A detailed review of: Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M50x
Advantages: Studio Headphones from Audio-Technica ATH-M50x < / a> offer a very balanced, detailed sound of excellent quality with deep bass. They are very comfortable to sit on the head and (compared to its predecessors) have a slightly softer ear pads and detachable cable (included are 3 different wires).
Weaknesses: The lack of built-in microphone does not give the possibility to make calls, and a bulky design makes it difficult to use headphones on the go.
Result: Speaking seriously, headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M50x - a slightly improved version taken as a basis for an impressive model of , which is considered one of the best headphones in the price range up to $ 200.
Here and below the photo of Sarah Tew (Sarah Tew) i>
One of the reasons why the headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M50 became popular was the fact that they were created as a "killer» Beats. Or, say in another way, it was the headphones for "smart" students who look down on people overpay for the brand and are sunk completely in the marketing machine Beats.
For the money, almost half the cost of the original Beats by Dre Studio for $ 300 (later renamed the studio Beats Studio), ATH-M50 sound much better, and stronger collected. There is only one small problem. In the name of headphones ATH-M50 letter "M" stands for "monitor", and although they are intended for studio use, a lot of people use them on the street, so the built-in microphone and volume control on the wire would be helpful.
At first glance, the new ATH-M50x 2014 look like headphones, more suitable for portable use. They are almost identical to the model ATH-M50, but have a soft ear pads and detachable cord. Headphones are available in black, white and blue colors. In the box with the headphones, the color of which coincides with their color, as there are three different wires.
Buying headphones with three wires, you would expect that at least one of them will be equipped with built-in microphone and volume control, but the strange thing - they are not on any. Instead, you get a long 3-meter straight cable, short - 1, 2 meters long and twisted wire, lengths of 1, 2 to 3 meters.
Audio-Technica explained the absence of such wires section of questions and answers on the product page:
Advantages: Studio Headphones from Audio-Technica ATH-M50x < / a> offer a very balanced, detailed sound of excellent quality with deep bass. They are very comfortable to sit on the head and (compared to its predecessors) have a slightly softer ear pads and detachable cable (included are 3 different wires).
Weaknesses: The lack of built-in microphone does not give the possibility to make calls, and a bulky design makes it difficult to use headphones on the go.
Result: Speaking seriously, headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M50x - a slightly improved version taken as a basis for an impressive model of , which is considered one of the best headphones in the price range up to $ 200.

Here and below the photo of Sarah Tew (Sarah Tew) i>
One of the reasons why the headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M50 became popular was the fact that they were created as a "killer» Beats. Or, say in another way, it was the headphones for "smart" students who look down on people overpay for the brand and are sunk completely in the marketing machine Beats.
For the money, almost half the cost of the original Beats by Dre Studio for $ 300 (later renamed the studio Beats Studio), ATH-M50 sound much better, and stronger collected. There is only one small problem. In the name of headphones ATH-M50 letter "M" stands for "monitor", and although they are intended for studio use, a lot of people use them on the street, so the built-in microphone and volume control on the wire would be helpful.
At first glance, the new ATH-M50x 2014 look like headphones, more suitable for portable use. They are almost identical to the model ATH-M50, but have a soft ear pads and detachable cord. Headphones are available in black, white and blue colors. In the box with the headphones, the color of which coincides with their color, as there are three different wires.
Buying headphones with three wires, you would expect that at least one of them will be equipped with built-in microphone and volume control, but the strange thing - they are not on any. Instead, you get a long 3-meter straight cable, short - 1, 2 meters long and twisted wire, lengths of 1, 2 to 3 meters.

Audio-Technica explained the absence of such wires section of questions and answers on the product page:
Features and Design h4> As we said in our previous model, Headphones ATH-M50x well assembled and have a rugged construction and, as seen, will last a long time. Headphone cord thick, at the end of it there is a credible connector. Thick, soft ear pads rotate in two directions, thanks to the headphones folded, and easy to store, although it is worth noting that a simple soft case with which they are delivered - no more than a bag.
In a little more soft ear pads filler than the ATH-M50 i>
By model name can be understood that this monitor headphones, and they sound and look like headphones for recording studios (some people use them for this purpose). Weighing in at less than 283 grams, they are not easy, but great sitting on your head and do not cause discomfort. Naturally, since this is a full-size headphones closed type, in the hot days of your ears they may sweat.
Despite the fact that they do not have an active noise reduction system as headphones Bose QuietComfort 15 Acoustic Noise-Cancelling or Beats Studio (2013), they are well isolated noise of the world, though a bit worse. ATH-M50x - a great alternative to headphones QuietComfort 15 for people susceptible to slight pressure arising due to the active noise cancellation - and they sound better.
Sound h4> In terms of sound, headphones ATH-M50x difficult reproach. The tonal balance is very accurate, stereo (for closed-type headphones) immersive surround, and the dynamics of sound is beyond praise.
Although the Audio-Technica states that there is no difference in sound between the original ATH-M50 and its improved version, we think that the model ATH-M50x sounds cleaner and bass, mid and high frequencies are more detailed. At the ATH-M50 headphones the sound is not so clean and he heard a little muffled. We came to the conclusion that the old and the new, improved version, sound very similar, but not identical.
Included with the headphones are twisted wire and two right i>
Although we believe that the ATH-M50x better, as we believe that there are people who prefer the ATH-M50 because richer calm tone. But every time when it comes to sound, in the discussion notes are always subjective.
Comparison of the ATH-M50x with overhead headphones revealed clear differences. Firstly, the M-100 put emphasis on high frequencies and have less saturated sound as a whole, while the sound ATH-M50x more rich, deep bass that has become more saturated. We felt that the ATH-M50x more accurately transmit the sound. Both models - are the winners, but if we chose one among them, the victory went to ATH-M50x, because these headphones are perfectly reproduce music of all genres. M-100 are oriented more towards electronic music, not the speaker.
Conclusion h4> It is unfortunate that Audio-Technica is not included in the package of professional monitor headphones ATH-M50x cable with volume control and microphone, which will likely not give the value of audio purists. ATH-M50x is worth more than the ATH-M50, but they have something to offer, such as excellent sound quality, a bit more comfortable design and additional plug wires. Do you use this series headphones Audio-Technica?
Yes, moved to the ATH-M50x Yes, using an earlier version, I plan to update Yes, using the earlier models, has no plans to update No, I use headphones of another series of Audio-Technica < No, treat fans of other brands Voted 182 people. 81 people abstained. Only registered users can vote in polls. , please.
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