15 films with an open ending

Sometimes the ending of the film leaves us at a loss and plunges into deep reasoning, offering himself to think out what it was over. Such a movie for a long time remains a matter of debate and discussion, and benefits from an open ending.
Website gathered 15 great films, the ending of which is rather ambiguous.
Start / Inception
Well, who among us did not share opinions with friends about stopped still a top or not, and where in the end turned out to be Cobb - a dream or reality. Do not get lost in this maze of games and reflections impossible, and Christopher Nolan in full confusing viewers.
Captive / Prisoners

The film is about the unfairness of life, on the one hand and a gift of fate - on the other. Faith, hope, and supported by a happy event - the key to success. Open finale leaves the possibility to think, it always works this combination.
Shutter Island / Shutter Island

The finale is not even to a feeling of mild innuendo and allows to interpret the story. It just makes the rush between the two extremes, and it is unclear which of the two diametrically opposite explanations of the events could be taken for granted.
Last night in New York / Last Night

A film about the everyday love, old memories and the lies nascent. Open final - a definite plus of this picture, which allows each of us to choose the future fate of each character in the drama.
Mr. Nobody / Mr. Nobody

All humans are immortal for a long time and happily watching the TV show with the main star - a decrepit old man mad Nemo, who tells how he lived. Only now it's not clear chronological narrative, and different versions of his life. What a way to end chose Mr Nemo? Maybe all this it simply fantasy?
Inappropriate chelovek

Imagine a perfect world. In this world, everyone is smiling, there is an easy job with a good salary, any woman becomes yours in the first word and no problems. We can only live and enjoy. Or maybe not at all? In the film, there is no clear beginning or end - and this is its charm.
Life of Pi / Life of Pi

The son of the owner of the zoo tells us how one day he was shipwrecked in the same boat with a zebra, a hyena, and an orangutan. How to survive in the sea in the company of a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. The story has the second bottom. But the point Pi - tell you what to believe and what the final prefer and what to remove morality, everyone has the right to decide for himself.
Existence / eXistenZ
David Cronenberg has built the story around the issue of moral and physical degeneration. He has created an amicable crazy, absurd model of the world in which ridiculed whether gamers, or whether, on the contrary, the "realists", and maybe everyone. The finale leaves us with a question - we're still playing?
Remember / Memento

"Remember" - a film test: everyone is invited to test their memory, attention and analytical skills. To add all the pieces into a coherent picture, we must remember the previous one, connect it to the next, and even "scroll" is mentally in the reverse order. All this is just crazy, besides at the end of Nolan decides to finish the ambiguous ending.
Vanished / Gone Girl

"Vanished" - this ingenious tragicomedy that good deal will not be called marriage. Normally open ending suggests a few scenarios. Here - a slightly different case. Rather, it is vague, lacking clear contours the end of interesting stories.
Love Me If You Dare / Jeux d'enfants
This is a movie about love, but it was not what we used to see her in the tapes of this genre. I love here - unhealthy, mad, devoid of frames and borders, finally destructive. As a result, this brilliant adventure - an ambiguous final and little hope: maybe the heroes still lived to a happy old age?
Prestige / The Prestige

It is difficult to understand who's bad and who is good. The two main characters perform as noble and ignoble deeds and interpret their behavior, each in different ways. The entire film is like one big illusion, leaves a good basis for debate. Try to solve the next puzzle Nolan.
Up in the Sky / Up in the Air

For nearly two hours, George Clooney mesmerizing spectators with his charm. But this is not just another story about a clever seduction - is the story of a man who was not to part with their loneliness. Open final here could not be relevant. There are only a fork in the road, the intersection of network and the hint of a secret life, you always have a choice.
Highway / Lost Highway

It makes no sense to explain the plot as "Lost Highway" - another cinematic puzzle David Lynch. Perhaps a strange film, but only as it was intended. The result of view - as usual with Lynch - open mouth, scratching neck and complete bewilderment: what the hell it was?
Blade Runner / Blade Runner

It's hard to find a movie that would contain much philosophical themes. The plot - the questions of life and death. Initially, the film was a happy ending, but the picture was taken badly by film critics and failed at the box office. Later (in 1992), "happy ending" excluded and "Blade Runner" was open ending, after which he was recognized as the best science fiction film in history.
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