is consumption.published
Author: Anna Black
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: annachernykh.ru/zeljonyjj-kamuflyazh-ili-pochemu-ne-nado-khv/
You have probably heard the term Greenwashing or Green camouflage. If you have not heard, then just watched as companies build marketing campaigns on the manipulation topic.
The Wikipedia article if some good examples: "the Term was first predlozhen new York environmentalist, Jay Westervelt. in 1986. In his essay about the hospitality business, he described the practice of hanging the posters in hotel rooms, in which guests were encouraged to reuse towels instead of having to take them to the Laundry, thus "saving" the environment.
In fact, the objective in hotels is to reduce the cost of doing Laundry. Westefeld described the behavior, which aims mainly making a profit and not actual care about the environment as "green camouflage". The term is applicable to cases where companies advertise their environmental benefits and achievements, instead of real investments in green technologies. A striking example is gluing on a container of chemicals for agriculture bright label with green trees and leaves, which should cause a feeling of confidence in the safety and sustainability of the product inside.
The Ombudsman in Norway for consumer products has revealed the cases when the car manufacturer claimed that its machine — environmentally friendly. Now producers are forbidden to use in advertising such terms as cars by themselves are unable to bear the environment nothing but harm. The only difference is varying degrees of negative impact.
The green camouflage can be attributed not only to material objects but also services, or promotions. For example, the famous event "Earth Hour", which essence in turning off lights for one hour, can be considered "green camouflage", as in fact has a high environmental significance. Instead, it can give the participants a sense of "accomplishment" which requires a significant effort in reducing the consumption or reorganization of their way of life." Of course, from the fact that the hotel saves on Laundry and do your Laundry every day, the planet is in the end also wins, and "Earth Hour" draws attention to the spending power, even if none will take part.
But examples of greenwashing, countless, and it is clear that caring for the planet (sung in everyone's favorite Little Prince) for us is something very instinctive, so I just mention that not too straining, people can care about the environment enough to earn brand loyalty. Now all strive to be environmentally friendly, simply no strength.
Journal RecycleMag once wrote an article about the 13 environmental initiatives H&M, I probably would have missed the past, if not recently talked about this at the meeting with friends, they as a matter of course, that was the point of processing things in H&M. of Course, because if you carry the junk in the Shredder, you just put it in the Shredder, and if H&M 15% discount on your next purchase, you can immediately and something new to watch. And buy something with a clear conscience, because the old one just so environmentally friendly get rid of!
About how H&M helps the needy, grows organic cotton and makes t-shirts from eco-friendly fibers, of course, is legends, but it's only going to do not me. I believe that the only truly honest thing they do, showing their passion for the environment, it would be a significant improvement in quality of materials, nobelest styles, reducing the range and increasing prices. Because, of course, it's hard to resist another blouse for only 299 rubles. But it was her production and impulse buy harm the environment. And not not handed over to one of the many of their shopping package of stuff they have bought. Of course, I also sometimes buy their shirts or socks. And I normally, it's convenient. I just never soothe yourself with the fact that many of their stores run on solar power. And I them two bags of their junk here include... Consumption and it is consumption.published
Author: Anna Black
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: annachernykh.ru/zeljonyjj-kamuflyazh-ili-pochemu-ne-nado-khv/