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"Life with headphones" or why I rarely go to the headphones

How often, while in transport, in the store or just on a walk, we meet people of both sexes, of all ages, and the ears which are "dressed" into the headphones of all shapes and sizes. Today, many of us are owners of mobile devices with which you can listen to music and audiobooks. What to speak of others! I myself am a music fan with the experience. Without the player will not go, listen through the music, including the Church as well as preaching. However, last time I use the player less and less. Why? Stopping to pray. Stopping to think about eternity. Music in headphones, not even very loud, distracting, or rather, entertains, and you just go, baldea, and enjoying life.

Seventy seven million four hundred sixty nine thousand six hundred sixty one

When someone on the street speaks to me, I can't hear it — you have to pull out your earbuds, and ask again: "What was that?". Life in the headphones was for very many essential attribute "of the moment." It's great, cool, fashionable. "Cool," as our enlightened children.

"Headphones" earthly vanity

However, if you dig a little deeper the situation, it appears that the vast majority of citizens lives, without removing the "headphones". "Headphones," this earthly existence. People with head immersed in worldly life, the life of the body, the whirlwind of cares and troubles, and there's this cycle of hustle and bustle in nature, the place of eternal, Heavenly. There is no place for God. And when God sends tribulation to His creations at least once thought about the eternal meaning of your life, remove those "headphones" and asked dumbfounded: "What was that?".

Being all the time in their "headphones", people turn a deaf ear and their hearts very much. Was with me recently such a case. I went in the evening in the bus home. At one stop entered the room the one a squeamish fellow citizens even people not to mention homeless. Smelly, dirty. Yes, the stench went serious. The old man timidly asked to take it at least to the station. The occupants of "decent" people got up front to protect their "headphone": "dad, you don't belong in the society of decent people...". The upshot was that even the driver, a young woman, stopped the bus and said not to breathe the stink, the car will not drive while this one is not out. Had "this" to give some money to it, grunting, left the seat "safe".

We don't like the homeless because they're dirty, unwashed, smelly, always drunk. Oh someone who, and we ourselves such is not present! Wash regularly, washing the body with the dirt and sweat, carefully combed hair, "stifled", anaweem body creams and ointments, dressed "to the nines". And that soul – dirty and long-unwashed, little who cares. But no man is without sin! So why taking care of the body, we forget about the soul? And she, dirty, uncleaned repentance, groaning. Only we, having got on "headphones", the sweet music of his measured, comfortable life, do not hear her moans.

Spiritual "bath»

We always forget that man is the indissoluble Union of body, soul and spirit. May not the soul so long to suffer alone. Sooner or later — and the body will be plunged into suffering. We, or our children, relatives, start very ill, leaving us husbands or wives, worse relationships with parents, work, growing com problems. And here already we begin to moan – body and soul: "For what? Why me?"Yes, everything is simple! Remember the homeless guy in the bus. As we unpleasant smell of his unwashed body, a disgusting sight of his scabs and wounds! We turn away from him.

And our watcher turns away from our rotting soul. And not only him. We shun God's saints. With sadness, grieving, moving away from us the blessed virgin Mary. And the loving God, our Lord Jesus Christ, loving us, but wincing from the stench of our soul, is forced to reason with us to think about the "bath". What God does? Sends grief: disease, disorders, problems. What for? So we realized the need of purification of the soul, healing her from the wounds inflicted by the blade of sin. Thinking about repentance.

Repentance is deliverance from sin, deliverance of the soul from the accumulated dirt of the passions and godless actions. To repent is possible everywhere and always. But that repentance was not something vague and incomprehensible, the Holy Church offers us a spiritual "bath" – the Sacrament of Confession. It is the confession we repent before God in their wickedness, and receive from Him full forgiveness in what had repented.

The sacrament of Confession precedes the Sacrament is one of the most important in the Orthodox Church. In this Sacrament we under the appearance of bread and wine partake of the Christ Himself, receive Holy communion, that is, become part of the Savior.

When the bride is ready to meet the groom, she carefully washes her body, preening, wearing the best clothes and jewelry to be lovely and sweet fiance. So also our soul, purified and prosvetlenie in the Sacrament of Confession, in the Sacrament of Communion, found Themselves with Christ, their Heavenly Bridegroom. And not just meets and merges with It, becomes part of It. "He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him," says the Lord (Jn. 6, 56).

The voice of conscience and mercy

For a crash in "headphones" to your current life how often do we hear a quiet and weak voice of conscience. But conscience is the voice of God in our soul. That is, not listening to his conscience, we don't listen to the Lord Himself. Conscience – wonderful counselor God-pleasing life, but how many of us want to live pleasing to God? This in fact requires some effort, the most serious of which is the renunciation itself, for Christ's sake, for the sake of passing that, according to the word of the Lord, are one and the same.

How often we don't give mercy to others, at a time when I could do it. For example, a simple act of charity as almsgiving. Why many people do not give alms? Because I can't? No, 1-2 hryvnia will not impoverish anyone. Don't want covering their amiloride considerations type "ask for vodka", "entertainment", "I don't want to work", "cheaters"? This is an excuse. In fact, people simply do not think about this possibility – to give alms beggars. They just never did, living in squarenum little world and not hearing moans and requests for the disadvantaged rhythmic music in his "headphones".

But not every charity is accepted by God. Accept only that which serves for His sake, for the love of Him and neighbor selflessly, with all my heart. If someone takes out of vanity, pride, covetousness, according to the principle "you to me – I to you", this alms will have in the eyes of God is worthless. Moreover, a condemnation, as was done for sinful passions.

It is appropriate here to recall the words of Archimandrite John (krestiankin): "Mercy above of virginity, of fasting and prayer. Merciful living according to the precepts without virginity, is an imitator of God, saying: be merciful as I am merciful (LK. 6, 36).

You are poor, suffer the lack, need; be merciful according to his ability. God values the inclination and diligence, and not the amount of money; a poor and a penny, God will appreciate her better and hundred thousand rubles, submitted by rich man out of vanity and pride. Vanity and pride spoil the whole price of your mercy; an example is the Pharisee who gave tithes of their income. Two mites of diligence and humility of a poor widow appeared in the sight of God more vain of the victims of the rich.

Mercy clears a multitude of sins. Poor order and are on our way to test the hearts of Christians, they are a test for us, and at the judgment of God be our intercessors, helpers and protectors or prosecutors in cruelty".

In conclusion

Isn't it time, finally, to withdraw their "headphones" and look around: what we need to do for the sake of their salvation! How many prayers which we are not able to do with headphones and "headphones"! How many poor, hungry, naked, freezing waiting for our help, our warmth and involvement! It is time to emerge from the cozy little world of their busy lives to come closer to God, merging with Him mentally and physically and do things that are pleasing to Him. Yes we will be the Savior to help!   published 

Author: Artemy slezkin P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/smi/49924.htm