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Nostalgia with vinyl taste

Once upon a time, when the trees were bigger, the grass is greener, the sky - blue (in a good, not oposhlёnnom more sense of the word!), And the sun - brighter, I liked to listen to vinyl

! Well - I loved ... When like "wonderful", I mean music, the included player with corundum needle and ...
Alternatives in fact it was a little bit: tape recorders were (relatively) expensive (and scarce), the Internet was not at all (funny, right?), On the radio, "twisted" "classics" and on TV - "Morning mail" with "Pesnyary" so that vinyl discs, and in common parlance - a plate (or, in the jargon, "layers") were practically the only "national" carrier "canned" sound in the home
. And by the way, quite a quality and durable vehicle! No wonder they are now also found a "second life» ...

It's a pity that they did not yield to copy (but we now understand, and then on the "copyright" conversations were not). That is, of course, "layers" can be "rewritten" for "bobbin" (coil), and later on cassette (and, incidentally, for the preservation of vinyl so should do, but more on that below), but - see. above, about the deficit ... But the record copy to "blank plate" was not possible, due to the absence of such (ingots, hehe!).

Since then, digital technology and computers firmly in my life, the music (videos and books, too) with any needs quality was perhaps "download", carriers began to flash the size of a "semachki", and the value of modern reproducing apparatus has become a "penny" (I I mean what is called "consumer goods", that is, what are the broad masses of the people, without touching the so-called "audiophile" devices).

But worth it appear possible to test a modern turntable is immediately awakened dormant until this time, reflexes, setting me on a nostalgic mood.

Thus, the hero of this review - absolutely fresh turntable, the May new company ION Audio, LLC model Air LP , with built-in Bluetooth module.

ION Audio - this is not China, as it may seem for the title, "sharashka in the basement of his uncle Liao," and already known developer and manufacturer of consumer electronic music devices. ION Audio is part of a private American group inMusic, founded in 2003 (this group also includes the company Numark, Alesis, Akai Professional, M-Audio, MixMeister, SONiVOX, Alto Professional, Denon DJ, Denon Professional, Marantz Professional). < br> ION Audio has a professional team of developers, which takes advanced technology and transforms them into a complete solution at an affordable price, allowing customers a new way to enjoy music, to digitize classic recording, easy to learn to play a musical instrument. ION Audio range includes 4 product groups: domestic discos, personal Open Air, turntables, music instruments.

As stated in the accompanying manual (except for the general brochures in several European languages ​​is also attached a separate thin pamphlet in Russian!), The player ION Audio Air LP has a variety of "talent": in addition to actually playing vinyl records on all three "speeds", it can also "give" the sound is not only the usual "tulips", but also work with Bluetooth-systems! That is to say, with my favorite Bluetooth-headset too!
Also it can "digitize" the music through USB-connection to a computer (via a special program), and you can listen to the audio through your computer.
But that's not all: in the player has a line input, through which you can connect any recorder or player, and just pass it sound to Bluetooth-headset or "digitize»

. Test, thank God, there is what: there was a set of plates with the Soviet-made rock and pop music, there are also a few pieces of the production of "socialist", and even though the last "78 RPM", they are also no problem, you can listen in this player.
The player came to me in the original ION-ray box of brown corrugated cardboard packaging, labels from which it follows that the weight of the contents of 3, 43 kg, and together with the packaging -. 4, 87 kg. It is designated as the amount of 1, 59 cubic feet (well, that's about as long and wide with a standard keyboard and a height of 2 times less) and the location of the office of the company ION Audio -. Cumberland
< br>

It is also noted that the model ION Audio AIR LP is made in the European version - it is the truth, the power adapter is well suited to our outlets

. Inside the "gray" box was also firm, but "beautiful" color box of coated cardboard, with a large image of a subject and a bunch of information on the bottom.

Russian language in the box, unfortunately not - well, we do not get used


Inside this box already contains the actual player.

