What not to say during confession: God already knows everything

Confession is a sacred sacrament in which two people participate: a person who has made the decision to confess to wrong actions and thoughts, and a priest.

The latter acts as a mediator, his task is to help a person repent before God. But to judge or punish is not his paraphernalia.

Clergy are often faced with the fact that many people misunderstand the essence of the sacrament, and therefore it often turns into ordinary small talk, and sometimes gossip.

Let’s figure out what to talk about during confession and what not to talk about.

Preparation for confession It is not recommended to justify. Otherwise, what is a confession when a person does not consider himself responsible for what he did? Since you've decided to go through the ritual, have the courage to do it honestly.

Talk about what you did, and what you did not do, and do not remember. Excusation: “This is what happened. And that's who's most to blame for it, and I'm not at fault. If there's nothing to do with you, there's nothing to talk about.


The priests believe that one should never talk about others. It does not matter who influenced your decision to commit sin, to experience sinful feelings, to harbor sinful thoughts.

We ask God for forgiveness for our sins. That's what it is. confessional. Others confess for themselves.

DepositPhotos What to Say During Confession It is necessary to report what sin you have committed. You don’t have to tell me how you did it. It's often unnecessary. It is believed that God saw everything and knows everything. The main thing, repenting, is to say exactly what he sinned.

The priest acts as an intermediary. He will listen to you and pray for your soul. The details of his sins are not necessary for prayer.

And he won't analyze them. He just asks God for those who come to him.

You can repent of all sins, both large and small. Every misdemeanor, even a minor one, falls on the soul with a small stone, forming a large burden.

DepositPhotos: There is one very important point in preparing for confession: to overcome the fear of being condemned by a priest. You will not surprise the priest. He takes dozens of confessions every day. The priest is also forbidden to reveal the secret of confession. What is said in confession is a mystery.”

DepositPhotos will show you the place where confession will take place. A priest will come to you, read pre-confessional prayers, remind you of sincerity at confession. After that, the person goes to a special table on which the cross and the holy Gospel lie, is baptized three times and kisses the cross with the Gospel, and gives his name, which was given at baptism.

Then the priest listens to confession, and at its completion puts epitrachil on the head of the confessor and reads a permissive prayer. Then the one who has just confessed is baptized and kisses the cross with the Gospel again. After that, the priest should be asked for the blessing of communion.” It goes down. confession.


What happens if you keep something from the priest? “It so happens that a man, out of anxiety, has mispronounced himself or has concealed some sins out of shame. Instead of forgiveness, we can receive judgment from God. Then you must have the courage to go back to confession and tell it as it is. Remember that we worship God and He knows everything perfectly, He cannot be deceived.

It turns out that the main principle of confession is to be sincere and honest. I think it can be used not only in the church, but also to go with him in life, then there will be less sins, agree?


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