Lying Lie Detector

Even the first FBI director J. Edgar Hoover knew that the polygraph is not suitable for detecting lies. He annulled the test.
The polygraph was invented in 1915 by a graduate of Harvard University, William Moulton Marston, who claimed that this little clumsy contraption can detect lies by measuring blood pressure. But the main pride Marston was not the invention, a sloppy image, on the basis of which later appeared cartoon character - "Wonder Woman."

Over the past 85 years, the polygraph has not changed much compared to its ancestor created by Marston. "In fact, this machine is able to recognize the truth no better than the priests of ancient Rome," says physician and a senior fellow at the Center for National Security and Arms Control at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, Alan Zelikoff. I told this
In an article for the magazine "The Skeptical Inquirer" Zelikoff, writes that the operator of a polygraph - a kind of a fake actor or a hypnotist who is trying to appease (or intimidated by) people to believe that the device is able to catch them in the slightest inconsistency. "

Object verification nervous, being strapped to a chair, and is often subject to the suggestion of the atmosphere surrounding this cheap trick. As a result, it becomes a pliable material in the hands of the machine operator, who then starts haunting the extensive and illegal interrogation, "wrote Zelikoff».
Objects to scan from time to time say that the machine "shows the deception." Of course, it is not. Man constantly forced to clarify their answers, while it gives more and more personal information. " At any time, the operator interrupts the test device, consult the coils of graph paper and make a completely subjective decision about whether the response object false.
"Every medical student has a freshman knows that four indicators measured by a polygraph (blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, and breathing rate) affects an uncountable set of emotions: joy, hate, excitement, sadness, anxiety, depression, etc. - Zelikoff explains. But no one, not a single chapter in any medical book that ties these parameters with the intent to defraud. Moreover, dozens of studies over the past 20 years in the departments of psychology and medical schools throughout the world have shown that the polygraph can not determine when they speak the truth, and when lie ».

Connoisseurs of Wen Ho Lee case will remember that once the FBI deceive Taiwanese nuclear physicist (accused of spying for the Chinese in Los Alamos), stating that the polygraph tests showed that he was lying. Police and then resorted to such tricks - falsify the results of a forensic medical examination and then shoved it under the nose of the suspect and the cry that proved false, and it is better to immediately sign a confession.
The most comprehensive review of the polygraph held in 1983, the Bureau of Technology Assessment, a research department of the congress. The conclusion was: "There is no known physiological response which would be characteristic only of deception".
The report does note that the CIA and other security agencies "believe that the polygraph test is a useful tool." However, the Bureau concluded that the available studies do not support the scientific validity of polygraph use for this purpose.
The only praise polygraph was the fact that it may have some benefit in the "specific criminal incidents." But later in the report it mentioned that although in such cases lie-detector test detects cheating better than chance, the error rate can be quite substantial.
"As for the allegedly incriminating physiological reactions, the Congressional Research shows that they can be hidden with the help of traffic, drugs, or other means to avoid detection of deception».

There are many horror stories of federal employees who have been abused by a polygraph and its operators. Take, for example, the Navy veteran Daniel M. King, served for 19 years, and is suspected of passing classified information. King was imprisoned in the military prison in solitary confinement for 500 days, several times passed a polygraph test. Some of them lasted up to 19 hours. A military judge dismissed all charges against him.
Several years ago, an FBI agent Mark Malloy took a routine lie detector test. The printer, which had only 80 hours of experience with the car, came to the conclusion that Malloy had lied. (Zelikoff notes that even the hairdresser must pass a minimum of 1,000 hours of training before receiving permission to cut hair).
His life soon turned into a Kafkaesque story. He was stripped of his badge, his home was subjected midnight searches, and a diary of his daily meetings have been removed and carefully examined his neighbors, friends and relatives questioned, and each of its exit from the house controlled helicopter. In the end, life Malloy was practically destroyed, but no charges were not confirmed. The FBI finally apologized, and in 1988, Congress banned the use of the polygraph for the investigation of civil servants.
It is worth noting that the brothers Aldrick Ames Walker and without any difficulty fooled the polygraph. And Kim Philby before checking unyal excitement spoon Valium.
One of the investigators protection in California reported that, although the use of the polygraph is not allowed in most courts, he is being used by prosecutors, mainly in order to enter into a plea bargain. "It is dangerous, because the verdict of the polygraph is almost entirely dependent on the operator, - she says. - There are good printers, but many of those who work in the district attorneys, are only minimal training ».
An investigator described a recent incident that occurred with the witness for the defense in a murder case, which took a polygraph test under the supervision of former FBI printers with 20 years of experience. He was sent to the district attorney for re-test with examiner - a relative newcomer to work with the device.
Here it is necessary to clarify that lawyers have no right to be in the room during the test, even if verified evidence of customers. Prosecutors write this process on video, and although the results of a polygraph can not be used in court, the video may become evidence.
In the event that a lawyer was waiting in the lobby until the witness has left the room red as a lobster. Counsel heard the investigator District Attorney threatened witness: "Oh, you son of a bitch, I know you're lying. We will withdraw your parole. " Expert district attorney interpreted the data for one of his answers, as "false».
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