10 kinds of lies in which we somehow believe
In life we are surrounded by stereotyped notions of what is right and what is not. We get used to take them for the truth and live by clinging to them, despite the fact that very often this weight pulls us down.
Website offers an article layfhakera Mark Chernoff, in which he helps us to meet face to face lie.
1. Lie own - means "lonely" The fact that you are alone, it does not mean that you are alone. And, if it comes to that, a personal relationship is not guarantee happiness. And leave without a pair, you will never be alone as much as in all the wrong ways. If you understand that the life of this man will not leave anything good, it is better to tear the relationship and take the time to the most important person in your life - you. Try to find yourself. To regain self-esteem. And the next time you find yourself in a rapidly sinking personal relationships, you will be ready in time to leave them.
2. False Happiness - is when you have everything you hotiteTo you happy does not mean that you do not want to. You just be grateful for what you have, and patiently wait for that to happen. Sometimes we are so carried away by the desire for something more, which completely lose sight of those tiny things that make our lives magic. Therefore, most today - trust me, it's worth it. After all, he - one of those "good old days", which you will remember with such nostalgia in old age.
False 3. If someone is ill, you are right it is, and we uviditeVsem painful and scary and bad. Just some learned to hide it much better than others. You do not know what goes on behind the closed doors of their souls, and therefore judge people only by what you see - a waste of time and effort. If you have time to discuss and condemn other people, you probably have too much free time. It is better to point it at something worthy.
False 4. Life has to go a certain way, and did not harm inacheNikto stronger than we are. But, having put his soul wound, we are able to heal, and it - it is sometimes enough not to be ashamed of your thoughts and be realistic. After all, we always have a choice of how to respond to the situations faced by our life. So give up the unrealistic image in your head, under which you are trying to adjust your life, and start to take it for what it is. Change that is amenable to change, change your perspective on what can not be changed, and continue to move forward.
False 5. You must be like for someone drugogoKogda you stop comparing yourself to other people - whether real or imagined - and when you stop to compare yourself with other versions of themselves (for the most part exist only in your head) only then you start to live in peace - and only in this alone there is absolutely nothing illusory.
False 6. A truly great life lived only a few izbrannyeEsli every morning you will wake up with the words, "Today I was waiting for a good day" and go to sleep, knowing how much he was good ... Only then one day, after many years, you can, remembering bygone, smile and say: "My life was excellent».
False 7. We do not need hard vremenaPoroy, to find happiness, you need to go through the real hell. Sometimes, in order to meet the right people, you have to get rid of those who have no place in your life. Sometimes, in order to understand what it means to be strong, you have to feel weak. Sometimes you feel like your soul is split into parts in order to gain an inviolable integrity. Sometimes to find the only man with whom you can spend the rest of life, it is necessary to pass through the crowds. Sometimes we have to welcome with open arms both good and bad, knowing that in the end both will bring us invaluable experience.
False 8. Be strong - so do not feel Bolin really strong people - the ones who feel the pain, accept it, learns from it everything what can, and then overcome it. The essence of power - in the determination to ask for a respite, shed tears, shake, and then return to the ring to fight the way you've never had.
9. Lies Lies "for the good" - is normalnoPrezhde than to say "I love you" feel the love. Be truly grateful thanks to someone. Remorse, apologizing. Believe me, when your words are backed up by a genuine sense, they penetrate into the depths of the hearts of others.
10. False Dreams - waste vremeniVelichayshie gifts - those that are not visible to the eye, but the feelings of the heart. What we see is only a small part of what is possible. Imagination - is the ability to look beyond the horizon, to imagine that it is very important to us, but is hidden from view. Somewhere and someday you will certainly be waiting for something incredible - if your dreams will be enough to get it.
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via www.cluber.com.ua/lifestyle/samorazvitie-lifestyle/2014/10/10-vidov-lzhi-v-kotoruyu-vas-ubedili-poverit/