Traditional foam holders, many of polyethylene film, in separate bags - management and cords. All traditional, reliable, accurate.

The kit includes, in addition to the player itself: the power supply to 12 volts as the AC adapter, USB AB cable, stereo cable cinch-cinch cord to line input with plug-type "jack" 3, 5 mm at both ends, the CD-ROM program EZ Vinyl / Tape Converter, as well as three booklets: warranty information (in foreign languages), and two, they say, Quick Start, one for all European, while the other - purely Russian. And pay attention to the slashes in the name of the program - it is a direct hint that can not only digitize a vinyl, but also, for example, with a tape recorder ...

The player is made in strict black and transparent glossy style also nostalgia for calling unavailable "while" high-end turntables. Yes, body - not plastic, and MDF coated "piano lacquer»


Cover transparent, very clear, the material is now referred to as "acrylic", and in our time called simply
"Plexiglas." For transport, it is lined with a polyethylene protective film with the effect of "sticking" (not Scotch, unstick without traces!), Preserving the pristine gloss acrylic.

The first thing striking bright yellow sticker explaining particular use button «Bluetooth». Needle (cartridge) closed with a plastic removable protection.

Of the controls, except "krutilki" volume are present: Bluetooth button, switch plate speed (has all the options: 33, 45 and 78 rpm), the lever on-off hitchhiking and lifter allowing gently lower and raise the "needle" on the record . Tonearm in the "stowed" position attached special
"snap." There is also a headphone jack, a standard 3-mm "jack».

The boom arm - metal, the rest is all plastic. Microlift is higher on the speed regulator (not hit the frame).

Eagle full-face:


Red plastic - obviously cartridge, that in our time called

«pickup." Actually needle - transparent diamond. In "our time" it was an expensive rarity, most were corundum needle, lower-quality and durable ...
To remove the cartridge, I'm not going to, t. To. To change it anyway no matter what, and how his "otschёlknut" I do not understand (I do not want to break) ...

In the pictures a lot of bright spots on the plastic - a glow of light from the flash, to the naked eye it looks civilized and smooth

. There is a felt (some non-woven fabric, pleasant to the touch) round pad on the disk drive to record was "gently lie».

In the upper right corner can be seen a kruglyash - an adapter for 45-revolving plates with a large hole (according to Wikipedia, issued plate with slits around the central hole, could break down the "midway", to use such a disc in the jukebox, to be honest, to I never got such).

That's the way it is worn. In contrast to the Soviet versions, it is combined not with a brush for cleaning records - but that's a good thing, do not be tempted to "quickly wipe" plate, thereby spoiling it ...

It is possible to note that the central drive pin does not rotate, it serves as a fixed axis on which "turns" disk drive.

habitually do not discuss "the rich Pinocchio" and audiophile - as guinea perform disc widely known in narrow circles of the "Autograph", not overly zatёrty, but not too new (well, what else can be drives a conventional fan "of the case" - not the class).

As a full-fledged machine for washing plates I make laziness (I'm not going to devote my life to vinyl, there is a lot more - for me - interesting activities, for example, my keyboard), then to test the plate was slightly mashed through a lint-free cloth, towels, first mild soap solution, then with pure water - strictly along tracks! - That is, in a circular motion

. And then, with a sense of anticipation connected "tulips" Amplifier "Home Theater", and - an exciting moment - the first launch

! Notice when you "stick" the power supply connector - there, in the back, next to the jack have on-off button, I during the next connection accidentally pressed her, she shut down, and a couple of minutes, I wondered why no spinning plate ...

Oh, it turns out, the rotation of the plate (when hitchhiking) itself begins as soon as the needle is on the record (at the switched off - always rotates, while "stuck in the socket")! Yeah, but something lifter with gradual lowering of the arm (not all "Soviet" "turntables" such was)!

Excellent - plays !!! And, exactly as they should "play" of the plate. Just remember the youth ...

