Caution: Polish!
Poland is among the ten most difficult languages in the world largely because of their phonetic features. There a huge number of consonants, and they add up to such unimaginable combination that say they are not easily given to carriers even related Slavic languages, and already have all sorts of Germans, Britons and Spaniards just hair stand on end on the type of the Polish text.
But Website said that in any language you can hear poetry. Simply tighten your vocal apparatus and try to say these few words.
Transfer How to say chrząszcz
Beetle hshonshch źdźbło
stem zh'dzh'blo przeszczęśliwy
very happy psheshchenschlivy pięćdziesiąt
Fifty penchdzh'eschont zwierzę
Beast zvezhe gżegżółka
Cuckoo gzhegzhulka dźwięczny
sonorous dzh'venchny dżdżysty
rainy dzhdzhysty świerszcz
Cricket schvershch wszystko w porządku
okay vshystko in pozhondku pszczoła
Bee pshchola brzmi
sounds bzhmi księżyc
month, moon kschenzhyts chrabąszcz
chafer hrabonshch trzcina
Reed tshchina gwóźdź
nail gvuzh'dzh 'czcionka
type, font chchonka cześć
Hello cheschch absztyfikant
fan apshtyfikant szczur
Rat shchur
And now, when you have learned to pronounce words in Polish, try to cope with these patters:
Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie w Szczebrzeszynie. - In Szczebrzeszyn the beetle buzzes in reeds. - Hshonshch bzhmi tshchine f f Shchebzheshyne. Pocztmistrz z Tczewa, rotmistrz z Czchowa. - Pochtmistr to Tczew, with captain Czchow. - Pochtmistsh with Tcheva, rotmistsh with Chhova. Czarna krowa w kropki bordo gryzie trawę kręcąc mordą. - A black cow spots quickly chews the grass, shaking his muzzle. - Czarna shelter in Bordeaux kropki gnawed traveen krentsats mordon. W czasie suszy, szosa sucha. - During the drought the road is dry. - F sushy often, the SCO is dry. Przygwoźdź bździągwa gwoździem źdzbło, to pobździ źdzbłko
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via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/yazyk-v-kotorom-vse-naoborot-794360/