Diseases which can tell our language. I ran behind the mirror!

eyes as we know, are the mirror of the soul. A language - an indicator of our body. In healthy people, the language of light pink, wet and uniform surface: without spots, sores and grooves. Papillae on the tongue well razlichimy.Poyavlenie fur can indicate various diseases, but sometimes in small form observed in a healthy person. In particular, adolescents during puberty can form plaque due to hormonal jump. Permissible to consider a light, white and odorless coating, through which you can see the pink yazyka.Kstati summer raid more pronounced, but clearly visible papillae of the mucous membrane, in the autumn of plaque - drier and brighter, and in winter is yellowish. And it is important to observe good oral hygiene: use a special toothbrush with a smooth back surface for yazyka.Zdorovy yazyk

Color uniformly pink, tongue moist, without plaque, furrows, spots and so on. This is an indication that the stomach and digestive system is well funktsioniruyut.Legky white nalet

Evidence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver. For setting a more precise diagnosis (low acidity, stomach ulcers and so on.) Should contact vrachu.Intensivny layer of white naleta

A thick layer of white residue indicates that some systems in the body operates fully functional. Including this may indicate the presence of viral infektsii.Zhelty nalet

This sign of liver disease or gall bladder. Also appears when poor digestion, zaporah.Pokryty grooves and unevenly colored yazyk

The so-called "geographical" language - a sign of gastrointestinal ailments. If the grooves are so deep that look like cracks - it is a signal of the high content of sugar in the blood. To establish an accurate diagnosis will help spetsialist.Bledno white yazyk

White or pale tongue indicates digestive diseases. This feature is often accompanied by loose stools, cold hands and feet, fatigue, and sometimes abdominal zhivota.A excessively pale and dry language often indicates a deficiency of blood, which may be accompanied by dizziness, anxiety, memory impairment, insomnia, chapped lips, anemia. Bright red yazyk

Language bright red color almost always indicates an infection in the body. Red dots on the tongue can be an indication of heat or inflammation in blood. Children can manifest as immune response to infection. A dark red color - a sign of kidney damage or toxicity organizma.Yazyk red konchikom

The tip of the tongue light heart. If the tip of the tongue red without the presence of the disease. it may indicate nerve potryaseniya.Krasny at the edges yazyk

It indicates excessive enthusiasm spicy or fatty foods, strong drinks. According to Oriental medical, so also can manifest itself longtime anger or obida.Fioletovy yazyk

Most often this is caused by the color of the language deficiency of vitamin B2. It can also occur in women who have menstrual problems or people experiencing chronic bol.Sinyushny yazyk

Cyanosis of the tongue - a serious signal. It is necessary to urgently seek medical advice. This is a sign that not enough oxygen enters the tissue. And it may indicate the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart or respiratory dysfunction putey.Zhelty yazyk

If the yellowness of long passes, it is a sign of liver disease and gall bladder. And when the front of the tongue is yellow - a sign gepatita.Zelenovaty yazyk

A greenish patina can appear in a strong poisoning, including intoxication strong napitkami.Drevnie Chinese healers believe that language is an extension of our hearts, so it is very important to monitor his condition.