Since my amp set to modern digital "elektronschinu", the lack of high frequency heard - they choke the mids (anyone interested can "listanut" "vetch" about the characteristics of vinyl.). Although "warm vacuum tube" hissing needle on the walls of the path and sparse remaining specks heard, of course, clearly ... That is no problem player plays all audio frequencies, and "lifted up" EQ "at the top" (and, if desired, and "on bottoms "), you can get a rough correspondence to the modern" Flake. "
I have lost the habit of some "warm mechanical hiss" of the needle, so nostalgia manifested "in full growth»

. By the way, you know the difference between a music lover (and vinyl in particular) from the real audiophile? Music lovers and audiophile - noise in the pauses
! So, I will listen to music that way and, as such, that was in the days of my youth!

But completely untouched plate with anthems of the USSR and the Union Republics (well, who would have listened to them, "while" -What!) Sounds exactly like our anthem should sound without equalizer correction - there is no "electronic high" Symphony orchestra - is the power

! Also, I listened to some records through not the worst Soviet wired headphones, brand new multimedia "svenovskie" headphones via bluetooth headset that allows listening to music from your phone - the sound is the same, as well as through an amplifier, the first time is not enough "high "(if it is to listen directly to the player via a special output for headphones on the top panel). Depending on the configuration equalizer in my "home theater", of course, everything becomes absolutely wonderful!

Plates "78" is also played back without question, the quality is also quite decent (not counting more hiss of the needle due to the high speed along the path of motion of the needle - that if someone came up to lubricate the plate all the same, "a pair of dry friction" is obtained). As far as my memory serves, they just sound "on all 100", exactly as heard in the Soviet era. Moreover, and "sotslagernye" and "Aprelevka".
A fox "Istanbul" vividly reminded me of a movie with Sean Connery as James Bond "Never say« never »».

To compare the quality of playback player was otvezёn home to another, is interested vinyl (he Arcturus-006, an amplifier and speakers 8.1 JVC S-90 + Subwoofer - machinery and equipment, of course, does not compare with my orphan "cinema"). some of the most favorite records were listened to them, one by one on his player and ION-e - in the end, one is literally struck by the quality as it was originally put it, "this flat Chinese balalaika»

! Well, because the unit allows you to easily digitize records directly to a computer (via USB-cable), then installing from the supplied CD-ROM software EZ Vinyl / Tape Converter, I digitized a couple of songs. The program interface is a kind of "master" who, without much fuss hold a user for all necessary items in order (in the interface in English only, but there are literally three words, remember them, if necessary, glancing in Google-translator, is not difficult).

Album title and artist uses as the name of the folder to store the digitized tracks - by the way, keeps it in a format wav, instead of mp3, in principle, it is better for further processing, as the format wav - «lossless», and mp3 - « lossy "(what does that mean - to help Google to digitize primary and storing intermediate processing results it is always better to use a" lossless "format, and here is the result, of course, it is better to keep in a" chassis "format)

. To view the spectrum and signal processing of digitized songs I used the trial version of a great audio editing GoldWave. Below are the spectra (left to right): the digitized signal of the first composition of the disk group Autograph (clearly noticeable lack of high frequencies), the same as after the light treatment of the composition (elevated "up" slightly "lower classes", "crushed" noise, then - the normalization) and the spectrum of the same composition, downloaded from the Internet (apparently, digitized on hardware profiles). It is seen that after the treatment spectrum is much closer to "Professor" -quality.

I can say that in my not top class, "home theater" I liked the composition is in my treatment (with all its - processing - "clumsy" and imperfection) than the "professional", somehow more "intense" music turned out, the professionals get too "dry", "sterile". Well, I spoke like a true audiophile! But, really, "toying" with the settings audio editing, you can achieve the "new" sound familiar even soundtracks.

According to the waveform received at all nearly one-in-one.

