Lie detector - the whole truth.

The war against terrorism requires advanced forensic technology. In this regard, it is important to develop perfect lie detectors, aka printing. Until now, any detector can be fooled. However, not so long ago there were fundamentally new lie detectors.

This model responds to temperature changes around the eyes. This is one of the first devices that read the psychophysical data without direct contact with the human body.
Moreover, the data are processed instantly and expertise does not require the presence of psychophysiology, as is the case with traditional lie detectors.
The principle of operation is based on the fact that when a person experiences psychological discomfort - is lying or disingenuous - he has increased intraocular pressure, there is a rush of blood to the eyeballs, because of which the temperature rises periocular area.

The device is intended for use at airports and checkpoints. It is a heat chamber, locking in the infrared image change in temperature. The smallest camera can be the size of a postage stamp. The image is on a computer. The device works correctly in 80% of cases.
The discovery of the effect of infrared communication and emotional state was, as so often happens, by chance, scientists have studied the dependence of the metabolism of physical activity. During a series of experiments the subject, chewing gum, using thermal cameras investigated.
The pictures were clearly visible temperature "divorce" and swings in the front part due to the intense chewing. Suddenly the floor dropped lab book and the subject, fearing started. The camera recorded the change "termoportreta».
But this detector is not perfect. Write error in the result may be a variety of factors: the availability of a draft in the room or the food eaten the suspect shortly before the interrogation.
For instant identification of terrorists in the crowd it was created a portable lie detector Handy Truster, which interprets the slightest changes in the human voice.
The result of listening to the voices on the screen in the form of a bitten apple and a cover over the kettle. Apple describes the excitement and deceit: slightly bitten - a suspicious excitement, half - an attempt to avoid the answer, skinny stump - a lie. Regulations cover describes the level of stress: on the teapot - a man calm, flew into the air - irritable, boiled to the limit - furious.
In NASA developed a new technology that can save us from having to say the words out loud. The fact is that when a man says to himself, the brain sends signals to control the language, he inadvertently moves, while the air is supplied, and a person's mouth is closed.
Special sensors capture the vibrations of the language and read them, transforming into a coherent information. Now the system has a small vocabulary, but to understand what a person thinks. The technology can be used in cell phones and similar devices. It is not clear why NASA is engaged in ...
Apparently, the perfect lie detector will be created not soon. Despite the fact that for nearly a century of its existence, the polygraph has reached the peak of its technical excellence, all the currently available models demonstrate error, invalid in judicial practice.
Despite this, the United States, Israel, Poland and other countries, these polygraphs used in sentencing, which naturally causes a sharp protest human rights
Handy Truster
Modern pocket lie detector. Handy Truster gives the suspect by voice. The display device is displayed whole apple; if the test is lying, apple slices disappear.
Text Miner
The computer program, which allows to determine the truthfulness of a text. Text Miner'a database includes tens of thousands of texts created solely in order to mislead the reader. The program is capable of up to 95% to determine the degree of falsity / veracity of the analyzed text.
Termoskaner able to detect invisible to the naked eye redness around the eyes liar. American intelligence agencies are going to use this device to detect terrorists at airports.

Experiments conducted at the Cologne Institute of Sociology, proved that women love when they're lying!
Dame asked, they would prefer to be a man confessed to change or hide the unfortunate fact? Out of a hundred 84 respondents stated that they prefer honesty, and only 16 admitted that they prefer to lie. Then the woman hooked up to a lie detector and repeat the question. It turned out - almost all lovers of fairness (79 of 84) lied. After reviewing the results, ladies, hesitating, said that one matter of principle, and the other - the subconscious ...
Famous Liar
Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798)
Sex machine, unstoppable seducer, ladies man, who could not deny any woman? Biography Casanova is known for he published "Stories of my life." But historians have established that most of the adventures described it - pure lies.
Kim Philby
(1912-1988) worked at the heart of British intelligence. English for many years, did not know that their secrets to the Soviet Union issued the person who is obliged to protect them. When Philby calculated, he fled to the Soviet Union and lived quietly until old age pensioner in the position of honor.
I tried to cheat nature, succeeding race. Nature does not forgive this and regularly gets Michael back: the nose fails, jaw split in two, the skin on the face droop. Now Jackson, getting out of the pressure chamber, is forced to walk, roll up in a black veil.
ROB Pilatus (1966-1998) and the ESF Morvan
(p. 1969)
The group Milli Vanilli shamefully left the stage when it was found that the participants of the "Discovery 1990" really opened my mouth by different people recorded songs. However, all this came up is not Morvan with Pilatus and their producer Frank Farian.
Sergey Mavrodi (b. 1955)
In 1993, Candidate of Mathematical Sciences Mavrodi calculated interesting scheme. As it turned out that at a certain level of influx of people, making money, you can safely pay dividends to earlier investors, and still have. The scheme was named MMM.
David Copperfield (b. 1956)
He made to disappear, and the Statue of Liberty went through the Great Wall of China. One of his focus was not so long ago unmasked: due to a sudden power outage "flying" Copperfield fell 15 meters onto the stage. The roar was heard even in the back rows.
Count Cagliostro (1743-1795)
At 33 Giuseppe Balsamo took the title of Count Cagliostro. As the Count, he invented an elixir of life, increases several times diamonds, foresaw the future and heal the terminally ill babies. Sentenced to life imprisonment.
Animal liar
LIE CAN ONLY PERSON? VAIN We are so proud of its exceptional. Yes, let's say, our abilities in this field of development more than the dumb CREATURES - however, these creatures without any VOICES manage to lie, pretend and cheated so shamelessly that a hundred times to think before giving HIS innocent child WORKS Bram.
Marine catfish
Lie predatory fish, pretending that they - not tasty, nutritious catfish and inedible urchin. When a predator huddling flock resembling an animal.
When predators approach the nest, partridge pretend to be crippled, vyhramyvayut meet and make the hunter chase them to get him away from her chicks.
Gray crow
The female to male likes to pretend fledgling chick. She ruffles feathers, opens his mouth and squeaks, demanding that the gentleman brought her something in the beak.
In full use of their resemblance to a piece of wood, credulous podkaraulivaya beetles, butterflies and small lizards.
Sharpening his claws on a tree. Other grizzlies are measured and tagged and leave when the claws do not reach the host. Sometimes taps roll stones and trunks to climb on them to be higher.
ALTERNATIVE lie detector
Among the Pygmies were common practice knocking out teeth during the "trial." Specially trained assistant shaman dealt a blow to the jaw of the accused. Number of broken teeth indicative of the degree of guilt of the suspect.
In China, the Middle Ages to the suspect in the voluminous mouth shoved a handful of rice flour. If after the announcement of the charges remained dry flour (fear stopped salivating) - Wine suspect was considered proven.
In India, the defendant, listening to testimonies related to various crimes, had after each word to beat the gong. It was believed that the more confident he will be in his innocence, the more powerful your shot.
Polynesian shamans judge the guilt or innocence of a suspect in his sperm. As a result of clever operations (warm-up, mixing with herbs and mushrooms, and so on. D.) The semen becomes a part of a cocktail with which the shaman reaches the ecstatic state. The spirit of the shaman gives sperm a liar.