Do I need to remove headphones in public transport?
Headphones are a good thing, definitely. You listen to music and don’t disturb anyone, watch a movie and don’t disturb anyone! That's really great, really. But there’s one thing that can sometimes drive you mad to the point where you want to do something really good to quell your anger. People with headphones are sometimes impossible to reach.
I know that. Walking around town, all of a sudden. I lost the sound in my headphones.. And then it turns out that someone at this time is yelling at me not to go through a red light. I don't see it. I can imagine that feeling: someone wants to help you, and you don't hear a damn thing. Editorial "Site" I was interested in this topic, and together we decided to find out if there is any modern etiquette about how to use headphones in public places and transportation.
On the street is still fine, but in a crowded subway car or a crowded bus, people in headphones resemble mannequins, which sometimes have to be turned on with rather tangible pokes. Soon you'll stop, ask if he's coming out, either silence or moo. And sometimes the volume of the sound in the headphones is such that you can make out wordThe one that Basta's charging. This can put pressure on the psyche.
Headphones can be dangerous. I have already written about how I went to the red light and only by chance avoided possible consequences. It happens that people do not notice what is happening around. Deplorable cases are known at railway stations and roads. Pedestrians wearing headphones not only take risks themselves, but also create dangerous situations for others.
It is interesting that, for example, in Minsk (Belarus), the rules for using the subway were approved, in which there is one interesting point: on the platform it is prohibited to wear headphones. When you get in the car, you can wear it and listen. I believe that this is the right measure, which once again insures you against possible danger. At the same time, you will have the information announced at the stations.
People who cannot live without headphones see things differently. For example, they sincerely believe that headphones help build your comfort zone, make it clear to other people that you are somewhere out there on your wavelength and it is better not to touch you. And in turn, they get annoyed when others “take” them to the surface. Sometimes there are ugly conflicts.
Older people generally consider headphones evil, which “burn out” the brain. The same applies to phones and other communication devices that disconnect a person from the real world. Once I watched my grandmother, who came up to everyone on whom I saw headphones, and when they took them out of their ears, said: “Oh, no, nothing is needed!”
But back to etiquette. There are not so many rules, officially they probably do not appear anywhere, but it would be wrong to miss this moment and not acquaint you with them. One way or another, but headphones entered our lives seriously and for a long time. Therefore, both opponents and fans need to know. momentWhich I want to highlight right now. Namely, mutual respect. No one canceled it.
Headphone tag
Who knows, there may be new technologies in the future. headphones They will recognize speech and analyze what is happening around them, automatically turning off or warning you that someone is trying to talk to you. Wouldn't that be great? Write in the comments about the idea of etiquette for headphones and what do you think about it.

I know that. Walking around town, all of a sudden. I lost the sound in my headphones.. And then it turns out that someone at this time is yelling at me not to go through a red light. I don't see it. I can imagine that feeling: someone wants to help you, and you don't hear a damn thing. Editorial "Site" I was interested in this topic, and together we decided to find out if there is any modern etiquette about how to use headphones in public places and transportation.

On the street is still fine, but in a crowded subway car or a crowded bus, people in headphones resemble mannequins, which sometimes have to be turned on with rather tangible pokes. Soon you'll stop, ask if he's coming out, either silence or moo. And sometimes the volume of the sound in the headphones is such that you can make out wordThe one that Basta's charging. This can put pressure on the psyche.

Headphones can be dangerous. I have already written about how I went to the red light and only by chance avoided possible consequences. It happens that people do not notice what is happening around. Deplorable cases are known at railway stations and roads. Pedestrians wearing headphones not only take risks themselves, but also create dangerous situations for others.

It is interesting that, for example, in Minsk (Belarus), the rules for using the subway were approved, in which there is one interesting point: on the platform it is prohibited to wear headphones. When you get in the car, you can wear it and listen. I believe that this is the right measure, which once again insures you against possible danger. At the same time, you will have the information announced at the stations.

People who cannot live without headphones see things differently. For example, they sincerely believe that headphones help build your comfort zone, make it clear to other people that you are somewhere out there on your wavelength and it is better not to touch you. And in turn, they get annoyed when others “take” them to the surface. Sometimes there are ugly conflicts.

Older people generally consider headphones evil, which “burn out” the brain. The same applies to phones and other communication devices that disconnect a person from the real world. Once I watched my grandmother, who came up to everyone on whom I saw headphones, and when they took them out of their ears, said: “Oh, no, nothing is needed!”

But back to etiquette. There are not so many rules, officially they probably do not appear anywhere, but it would be wrong to miss this moment and not acquaint you with them. One way or another, but headphones entered our lives seriously and for a long time. Therefore, both opponents and fans need to know. momentWhich I want to highlight right now. Namely, mutual respect. No one canceled it.

Headphone tag
- If you're wearing headphones and someone comes up to you with a question, do me a favor. Stop, take off the ambouchures and talk to him calmly. It will be polite and respectful to him. In general, it is useful to remove the headphones from time to time - what if you are going to be robbed?
- It is worth remembering that when the volume of the music is quite high, the volume of your own voice goes up too. Take off your headphones, even if you hear what they ask you. Trust me, you just feel like you talk naturally. That's not really true.
- Advice for those who do not wear headphones. If you see a person with wires sticking out of his ears, then he is not in the mood to talk now. If he's safe and you don't need to know something important right now, then don't distract him. Respect other people’s freedom and personal space.
Who knows, there may be new technologies in the future. headphones They will recognize speech and analyze what is happening around them, automatically turning off or warning you that someone is trying to talk to you. Wouldn't that be great? Write in the comments about the idea of etiquette for headphones and what do you think about it.