So, I can assure you that the ability to capture with this player - it's very cool, especially since independent processing of sound in our time does not present any difficulties, programs for this - the sea (there are free), there is also the so-called "batch "processing, it is possible to put on a record, to set the automatic separation of tracks (such a" tick "is a program EZ Vinyl / Tape Converter), and after the end of the set the automatic treatment according to preset parameters (which will be sufficient to determine the" manual "only for one song album), together with conversion is now a popular format mp3, and get ready to exit the collection "with vinyl»!

By the way, once again hint: this player can not only digitize vinyl discs, but any of the phonogram from any equipment connected cord with two "jacks" on the ends (is included!) In the linear output line input! That is, you can not only digitize records, but also your favorite recordings, for example (of course, you can digitize and simply "via computer", but there is everything established, everything is there - work on health)

. Finally I would like to recall briefly (and young people - to tell), how to handle the vinyl

First of all, it is necessary to keep the plate in the vertical position (in any case do not "stack"!).. Are undesirable too high and too low temperatures (preferably room temperature) and humidity Plastic bags -. Evil. Better paper. Polyethylene is electrified, which contributes to dust build-up, which is always and everywhere. Wipe the plate should be exactly along the tracks, in a circular motion (though, it is better, perhaps, to wash a special contactless machine). remove dust from the plates can be in many ways, from the purchase (or production, there is nothing "space"), a special machine for cleaning and to remove dust using PVA glue (it is claimed, does not wet the vinyl, but sticks together dust, and after drying can be easily removed in the form of a film with the dust). You can also clean as I described above.

In any method of cleaning, of course, should avoid contact with detergent and water on the label. Специальные чистящие и моющие составы для моющих машинок и для ручной мойки пластинок, несмотря на всю свою «фирмовость» и дороговизну — спорны, не все они подходят ко всем видам пластмассы, из которой отлита пластинка, не все хорошо отмывают грязь и далеко не всегда оправдывают свою цену (там часто обычные моющие средства, разбавленные водой) — но тут уж каждый ищет для себя оптимум… Чтобы не «заигрывать» уникальную или просто понравившуюся пластинку, её можно (и нужно !) переписать на более «стойкий» носитель, и рассмотренный в данном обзоре проигрыватель ION Audio AIR LP даёт для этого все возможности! А раньше приходилось переписывать на магнитофон… Среди «советских» любителей винила считалось, что при первом прослушивании пластинка теряет до 25% своего ресурса, при втором — ещё 10%, ну и далее — по убывающей. Про 25%, возможно, и преувеличение, но новую пластинку при первом прослушивании лучше сразу оцифровать (современное оборудование и форматы хранения позволяют получить точную копию). Ну и, бонусом к обзору, приведу снимки дорожек виниловой пластинки под микроскопом (взято из интернета). На правом снимке видна пыль (до чистки).

Итак, основное сказано, пластинки послушаны-оцифрованы, аудиофильские наклонности и ностальгия удовлетворены — пора переходить к выводам.

А выводы — все только положительные, как ни странно!

цена (для такой техники — это «копейки»); хорошее качество звука; очень, очень приличный и солидный вид; проигрыватель компактный и лёгкий; Bluetooth (можно слушать через гарнитуру от телефона, а можно подключить к аудиосистеме «за 1, 5 лимона» — ниже приведена фотография с выставки, где с такой «до́нельзя продвинутой» аудиосистемой четыре дня «трудился» аппарат чуть более дешёвой категории — ION Audio Pure LP); все варианты скорости воспроизведения (33, 45 и 78 оборотов); выход для наушников с регулятором громкости (это помимо линейного выхода для подключения усилителя); прямое подключение к компьютеру по USB с возможностью непосредственной оцифровки «на лету»; возможность оцифровать звук и с других устройств (магнитофоны и т. п.); полноформатный (при проигрывании даже большого диска «на 33 оборота» можно свободно закрыть прозрачную крышку;
а их нет, проигрыватель недорогой, и требовать от него параметров, цена которых начинается от «полштукиевро», по крайней мере, глупо! Ну не считать же существенным недостатком необходимость небольшой перестройки эквалайзера?

Источник: geektimes.ru/post/278868/